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Written, Sunday, May. 18, 2003 at around: 3:47 PM

Running, $, and vomit, oh my!


I'm updating at my mom's house today. No, I didn't have enough money to pay off the comcast bill. Bummer for me. Anyway, I'm laughing because my favorite diaryland banner is above the entry area-- "Cumshots -a- plenty." That reminds me of a story which I won't recount here, but I must say that I really like to take showers.

So it's sunday, and I'm updating. Oh, is that a tear streaming down my face... shit, I forgot my mom doesn't have a button for the question mark on her keyboard. Jesus. No rehtorical questions for me.

So, yesterday was a lot of fun... Frank is such a great guy-- but jesus christ, he runs a joke like no one else. Okay... shit, I can't lead into this like I wanted, because there's no question mark.... okay, well just imagine that the dollar sign represents the question mark for a while, okay$ *Goddamn, this is horrible* So, okay, do you guys remember at the beginning of the year when I was all like, "I'm over trying to be frank's girlfriend, 'cause he doesn't wanna date me, and I'm okay with that$" I do.

Well, around that time, there were several entries refering to scanzilla (adding html is a bitch on this keyboard too!!) homeboy with the pac-man tatto. Funny guy. Well, between him, and the gothic nature of prince-of-goth, frank had a couple of recurring jokes.

They were always funny, but he likes to tell jokes until you can just feel them coming. What I mean, is that the poor running jokes just aren't allowed to rest. Every time I hear the phrase, "pac-man tattoo" come out of my boyfriend's mouth, I have this vision. It's like a recurring dream. I imagine a race-- there are these three guys who look like cartoon people. The three guys have on racing outfits, with the sneakers, numbers on their chests and backs, and the funny hair cuts. The only difference is that these poor shmucks have been running for 3 months, without any rest, food, or love. They're forced to run! I always imagine there's one guy, who's shoes are coming off, and his running outfit is all dirty, and tattered, and he just looks so sad! He looks up toward the camera (yeah, this is like a tv program in my head... I said I was crazy.) and he's so upset... he has to keep running! So I'm sitting in the stands with a shotgun, I aim at the guy, and take a shot. I blow his arm off, but he's determined! He will keep frank's joke running, no matter what!!!

Poor little joke guys.

LMAO... so okay-- Yesterday he gave birth to another joke, which I'm sure I'll be reliving until christmas time. He's an entertaning guy.

Oooh, I got a review today. Yeah, I am into that astrology stuff a whole lot. When you wanna think about my personality, watch friends, and get to know pheobe a little better. I'm not quite as flaky as she is, but we're pretty similar.

OH-- here's a not so fun story for you! This morning I did my laundry, and after I got home, I got ready to come over here, and give my mom a transpass, because she was nice enough to buy me one when I had no money at all. So, I'm getting ready to leave, and I was hit. HARD- by vomiting, and diareeha. Ugh. I was litterally crippled for a couple of hours. Really gross stuff. I would go into how bad it felt, but who wants to be subjected to that...$

LOL, fucking dollar sign!!

Now there's a bigger problem. It's 4pm, and I haven't eaten anything all day. Well, I have eaten, but well... I didn't really get to know the food that well. Heh. Anyway- That means I'm a little irritable, and hungry. Blech.

Well, at least I'm wearing clean underwear for a change. I'm gonna go. You guys have a great today, and an even better tomorrow.

Love and adoration,


Written, Friday, May. 16, 2003 at around: 2:06 PM

Don't read this if you haven't seen the matrix yet.

I warned you.

Hello there fellow humans,

It's me! ...Well, what the fuck? Who else would be writing here? No one else, I'd hope, that'd be really strange, and I'd be pissed off.

Saw the Matrix last night with a large majority of the humans that I still speak to.

Trinity Died.

That's all I have to say about that. Mwahahahah. Come on now, you guys should know better than to trust me in regards to movies, actual happenings, and plots! The only movie I didn't bullshit you guys about was Willard, mostly because no one else really gave a fuck. :-P

Okay, anyway-- News on the job front. Well, I was kind of missled about the details of that position that I might be promoted to. It's in no way supervisory, which is fine by me, but it's terribly similar to the non-techincal end of what I did at EDU. Customer interaction and support, writing crap, interaction between several different departments (read: interdepartmental peon/diplomat), a ton of data entry, database administration and the such. The job title is Editor of something or another. It's not really an "Editing" job, per-se, but if I get it, it'll look lovely on my resume in a few years. Mostly, the job is a more responsible version of what I do now.

Data entry with flair! *snaps fingers*

For the time being, I'm actually quite happy with that, as I don't have many opportunities in my field, and nowhere else wants to hire me full time. I'm like a little puppy lost in the job market. Well, actually, I'd be more like a kitten lost in the job market, because I like cats better. Besides, they said they'll give me an ample raise, and I'll work full time. I'll gladly take a step down from where I should be and swallow my pride for more money.

