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Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 7:04 PM

damn, I forgot

Shit, I completly forgot that I was going to make another entry for the evening. Ah well, double entry this half an hour.

We're watching Scott Tennerman must die. It;s a funny fucking episode.

Around 8:15 I'll call the store and ask frank if he's stopping by here. I'll convince him... coax him... um, yeah, so I'll be inviting him over.

There's my starty entry for ya.

Love and so on,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 6:57 PM

Donkey Punchin' my best friend's sisters

I have educated the masses, yet again.

After watching proper condom use, the girls here wanted to know what the sexual postions at the end of the show were. --ie- dirty sanchez, donkey punch, hot lunch, etc. I laughed for a long period of time, and got my search on for them.

This site is OFFENSIVE and it has the answers to all of your nasty questions, you dirty little mongrels.

I think that Leighan, Amber, and Robyn were all completly disgusted by that site. I have to wait until the store is empty to get Frank to tell them the true Fisheye. Everyone should know the joy of frank making a growling noise with one eye open, and the other squinting angrily. *laughs*

Off to watch soutpark... love and adoration incldued with every donkey punch.


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 6:28 PM

watchin' soutpark

Ah, this is good.

I'm watching southpark with Leighann, amber and robyn. It's pretty cool. Amber and Robyn are big on tv. They're enjoying themselves. We're watching "Proper Condom Use."

It's great watching them laugh. I haven't seen leigh in a while, even though we live around the corner from each other.

Remove the condom from it's package, find out which way it rolls out, put it in your mouth... and apllllllllyyyyyy!

some things are just NEVER unfuny.

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 5:55 PM

Leighann and her sisters are here!

Ah, so it begins.

Leighann, and her little sisters, robyn and amber are here.

I'm excited!!!! *>* the party has begun.

Leigann is tapping a black and mild (a non-tobbaco cigerette, or something like that) on my table, and I'm mesmerized. She's my best friend, and the conversations that we have kick ass. Horray for Leigh!

Her little sisters went off to 7-11 to get salsa. I didn't buy salsa for my chips... *sobs*

Well, the party has begun, and let the fun begin!!!

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 5:38 PM

More hodgson's birthday

oh, by the way, hodgson says any girls who wanna give him head, should stop by his diary and drop him a note or something, and phone numbers of chicks in GA. Hook a brotha' up... it's his birthday!!

love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 5:35 PM

Happy birthday hodgson!

I don't have to update right now, but I'm gonna anyway----

It's Hodgson's birthday!!!

Happy birthday dude!!

Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 5:24 PM


The sun is lower in the sky now, so I'll make a new page. I guess I'll put a little spot on my layout for you guys to check out the early morning, and afternoon stuff.

It's a good thing I have a clock on my computer, otherwise I'd never know when to update my site...

So, it's uh, almost 5:30, and my mom is playing Super Monkey Ball. This kicks ass. I'm going to have a real party later on. Keyman is coming over. Gabi and Wil said they'd be stopping by. If Frank isn't horribly tired, I'll beg him to stop by for a while, so that everyone can meet the current object of my de*cough*. Crazian John will be here, and I might get him to bring Peng.

I'll eventually get in touch with Leighann, and force her and her sisters to come by. Ah, thank the gods, I'm on the phone with them now. They're on their way over now!!! THE PARTY BEGINS!!!

Look forward to good motherfucking updates.

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 4:55 PM

Funny IM messages

This half an hour showed some of the damn funniest things I've heard all day, and that says a LOT.

Auriel: So you've decided to pursue Frank as the free-roaming sex beast that he is?

esherril: The Curly Shuffle is an effective defensive stance.
Mia Meiou: yeah, your opponent stands to the side of you, stupified, staring at the ground.
Mia Meiou: lol
esherril: you move backward away from the aggressor, and at the same time kicking behind you clears a path.


Auriel is being a dear and talking to me about Frank. Thank god for good advice, I always say.

Love and adoration awaits motherfuckers to come to my door and get their party on.


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 4:25 PM

Post-mom entry

Okay, that last funkdefied entry was from my mom.

I decided that I needed some fresh air, so I told her to do my 4:00 entry. I guess you guys can figure out what I finally got around to doing--- I went to gamestop!

It was very relaxing. The other day, Crazian John told me that I have a Game Stop fettish. Maybe that's my problem. I just looooooove me some game stop.

I think just now it was relaxing moreso because I had been siting in front of a computer for hours. It's almost like being at work, only I -Have- to goof off. I should get paid to blog. If that were a job, I'd be a pro. I'd manage thousands of other bloggers, and make them make me money.

