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Written, Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at around: 3:24 PM

"Will sit for food" ... heh.

You can't just start a slow clap....

The brian episode has come to a close.

Stewie quote: "Dog.... mmmm." *walks off*

Random quote for this hour: Brian- back when he first met Peter, he washed his window with a bit of water and a newspaper... "Oh... no charge."

That's funny. Brian's a dog! :-D

Well, it's almost 3:30... Oh! The half-hour... time for an image and/or link!

"I need a cocktail."

And then I'd laugh, 'cause I said, 'cock'... heh.

In totally unrelated news, I got a 401k statment in the mail from my previous imployer. My account is doing much better than it oughtta be-- It's stayed at a kickass 13.86% increase for the quarter. That's awesome. By the time I switch it to my current employer, it'll be nice and fat. Mmmm mmm good.

Other developments? ... I've changed my clothes like 4 times today. I went to mcdonalds... clothes change blue skirt short sleeve shirt. The cable guy called to say he was finding my apartment, changed into jeans and a long sleeve shirt. Now I'm wearing a combo of the two... the blue skirt and the long sleeve shirt.

I'm glad that I'm inside all day today with the air conditioning, because it's really fucking hot outside.

Okay, enough for now, before I reeeealy start rambling.



Written, Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at around: 2:51 PM

Last episode on disk one!

Three o'clock

New episode!

This episode is called, "Brian: Portrait of a dog" and it's obviously about Brian-- the Griffin dog.

This is a fun episode, because before living with the griffins, Brian was quite S.O.L. Yet another entertaining episode.

My pants are wet, because I tried washing my shower (which is now pretty spiffy. I also did -some- cleaning in my room. Some is more than none, I always say.... if I haven't seen it, it's new to me!

*presses stop button on justin timberlake, and presses play button on family guy*

See ya'll in 30-


Written, Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at around: 2:29 PM

Please don't watch me pee, I'm not into that.


This hours' episode was so touching.

Stewie quote of the hour: "Play wheels on the bus, and get the hell out of my sight."

Random quote of the hour: One of the native american guys sending Peter on a quest, "He's an indian!" his buddy, "Whadda you know? You think everyone's an Indian!"

I spent a little time listeining to the episode, while I cleaned the bathroom. I've been busy.... I'm actually going to get back to cleaning.

"Thanks a lot... *squints* Watches You Pee"

Peace.... until 3


Written, Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at around: 1:57 PM

Six of seven... only one episode left on this dvd! :-D

Time for a new family guy episode!

So this would be the 2pm update for blogathon 2003, and we're going on a really great start right now... everything is very awesome thus far, and I'm excited to continue the day!

Wow, that sounded like something a sportscaster should say.

Yes chet, he's got the magic stick! LOL

Anyway-- This hour's episode is called, "The Son also Draws." It's the personal struggle of Chris, the son that isn't stewie (or smart). He loves to draw, but his pop wants him to be a scout. Very fun stuff. Plus turns out that Lois has a gambling problem.


Okay, I'm going to make some stuff for eating later on. Peace out!


Written, Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at around: 1:38 PM

Another supplmentary update...

If you follow this here link, you'll be taken to an interview with Seth McFarlane-- the creator of family guy.

If you follow This here link, it'll take you to an article about how amnesty international is helping the war-stricken in Iraq.

See, it's not the US's responsiblity to make sure that the people we're fighting is okay. Amnesty international has been in Iraq for years, attempting to ensure a quality life for the families-- the women and children who have nothing to do with the war.

It's not their fault the rest of their country is kinda stupid.

*end supplmentary update*


Written, Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at around: 1:15 PM

Poking fun at the handicapped, brought to you by Family Guy, episode 5

Ah, you've gotta love a show that isn't afraid to make fun of everyone. No matter how tasteless it is.

Quote of the hour: Peter, upon realizing that Joe is stuck in a wheelchair- "Wholy Crip, he's a crapple!" A close second-- The Grinch who stole christmas: "You think all is good- you think all is well... Well, Kiss my green ass! I will see you in hell!"

Stewie Quote of the hour: when he first sees Joe, the handicapped guy, play softball with Peter's baseball team: "What the duce? Half man, half machine! Why, with that technology, I could excape these wretched harridans! GO CYBORG!"


That's fun.

People are going to visit me, which should be fun, as well. Last night, Frank said he'd come by. Trice also told me that she's still going to come over, and I'm guessing that she's spending the night, because she's stopping by really late, and has to be to work in the afternoon on sunday. Gabi, told me that she Ali and Wil are gonna stop by sometime after five. That should be fun. Jay also said he's going to be by. Yay!

Okay, that's this half hour for ya.

New episode coming up!


Written, Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at around: 12:56 PM

Supplmental update

I'm totally in love with the latest Justin Timberlake single--- Senorita.

It truly makes me want to shake my ass-- and his voice is fun to listen to.

*shakes her ass*

Oh, and just because I'm on the subject of music... I still love that damn beyonce song too. *_* It's a serious addiciton.

That's all... back to family guy.


Written, Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at around: 12:52PM

Next episode... wholy crip....! Wholy Bloods!

Hey there family guy & charity lovers,

It's time for the next episode! *insert snoop dog refrence here*

The next episode of Famliy Guy for Humanity (I'm working on the name of this project, lol) is "A hero sits Next door" -- where they introduce the baseball playing, ass kicking, hyperactive being, wheelchair stricken next door neigbor, Joe. His wife, bonnie, who is forever pregnant, is so... well... horny.

I'm going to press play, and get some funness in.

more in a half-


Written, Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at around: 12:26 PM

Cable's working, so I'm watchin' family guy... welcome to the afternoon!


This is an awesome episode!!!

Stewie is teething, so he's unusually pissy, and keeps spouting out random funny-ness. Peter gets put on house arrest for punching some gender bending, pregnant woman in the face. (He thought she was a dude) Lois makes this nice dinner for Peter, and he doesn't even come eat it with her. He ends up making a bar in the basment, and then asks her to serve it. Heh. She ends up singing in the basment for all of Peter's friends and he gest all pissy.

"This song is dedicated to my very supportive husband, Peter."

Stewie Quote of the hour: "One can only imagine what foul regions that finger has earthwile probed!"

Random quote of the hour: Chris, in the basment, "Sorry mom, I'm gonna have to see some ID"

My cable works now! Aperently they had given me a shotty cable box. Oh, and for a change, the guy who came to the house was actually kinda cute. The past six or seven guys that came by to install, fix, fuck up, fix, and fuck up my cable again were all pretty fucking ugly, if you ask me. Even the two guys who were kind of smart were ugly dudes. Comcast hires some real winners, man.

Yay for attractive people.

But the cable works now... I have lots of movie channels... and an ON SCREEN GUIDE!! Fucking A.

More in a half,


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