Ugh, money-- I got paid for the first time in ages today. I'll be broke before I the next paycheck comes my way. Hell, I might be broke by saturday if I pay all of my bills today, lol. It's not so bad, because paying off some of my debts will help release the ulcer grinning inside my abdomen.

Ew, that's a gross thought.

Anyway, yeah, we all went to see the Matrix yesterday. We involved, Frank, John, Darrell, Jay, Dante, Noy, and Dante's flunky- Kahlill. Oh yeah, and me. It was funny, because Frank kinda organized the event, and much like John's sister's little shindig not to long ago, the party segregated itself. Frank, John, Jason and myself had our little party, and Darrell, Dante, his flunky and noy had theirs. Anyway, it was fun hanging out with everyone.

As much as I rarely admit it (there's a phrase for that ass), I really enjoy hanging out with all those people. They're so funny. I think I had more fun on the car ride home, listening to Frank and Jason make jokes about each other than I did watching the movie. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the movie, and I understood it... well, kinda. Honestly, though, I enjoyed the ride to the diner from the uber-cool-jersey theater and the kiss goodnight from Frank a bit more.

The matrix was cool, though. They introduced a lot of pointless characters, though. Even though some of them added a bit of tension to the movie, I didn't think that some scenes were nessacary, nor did I think that some characters needed to be in the film at all. The movie flowed pretty well, and I think the dialouge in this movie was a bit more heartfelt-- that's not saying that Keanu is any less dry as an actor-- but everything felt more emotional. Especially when Trinity died. Seriously, though-- the whole Matrix concept is great, because everyone has a different idea of what the movies are really about- be it ass-kicking, the meaning of life, or just an excuse to see the damn Freddy vs Jason preview, the Matrix truly encourages deep thought in all viewers.

Or not.

Well, that's my professional opinion, 'cause, I'm an AD. Ha. Ha, indeed. Anyway, what else is going on? Um, well... nothing. I need to get going because I have bills to pay, and my time is almost up. Damnit, I had other stuff that I wanted to write about. I gotta learn to sum things up.

Love and adoration

Written, Thursday, May. 15, 2003 at around: 2:34 PM

Back in the act! ...or whatever that means... I've been sick.

Hey there,

Sorry for the lack of updateness yesterday, but I wasn't feeling too well. Actually, I wasn't feeling well on tuesday, either. :-P I went home and got somer rest. I contracted SARS from an unknown source, but my hyperactive immune system took care of it, and purged the virus from my system.

That, or I got a cold, and got better all quick, and stuff. I'm still kinda getting over it, but I'm hardly sick at all.

So, what's up folks? Not much here. Well, that's a lie. I think I'm officially back in the swing of things. No more hum-drum depressed pam from what I can tell-- but you can all still expect some of the same self-doubt that has become a staple whithin this diary, since late 2001.

*insert a picture of me grinning with two thumbs up :-D*

I was accused of being an asshole eariler today. Come on now. I'm a nice girl. I might have a tendancy to just say mean things every now and again, but I'm a nice, wholesome girl. Okay, wholesome is going a bit far, but I'm nice. Anyway, I've learned over the years that being called "mean," or an "asshole," really won't count too many minus-brownie points in your character. It has been said that girls don't like nice guys, they go after assholes. Honestly though, if you look closely, the people who tend to come through as assholes, verbally, are usually the nicest people. At least this has been my experience.

Nice people often come off mean verbally either because that's the easiest way to fight, or just because they have to not give a fuck in one way or another. I like to take a little from each pot. The bigger pot on my table is the one filled to the brim with, "She don't think before she speaks." Even though I spend hours every day thinking about how I can get so-and-so to be happier, find what's-their-name a new girlfriend, or get whatchamacallit to stop being an outright bitch, I'm usually not thinking about what I say to them in normal conversation.

Yeah, so I come off as being an asshole. My mom told this to quite a few of my co-workers the other day. I try to be nice to my co-workers most of the time, because I gotta see them all the time. LOL- it's funny, because now they all walk on eggshells around me.

That's good, because I may, or may not be their supervisor next week. Things have been going really well at the 4-6 hour a day data entry job. So well, in fact, that I was offered a responsiblity-laden, full-time position with the product that we offer.

Oh god, I'm already thinking all corporate-- "Product that we offer." So long as they challenge my brain on a regular basis, they can expect a really great employee.

Well, the job isn't mine yet, so keep your fingers crossed. I mean, someone has to, because I can't type like that.

Damnit, I've been writing for 20 mintues... I haven't even read the damn news yet. I have to end this entry, although there's a lot of other stuff that I'd like to write about, like the fact that there's a scale in the women's bathroom at my job, and how happy my boyfriend makes me, and how there's going to be auditions at MTV this weekend, and how I'm wondering why I haven't spoken to crazian john in a few days... and so forth. Ah well, there's always tomorrow, and hopefully, I'll have internet at home again by monday. :-D Wow, I used the word -AND- way too much just now.

Okay, I'm really going now.

Love and adoraiton,


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