Anyway, Auriel IMed me!! I get to talk about stuff I won't post. Aren't you all jelous?? Well IM me, and get details. Plus if you IM me, you might get asked to be posted up, and become my friend. Mwahahahahah! Okay, I'm getting a little crazy, so I'm gonna go.

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 3:42 PM


It is about 4pm or 1600 in to the day. I was just

wondering about the many woman that have the decision to make. What question do you ask your self when it is your

time to do the right thing. The only one answer is the

quility of life. Many couples / woman will make the decision

for the quality of their own life. Others would go with the

quality of life for the new person that will have to live

the life you have created or released. Give a kid a brake

make the right decision for the life of the child and be

ready to charish the live you give. or .... just do the

right thing

Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 3:26 PM

Feeling a little less tired... I spoke to frank & noy

So okay,

I laid down for a while. I didn't even close my eyes, I just laid down. I feel a little better now. I'm not as exausted.

I also called the store, and said hi to Frank and Noy. I'm going to head over there. I mean it this time. Game Stop didn't seem to be that busy, so I'll drop by and give them the gift of my company. Aren't I grand?

The conversation with Frank breifly surrounded Noy being here last night. She didn't seem to go to sleep last night, rendering her VERY tired today. He goes, "I don't want her sleeping over your house anymore." I laughed, and kind of agreed. He told me that he's also pretty tired too. Poor guy.

We all treat ourselves like shit from time to time. I know my friends do. Maybe I'm just a nice person, ne? I think that's it. Okay, I'm going to stop fucking complaining and get on with my post.

Around 5 I'll make a new blog page for the "Evening" and then a new one at around 10 or so for the "Overnight Shift" Hopefully around the "Evening" shift, I'll have some people in my apartment.

Well, my mom came back, and she's currently fixing things. She screwed one of my kitchen-esque chairs back together. Thanks, ma. Ew, I just typed "ma" ew.

Okay, well, I'm done with this post.

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 2:59 PM



I'm tired, man, and it's only three. I chatted briefly with DG from grep chat. She's one o them people. I think this half an hour (I STILL haven't gone to game stop, I think I'll call them) I'm gonna lay down and keep an eye on my watch.

This is a shitty entry. and yes, I did mention speaking with one of my friends. DG counts.

Oh yeah, I spoke to my mom on the phone, she's coming back. *insert shriek*

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 2:30 PM

John called me. I don't know what he called me, but he did.

Well, this half hour, I didn't do much.

I altered my glossary a bit. I did get a phone call, though. That was fun. Crazian John called to check up on me. He said he's going to donate 5 whole bucks to my cause. Kick ass. Thanks John!!

We didn't really talk about much, but I think I'm going to go to game stop again (I didn't go last half hour) and just stop in. I'm going to change my clothes though, because I don't think I like this outfit.

Anyway, more friend dirt:

I spoke to Dan (Who isn't in my glossary now that I think of it) and updated him on some shit that happened at work. I'll post that IM conversation after he comes back online and gives me permission to post it. I'm such a good person.

Well, Uber pam is going to grab a snack, and call her mom to find out what happened to her. Wish me luck folks, and blog on!

Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 1:49 PM

An ode to blogging!


I called leighann a couple of minutes ago. She is still asleep. Dude, it's almost two. I really wish that I could sleep that long on weekends. I always end up getting up by 10am on saturdays and sudays. I think after this post, I'm heading back to gamestop and leaving the door open for my mom.

There is currenly no one in my apartment but me, and the clean carpet. Oh yeah, and some ants.

Hey, I just wanted to say, in that last game stop entry, I didn't really look at franks ass. I was being funny. I'm not an ass girl, really. The short Irish thing works well though. You know, everyone I know is all about telling me that I need to just get over myself and tell Frank that I want 'em. That's what I was considering a couple of days ago, when I said I was just going to go buck-wild and say everything on my mind.

I used to do that shit when I was a teenager, and people didn't like that much. That's why I keep lots of journals online these days. I have to keep my sanity somehow. I have a normal tendancy to talk a lot, and I don't want to talk about people's buisness, or mine, so the best thing to do is just to write it down.

Writing stuff online has helped me a lot in my real life relationships. It's given me a chance to get completly outside opinions on my life, etc. I've kept journals for years, and guarded them with the vengance of many dead souls-- but having people see my life, and me not see them is nice. It's like being a willing celebrity. That, and I get to act like I'm famous everytime I'm online.

I likes attention.

Okay, I'm done writing for this half hour.

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 1:30 PM

an entry worth about as much money as I have in my pocket

Okay, I fucked up the html code on the lower entry, so I'm going to spend some time fixing that this half hour. This is kind of an empty moment, because I spent way too much time fixing that last entry in the first place.

My apartment is all clean looking, it's rather scary. I wouldn't be but so embarrased to show this new, sparkling apartment to my friends.

