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Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 12:53 PM

It's all over, and I'm still living... if you call this LIVING, lol


I've seen this page way too many times in the past 24 hours. You can still sponsor me if you haven't already.

If you wanna get a laugh, read these pages:

The full blogathon collection, listed here for your convieneance... and my misspelling

Enjoy reading my suffering.

But now it's over, and I'm back in reality, which feels so weird. It's like getting killed by old man time or something, and coming back to life as a tree sprite. LOL, I don't know, it sounded good in my head. Sorry.

This is the classic "It's over/I slept a little/goddamnit I'm not doing this to my body ever again" entry. I only slept for like 3 hours or so, and my body is so crashing. Everything on me is numb, and I totally would really like to be having sex right now, and I seriously don't want to masturbate, because it's not quite as satisfiying. I mean, really-- why eat scrapple when you can know what you're eating, and have real meat? LMAO!

Speaking of eating... I ate a lot of fucking junk food yesterday. It helped keep me going, along with laughing with fun people. I can't thank everyone enough for coming to watch family guy, movies and more family guy with me. Closer to the middle of the day, I was kind of pissed, because I didn't think anyone was gonna show.

Gabi finally came over. About fucking time! It was good to have her in my house. She likes my bed, lol :-D. Oh, and I can now proudly say that I've been in my bed with Two other women. Ha! :-D

Sorry for the blunt honesty, but I'm like that after being awake for so long.

At first, when they all came to my house, I was a little pissed, because nobody told me that seven people were just gonna pop up like that. Next time, call me and preprare me guys! I looked out the window and saw a mob of people! Aaah! LOL

It was interesting seeing Frank and Wil interact with Gabi and I present. I think I want to see that again, because in my opinion they'd make okay friends. Frank and Mike could get along really well too. Jay and Mike (dark mike with the cynisism mike, not mike L-- "This fucking guy" mike) kinda hit it off in a way too. Jay, Frank, and Wil had a breif disucssion about Star Wars video games, which made me smile. I like to see new people get to know each other. Yay for introducing people to new people!

Dan was well, dan. He/she is still pretty much the same, only less sad. Good for him/her. I'm not quite sure where dan's at in his process yet... but he seems much happier than he was a year ago. Go Dan!

I was kinda bummed that the girls were all knocked out so early. That was okay though, because I think both gabi and trice would have tried to kick my ass for making them watch Jackass: The Movie-- which was funny as hell (and really fucking disgusting all at the same time!!). I laughed a lot.

All and all, the last few hours of the Blogathon were MUCH nicer than they were last year.

Maybe I'll try this whole, "Have a gathering/party at my apartment" thing again sometime, when I don't have to be up for 24 hours straight. I kind of enjoy playing host. Although I don't have much space, or sitting places that aren't the floor, I think when people come here, they generally have a good time. Yay!

Jackie didn't show, but I understood why-- She was hanging out with one of her friends, who was moving away. I'll hang out with her later this week. Liza didn't show either, but well, she's Liza, so I kinda expected that she wasn't going to come, in the back of my head.

Okay, I'm going to end this now.

Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 8:57 AM

The last entry of 2003 for the blogathon!! I made it again!!


It's been fun again. I raised more money this year, and I have some plans for next year.

I'm sort of regretting doing this, but I'm proud that I made it through, and it's really true that I wouldn't have been able to do this without the support of the kind humans that visited me.

Last year, I missed an update, because I totally took a nap, and slept for 45 minutes instead of 30.

But, I'm going to try and get some sleep-- on my couch. LOL.

Well, I'm excitied about what the world has in store for me for the remainder of the year. Thanks to everyone who donated, and to everyone who visited. Thanks to the people who run the blogathon, and THANK EVERYTHING for the sleep that I'm going to get.

I'm pretty sure that I'm going to fall asleep, wake up at noon, and be up for the remainder of the day. Wish me luck.

Love and adoration,

A very fucking tired- Pam

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