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Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 11:31 AM

the afternoon is coming...

I have to wear a watch all day, because I almost forgot to post just now *.*

I'm in the middle of chatting with about 3 or four different people. I'm still talking to darlene, and she's saying all sorts of silly Weeno-esque things. I'm also talking to Craig --- who I'm not sure is in my glossary, but whatever... He's Gabi's ex... (attempts not to talk shit and fails) Okay, I don't know the details of their breakup, but I guess all is well.

I haven't been up in their buisness in a while. Speaking of gabi, she said she's coming over today. Yea!

Okay... strange observation--- my mom is vaccuming my apartment for me right now. *.* She even cleaned my bathroom. Now for some people, this might be normal motherly behaviour, but Pam's mom don't clean shit. Like, I was at my mom's house a couple of days ago and the word, "Ew!" came out of my mouth several times. Her bathroom was icky.

And she just cleaned mine... I am afraid, I think she's going to kill me later. Speaking of later, I think I'm going to head out to game stop. Tiffany was supposed to stop by earlier, but I don't think she'll be by until later this afternoon. I'm going to cook her some food. Like real food.

I'm going to post some of these AIM chats later this afternoon when I don't feel like sitting down and writing anything. I'm also going to make a new page which will be for the afternoon posts. Don't like click it NOW because it won't be up until after 12 eastern. I write a lot, and it takes too long to load these posts.

Okay, it's nearing the time to post the NEXT entry, so I'm off now.

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 11:00 AM

Another chat with darlene

In keeping with my "Friends" theme, I'm going to post some of the AIM conversations that I have with real people today. I think after this one I'm going to post one that I had with anita a couple of days ago. Anyway--

Earlier this morning I had a quick chat with darlene:

Mia Meiou: mornin!
Mia Meiou: hey, you have to check out my blog during the day, I'm in a blogathon:
weeno1970: what is that? brb
Mia Meiou: k
Mia Meiou: blog = weblog = fancy name for online diary
Mia Meiou: blogathon = a marathon of blogging--- I'm blogging for planned parenthood.
weeno1970: interesting
weeno1970: oh, cool, I just read that whole thing.....
weeno1970: is it over?
Mia Meiou: no, it starts right now!!
Mia Meiou: :-)
weeno1970: oh groovy
Mia Meiou: I'm writing my first entry
weeno1970: oh yeah, todya is the 27th
Mia Meiou: you should check on me throughout the day
Mia Meiou: :-)
weeno1970: groovy
weeno1970: so are you ready for y our 24 hour shift?
Mia Meiou: I think I am
Mia Meiou: I didn't get much rest last night lol
Mia Meiou: or the night before
weeno1970: ut-oh
weeno1970: u might be taking naps inbetween the 30 minute intervals
weeno1970: got an alarm clock
Mia Meiou: yeah, sounds like it
Mia Meiou: but I'm having people over all day
Mia Meiou: you should stop by at some point
Mia Meiou: :-)
Mia Meiou: if you aren't too tired from work and stuff
weeno1970: awww, I wont be able to.... I'll be sleeping later, work tonight.... :-(
Mia Meiou: bah
Mia Meiou: ah well
Mia Meiou: IM me and keep me company when you're online :-D
Mia Meiou: I think I might post our conversation
weeno1970: ok sweetie
weeno1970: oh super groovy
Mia Meiou: word
weeno1970: sentence
Mia Meiou: well, I have to buy some food, because I'm saying I'm going have a party
Mia Meiou: paragraph!!!
Mia Meiou: *.*
Mia Meiou: gotta go!
weeno1970: uh.... ok, then
Mia Meiou: I have to get food
Mia Meiou: and then a shower
weeno1970: oh so you did decide to shower, well it about time!!!
Mia Meiou: it's time to update again!
weeno1970 signed off at 9:42:51 AM.

Hee hee...

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 10:26 AM

My mom is so nice

Okay, I have officially decided that this is a CRAZY FUCKING DAY!!

