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Written, Friday, Feb. 08, 2002 at around: 1:27 PM

I went to Sisters!

It's going to be a beautiful day today.

It's sunny outside, and the air is crisp, yet not cold. It's almost like early spring. I'm sure that the forces that be, or whatever you wanna call them, are out to kill the masses of the east coast of the US, because our weather has been seriously fucked lately. It's like 70 outside on Thursday, and then by Monday its 15 below. Yeah, seriously fucked.

*insert thought clearing here*

Anyway, enough random thoughts. I went to sisters last night. I had a bunch of fun. I didn't get to know any white lesbians, but it comes with the territory. I'm black, they're white. It's all psychological. Damn the system. I did however get the number of one girl. She was pretty cool. I made some friends too. I met this gay guy who was an actor and whatnot. Pretty cool. He talked to me about "Warming his spot." *childlike giggles ensue* Erm, we were talking about singing. There was karaoke. There were fuzzy navels. There was much Britney Spears sung. Oh hell yeah, you bet your ass I sang Oops... I did it again. Damn straight. Wow, that was a lot of swearing in-between those two sentences. *laugh*

Anyhow, I had a great time, and pretty much made up for my birthday. I'll go back next Thursday, and may very well go on Saturday. I don't know about that, though, because the Year of the Horse is steadily approaching, and I want to celebrate Chinese style in NYC. *grin* Plus Leighann is going to be here tomorrow, and I want to hang out with her... Oh shit, that reminds me, I have to get her birthday present... I kinda told her that I bought her a gift.. But I haven't yet. Whoops. Her birthday was like, December 7th. Dang.

Today has been hella-busy. It's only 1:30 and I'm already frazzled. I'm officially a professional woman. Bah. I have to manage my way between tons of people every day. I basically run my own show, and Mark Landon guides it. It's all pretty damn good. I like this job, even if it does piss me off every now and then, and occasionally bore me to death. For the most part, the bad parts are all worth that every-other Tuesday. *nods*

Well, yesterday, I played the role of the lipstick lesbian. Next time I go to sisters I'm going to be a boy. I know, I know, you're like "Isn't that going against your plans to become Michiru Kaiou? Yes, yes it is. The thing is, that I want to see if I can attract different people to me when dressed differently. I wore pants last night, but I attracted butch girls. Ick. Butch girls make me skeeve. No offense to you if you're a butch girl, but if I wanted to date a boy, I'd just date a boy. :-/ However, there was one *VERY* hot white girl with blonde hair (did I ever mention that I love blondes? Well, blonde white women anyway.... Blonde black women piss me off) and she was boyish. But she had a cute face. Like a 13 year old boy. Not like a man. There were some very manly looking women there. Yowzers!

Does all this mean I'm giving up men? Hell no! Anyway, I'm not giving up men... I like men, they're fun to talk to. They do funny things. They are funny things! Okay, this isn't a picture book, but if it was, those past two sentences would have pictures of guys farting (do funny things) and picking a booger out of a nostril (are funny things!). Hee hee hee.

I want to go shopping. I have money, so I can finally do that. I'm going to pay off my overdue phone bill (still no receipt) and PNC. Hopefully by paying off PNC I'll get the ability to open a bank account again. :-/ Lets hope, because I really want to be able to save money up. What if there's an emergency? Although, I can't really any emergency I'd be in (in Philadelphia) that would ever require more money than I know I could get at a moment's notice.


Well, mom still says that MJ is my pop. Heh, I'm the princess of pop. *more childlike giggling* I'm going to meet him one day. I have no idea what all this stuff means, but I don't want to sue the guy. I just want him to be sad, because he made me sad lots of times as a child. Well, I don't even want him to be sad. I want him to come to realize that I'm his kid. I'm a person. Perhaps he has spies following me around, watching my every move. Oh, that's really scary. I mean, he is rich, after all. Rich people can afford to be as eccentric as they wanna be. Feh. Man, I want some allowance. *laughs* DAD! Mom could use some back-child support, and I could use a college education.

OH shit...

I just remembered that I have to go pay for school today. Damn. Well, okay. I have to go to ccp today. Man, it's only 1:25. Isn't it time to leave yet? Today so doesn't feel like a Friday. Today feels like that Tuesday that I don�t get paid. This sucks.

Well, I'll write more later on. I guess I have to look busy.

Love and adoration,


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