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Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 8:26 AM

one more left!!!!


OKay--- I'm so fucking beat. Beater than beat. I can feel my youth withering away. I can feel my energy, life, and human essence passing on to the day that has passed.

Then I remember that I had a pretty good fucking time today.


End this one,



Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 7:54 AM

You're damn right.


I'm a bit more awake now, so this is the for-real 8am update.

There are two sleeping people in this apartment.

Then there's me and frank.

You do the math.



Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 7:43 AM

cheatin' sorta

this is going to serve as my 8 00 update.

that's the facts, jack


Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 7:25 AM

3 more updates, right? Yeah three sounds right.

Well, family guy is back on the tv.

Nine o'clock is so close that I can taste it. That's among a few things I've yet to taste in the past 24 hours. Oh jesus, I am tired.

You know, I have a tendancy to be either just plain quiet, or talkitive and honest when I'm tired, and I think I'm in that talkitive and honest mood.

The facts are that I don't really have much to admit to at the moment. Well, I wouldn't say that I would need to fess up about anything, but I really do think I'd like to talk. Like, talking is really going to do me any fucking good right now.

Oh, in the morning my vision is so fucked, dude. Beyond having poor up-close vision (yeah, I know there's a term for that, but guess who gives a fuck? Not me!) Um... something was said, so I totally lost my train of thought. Ugh... okay, entry end.


Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 6:51 AM

a very late entry

This is an update.

I'm doing it because I have to

I'm tired.

It's seven am

I've been up for 24 fucking hours.



Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 6:26 AM

Whipped cream an whatnot

It's not that kinda party. But guess what? Wil, gabi, dan and mike all went home. Jay and frank are still here. So's trice. Trice is sleeping, so Jay, frank and I are chilling out, watching Killer Klowns from Outer space.

Fucking real.

So, I, being the kinda chick I am, broke out the whipped cream, reddi whip style. You think you know where this is going, but you have no idea.

The Whipped Cream comes out, and I eat some of it, and immediatly frank takes it from me and sprays some in Jay's face. So there was a whipped cream fight.

I'd give better details, but I'm fucking tired. Come on nine a m.

No more updates...


Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 5:50 AM


fuck shit ass bitch cunt shoobady doo wah

I'm awake.

It's six.


Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 5:27 AM

long lasting and tastes good

stilllll going!

I'd say nothing lasts longer than me, but quite honestly I really don't think I'm particularly long lasting.

Wow, look at me at 5:30 updating on time, and using multi-syllabellic words, and even spelling a few correctly.


Drew IMed me. He's still awesome. Not too many people who didn't come by IMed me today. I'm supprised... but It doesn't matter, because a buncha people came by today.



Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 5:00 AM


it's 5 am... goddamn

The girls are sleeping, and jackass is over. I'm awake on chocolate pepsi and the frappachino that i drank this morning. somehow I'm surviving...

Jackass the movie was so goddamn funny--- 'cept for the part where the guy shit himself. That was pretty fucked up right there, dude. I swear to god, Idf I never see someone elses' shit it'll bee too aoo....

I'm totally not looking to the screen so I don't know what this entry looks like at all. I'm sitting on the floor under my desk/table, so I can't see shit.

Nor do I want to see anyone's shit.

um, okay this entry is over



Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 4:25 AM



This is the funniest ever.

can't type... to busy laughing

Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 3:53 AM

jackass, episode one

We are watching jackass the movie

It's funny, disturbing, scary, and really fucked up!

OH MY GOD, a man just got his nipple bit by a little aligator!! WHOLY FUCK.


That's just not right at all dude!!! AHHH!


Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 3:30 AM


Wow! Three thirty on the dot!

Look at that! Without any help, even.

Okay, I'm officially starting to get tired. Not like, shitty tired, though. Not yet. That'll be around 5. At that point, I'm sure I'll be in pain, and really fucking tired.

Well, the really fucking tired part is obvious.

Needless to say, my coherancy... cohearancy... uh, yeah... that stuff, is starting to falter.



Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 3:02 AM

Uh... shit, I've got nothing.

Sometimes you just need to not care.

But I do! I care lots! That's why I'm staying up for 24 hours straight. Amnesty international.

All of the donations are going right to them. Yay! Ali said she's gonna donate. I'm not sure if I had mentioned that before.

We're still watching family guy... but soon it'll be Jackass: the movie. Aww yeah.

Entertainment shall ensue.


Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 2:52 AM

Rupert! Get on the bloody plane, and let's go home!


Here we are watching family guy. The whole disfuctional lot of us. Very disfucncitonal ... So, uh... I forgot what I was gonna write.

Well, Wil and I argued earlier, which is something I really enjoy, as I don't spend a lot of time with people who I can argue with without fear of either pissing them off, or hurting their feelings. I like arguing sometimes. It gets frustration out.

Why did peter just do the pee-pee dance?!?!

Peter... the fmaily guy dude... there's no one here named peter... Uh...

Okay, it's going on three.

Latrice is falling asleep, and so is gabi. The guys are still fully awake, which rocks. They're laughing and being loud. Frank and Jay just bonded over staying up for long periods of time. Uh yay them?

I'm going to end this now. Peace.


Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 2:26 AM

Family guy, and balls on my cat's ass

Good evening--

I'm watching family guy, and my foot hurts so bad.... oh! And I totally had to pee earlier... like badly. I didn't even realize haow badly I had to go.

Well, family guy is still on, and when it's over, I think we'll be watching jackass the movie.

That should be fun.

