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Written, Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at around: 12:22 PM

So what's the perfect date? (An answer hedged by Pam Newman)

This is last week's pieces of you question....

What is your idea of the perfect date?

Well, over the past few days, I've put a lot of thought into this. Struggilng to figure out what would really make me happy, I fought with many different ideas.

Like, I always said that I wanted to take a date to the theater. That's good and all, but not something I do often enough to say I'd really like it. Plus, I've only ever been to the theater with girls, and it might make for a weird trip.

Besides, most guys don't wanna be at the theater-- two or three hours watching people sing and dance doesn't settle too well with most straight men. Trust me. The point here, is that in order for a date to truly be perfect, both parties have to enjoy the event. So no theater.

Then I thought, "Dude, a picknick would be really cool," but in attempting to personify the whole concept of perfect, eating outdoors always fails. I mean, you can't controll the weather. And if you can, you're probabally an oscar winning actress who was obcenely overpaid to show her breasts... Um, yeah.

Okay, no food outside.

That got me thinking-- hmm... not going outside, eh? Well, the perfect date is inside. Inside my bed! LOL, I was really going to write an entry about how being erotic with your boyfriend or girlfriend can actually make for the orignal perfect date. That and it's terribly cheap. You get to know your partner better, and presuming all goes well, everybody goes to sleep happy at the end of the night.

We all know that sex should be a part of the perfect date. That's kinda why I shyed away from saying that sex alone makes a good date. That's an outright lie. Sex is like the crust to the bread. The date is just extra foreplay, so to speak. :-D Honestly, the perfect date is required to be topped off with great sex, so a 3 hour session can't really count for a date.


What about going to a strip club? That's an awesome date. There's my boyfriend, there's food (at some clubs) there are drinks, and there are breasts. Lovely. But I don't know if that really counts as perfect. Maybe the most fun, but I'm not sure about perfect. Maybe it's because I've never been to a strip club with just Frank yet.

We'll see about that, lol.

Then I thought about the many things that I like to do-- Karaoke, reading, watching movies, playing video games, messing around on the computer, looking at pornography, watching football, playing with my cat, drawing... most of those things are one-player games. And in realizing that, I felt terribly selfish, and almost gave up on writing this entry. I often find myself comprimising for mutual happiness, and that's fine with me, because it really never takes much to make me happy. I don't want to have lots of money spent on me, although if it's gonna happen, I'm not going to argue. Expensive dinners, and trips to the theater, although they sound lovely, and I'd like to do that kinda stuff one day, really don't represent the perfect date to me.

The simple girl's perfect date

The perfect date for the simple girl, is well... simple. It could mean going anywhere - a sporting event, a movie, chilling at a bar/resturant, going to a strip club (read the second entry on the page for the refrence), or even staying home (one of my personal favorites, at least when I haven't been in the house for three days straight...)

all make for good dates. But the most important thing is that my boyfriend and I have a good time.

If I'm happy and having a good time, and the feeling is mutual, anywhere is a perfect date.

Especially if there's great sex afterwords.

Yeah, it might sound like I fudged the question, but that's really how I feel. You can't really plan to go anywhere and expect things to go perfectly. I know that I've made plans to do things by myself that I usually enjoy, but the day ended up sucking. Just imagine how much more that can suck if you have to put another person through that, especially someone who you really like.

I'm truly a sucker, and if I'm with Frank, and we're having a good time, then the reality is that the date was perfect. It's not the place you visit, what you eat, or how much it costs, that creates a perfect date. It's truly the quality of enjoying yourself with someone you care about.


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