Well, not in the sense of "Fucking like crazy," more of the sense of, "Insane day." Just had to clarify that before anyone coming over my house today got any kind of orgy ideas or anything.


Anyway, Noy is at work now, and my mom has returned. I finally got around to taking my shower. My mom, who is sitting to my left, happily waiting for me to update, so as she can continue to check her Yahoo mail. She is now fixing my blinds. I have a really nice mom.

You know, I came to a realization today. Well, yesterday, but whatever-- Parents and children who have bad relationships when the child lives at home often turn out to be the best living-away relationships. I mean, my mom is currently muttering about how she's going to kindly make a list of the thing she's going to bring from home for me.

How nice.

Anyway. . . I think I'm done with this entry. More later.

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 9:53 AM

Noy goes to work, and mom drove her


I always get so excited when people who I really know sign my guestbook. Andrew from work, and Darlene (weeno) signed my guestbook! :-D They are now international superstars, becasue they signed my book. WORD.

Otherwise, I'm currently alone in my apartment. Yes, Noy went to work. My mom took her... oooh phone call... bah, it was my mom on the way out the door.... here's our conversation:

Pam: Hello?
Mom: Hi!
Me: Um, hi
Mom: Hey I just wanted to know if you needed me to lock the door
Me: Uh, yeah you can lock it
Mom: (to noy) Yeah, you can lock that.

Um, okay, I think I told them a couple of times that it'd be okay to lock the front door. If anyone comes by, they'll knock or something of the make-sense variety. When I said open-door party, I didn't mean that I wanted to get raped, robbed, and pillaged.

Anyway, mom is driving noy around the corner to game stop. I suppose frank is already there, seeing as how it's 10:00am. I'll go bother him after I'm all prettied up and washed. Whoo boy, my stank ass needs a shower. I'll update on how I flirt with Frank as the day goes by.

As for now, I'm going to finally take that shower, and call crazian john and see if he's coming over.

It's difficult writing interesting things when people are here. I suppose that's my challenge. Wish me lots of luck!

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 9:32 AM

candy, and save a lot

Entry 2

wellll... we went to the market (me mom and noy) and we picked up a few items for the party today. We got lots of yummy stuff... Noy is such a nice girl, she gave my mom a whole chocolate bar. My mommy was very happy.

Noy said: "It's hot, boring and I'm smelly."

Mom said: "I can't smell you"

I just kind of looked on....

Noy has to go to work soon. She called Frank early this morning, and he was still at work. She asked him, "What time do I have to be at work..." He told her last night that she had to be to work at 10. I guess she didn't remember or whatever. Ah well.

I don't know if I'm going to do a good job of making extended enteries until the afternoon, because I have a lot of stuff to do this morning. I STILL haven't showered.

Noy is talking about ner uncle who collects lamps. She claims that he's "weirder" than she is. He must be pretty odd, because noy is a special girl... very much so. *.*

My mom is doing a good job of putting my stuff away, and I'm being a lazy bastard and letting her do it for me.

Okay, I'm off to wash up, and see Noy off to work. Look forward to some really strange gamestop entries. Oh... I spoke to tiffany, she'll be here around 10:30. ---This sounds like I'm making scedules for special apperances.

Alright-- Love and adoration *scrub a dub dub*


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 9:00 AM

The first blogathon entry!!!!!!!!

Well. . .

For my first blogathon entry, I wanted to say that my thing is going to be talking about my friends... well, not talking shit about them or anything-- that's what my normal entries are for!!

So my mom came by around 8:45, and she brought a coffee maker for all the people who won't be able to stay up all day. It smells of delicious hazlenut coffee in my apartment. That's perfect. I like that it smells of coffee.

My mom and noy are talking about how the blogathon works, and noy just mentioned something to the effect that "TV 12 (the philadelphia PBS) Is always asking for money. Maybe I should have blogged for pbs...

Okay see ya'll in a half an hour--- I'm cutting this one off, because I need to go to savealot to get some food for the party.

Love and adoration,


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