Um, I totally forgot what I was gonna write, but aperently it wasn't but so important.

Yet again, this entry is brought to you by Frank remembering that I have to udpate. Yay for charity... yay!

More in a half,


Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 1:59 AM

Vagina Junction, what's your function? Spittin out babies!

Well then,

Guess what? I don't know.... LOL

Well, it's 2am, and wil came back, ali less. Hopefully she's starting to get some rest, because she seemed rather tired. There are still like seven people in my apartment, not counting myself or the cat, because I can't count the cat as she's not human, and I'm not counting me because I live here.


Well, you all can thank Frank for this entry, because otherwise I woulda forgot. Family guy is still on, and rather entertaining. Oh...snap, I should introduce wil to jay, because jay wasn't here earlier... or was he? I don' tthink so... so I'm going to uh... introduce. Yeah.

I should have another drink.

Frank: "No, you really shouldn't"

Okay, I'm done now,


Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 1:51 AM

I'm not going to spend a lot of money!

Well, the ice has broken,

People are being the assholes they are, which is making for quality entertainment.

Gabi quote of the hour (Yes, she's replacecd stewie) : I'm not taking a penis!

SShe's awesome. Mike is finally acting like himself, which usually works out for an entertaining item... not mike L but mike... ex-goth mike. He's a funny guy sometimes, but other times he can be a bit of a dick. Well, arent' they all sometimes??

Anyway, we're having a good time, and I'm coinsedering having another beverage... you know... "Beverage?" Heh...

Family guy is a funny, funny show.

more later,


Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 1:23 AM

jason appears, and family guy continues

Lucky there's a family guy...

And a bunch of people nice enough to stick around with me till the late hours of the night and wee hours of the morninininininin'

I just hit my head on the table... I think between the alchohol... did I spell that right? Well, I can't see the screen so it doesn't really matter.

So, we're watching family guy. I';m still updating for amnesty international



Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 12:58 AM

Another entry


Well... the evening progresses. Alison had to go home, because she's working in the morning.

Um, we're watching family guy now, and forgot what I was gonna type, bwecause I'm watching the show typing and not looking at the screen all at the same time.


Written, Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at around: 12:35 AM

Family guy is back!


uh.... jay is probabaly going to come over. He's gonna walk here. God bless 'em.

Anyway, we're back to the family guy ness. Since I haven't been watching them for the past few hours, I'm going to watch one every half hour isntead of every hour. Yay! Let's hear it for play all features!!!

And you know, I reeally thought that the first time I was under a table next to frank I'd be doing something that didn't involve typing... ha.,

Any wayback to family guy.



Written, Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at around: 11:59 PM

Uh.... "Short description"

I just burnt my mouth!

Gabi gave me a jalepeno popper and it burnt my mouth with it's hot heated-ness.

It's an interesting day.

My tummy kinda hurts, but I'm still eating poppers, and drinking pepsi. I've also been eating chocolate, as gabi gave me some. I'm really excited about the next couple of hours because I have company. It means a lot that these peoples put forth the effort to come visit.

I'm actually realizing that it's quite comfortable on the floor... between my boyfriends LEGS, lol. Yeah... it's getting late. But I'm still awake. Sorta.

Well, that's it for this hour-- we're still watching them niggas with hats.

more later,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at around: 11:27 PM

Everyone came over! Finally!


I've pretty much abandoned the whole family guy thing.

Gabi and the whole crew came over... It's actually kinda nice to see everyone in the same spot at once... I'm happy.

Uh... I don't know what else to say right now.

We're watching Fear of A black hat... which is a damn funny movie. We got hats now motherfuckers!


Written, Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at around: 10:57 PM

Updating gets even weirder


I'm making these updates by a miricle.... lol

Thank god for the time being on my new cable box!! :-D

Road trip is an awesome movie.

Latrice is here, and she's chillin.... I need some more caffiene... and I could use some sex, but aperently that isn't going to happen... unless someone goes to sleep.

Yeah, I'm starting to get a little retarded, and it's only 11.... um... more later.


Written, Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at around: 10:35 PM

more updates for that ass

Ah fuck...

I totally forgot to update.



Latrice is here... and I'm pretty sure that if more people show up, I'll have nowhere for them to sit. *_*

Well we'll see.

Road trip is still on, and it's VERY funny.


Written, Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at around: 9:56 PM

It's Your DOG!

Lookie here... I got an update...

Frank brought Road Trip over... the movie. We're watching that now.

Yeah, I'm taking a break from family guy for the time being.

I think I'm going to up my donation to 25 dollars, so that I can be a member of Amnesty International.

None of the other people have showed up... I thought about calling them a name, but I'm going to refrain... 'cause that's just not right... and they read this shit, lol.

Okay, enough.


Written, Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at around: 9:28 PM

A short, and shitty entry.

Um... I'm still watching this hour's episode...

So... uh... yeah.

Well, check it out-- I might watch a movie, and catch up on family guy later. Moooovie!

This episode is still funny, though :-D


Written, Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at around: 8:58 PM

Look at me still updating on time *_*


We're getting hard and fast... 12 more hours of this shit to go.

48 some odd dollars raised, ... 12 hours to go. Twelve fucking hours that I have to stay awake. Why am I doing this again? Oh yeah, because I loooove chairty.

Fat lot of good that's doing me. LOL

Anyway, enough bitchin'.

This hour's episode is Death is A Bitch. Sure is! This is a fun episode. Death actually visits the griffins.

Entertainment ensues.


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