I spoke to leighann earlier, and I think I'm going to call her during this half-hour. I also think that I'm going to wash my hair this half hour. Oh, and a quick note to everyone-- sign my damn guestbook, please. :-)

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 1:04 PM

Mike, nick, and other stuff

It's time to update already? Damn, 30 minutes isn't much time at all.

To be honest I haven't had much human interaction in the past few minutes. There's no one in my apartment, I haven't called anyone, and I've been trying to keep my AIM conversations down to a minmum... mostly for my sanity.

*laughs* My sanity. That's a joke. *laughs more*

I did speak to Nick (co-worker) for a bit. He's thinking about going into the office today. Quick convo snippet:

Nick: are you at work?
Mia Meiou: hell no!
Mia Meiou: I'm at home

Well yeah, that was my productivity this half hour. That, and I've been eating noy's chololate. Don't tell her though, because I think I told her I'd bring it back with me to the store. Okay, I guess that one was an outright blatent lie.

I IM'ed Mike K, from work. I made him read my journal... lol, here's that convo snippet:

Mia Meiou: hey mike look at my blog while your online:
Mia Meiou: I'm doin' my blogathon *.*
MiKiM3o3: ok
Mia Meiou: thanks
Mia Meiou: you should sign my guestbook too
Mia Meiou: word
MiKiM3o3: damn straight
Mia Meiou: fuckin' real, dawg.
MiKiM3o3: word up
MiKiM3o3: hey does this frank dude read your blog stuff?
Mia Meiou: not really
Mia Meiou: I doubt he does
MiKiM3o3: ah
Mia Meiou: If so, I've probabally embarrased the hell out of myself
MiKiM3o3: yeah
Mia Meiou: hey, can I post some of our conversation on my site?
MiKiM3o3: i guess
MiKiM3o3: do i get paid for that?

Mia Meiou: I'll give you a quarter on monday
MiKiM3o3: sweet

The fun people that I work with. *Grin*

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 12:32 PM

game stop and prank calls

It's drizzling outside here in philadelphia right now... and First of all, I'm thankful for the fact that diaryland doesn't time out connections.

I just took a quick trip out to game stop. Frank and noy were re-organizing the store. Frank is just as sexy as ever. Oh shit, did I just type that? Oh well, guess I'd best go with the flow. When I walked into the store, Frank was putting PC games on the wall, while noy critqued his style. I looked at his ass, and smiled.

Other than that, Frank seemed to not be pissed off at random things that his employees do today. That's a good thing because that type of stuff is always ragging on him. Oh man, I am attracted to that man... I would still gladly be his girlfriend, or at this point just screw his brains out, but what can I say? Well, at this point the answer is nothing, because of the girlfriend, and we both seem to be good people.


Well, like I said yesterday, the ball is in his court.

I'm still chatting with drew, which is pretty cool. He's helping me find software for the webcam that is currently lazliy attached to my PC's USB port. Mike D from work let me hold his webcam, but he coudln't find the software for it. And as one of the millons of assholes who have Microsoft ME, I'm having a difficult time finding drivers that actually work for the damn thing. Drew is helping me in this endevour. Wish us luck... then you guys can see how hot I am, and call the South Philly Game Stop and tell Frank (Ask for the store Manager if you wanna prank for real... heh) that he needs to get with pam ASAP. *laughs*

Okay, it's about damn time I ended this entry.

Love and adoration (and fun prank calls)


Written, Saturday, Jul. 27, 2002 at around: 12:00 PM

Drew Imming

Andrew from work kicks MUCH ass..... and I think I'm going to gamestop this half hour.

Drew 20010: howdy

Mia Meiou: Hey!

Mia Meiou: I saw your post!

Drew 20010: Haha, yeah.

Drew 20010: I never know what to say in those things.

Mia Meiou: they are kind of "Say yo' shit now"

Drew 20010: Do you just say "Hey great site" like a fruit or do you say something personal or not personal, are inside jokes ok, or not? It's a rather stressful dilemma.

Drew 20010: If i were doing this blog thing, i would have wrote a script to just say random shit every half hour....or maybe you did that

Drew 20010: and i'm talking to a pambot

Mia Meiou: lol

Mia Meiou: pambot

Mia Meiou: they said that scripts aren't allowed

Drew 20010: Yeah, programmed with random pamisms

Mia Meiou: that'd be damn cool

Mia Meiou: WORD

Drew 20010: Did you invite ML to the party? he'd blow the roof off that mother

Mia Meiou: LOL

Mia Meiou: I should have

Mia Meiou: I didn't even mention this to him

Drew 20010: Everybody getcha blog on...WHUT

Mia Meiou: I soooooooooo should have invited mark

Mia Meiou: lol

Mia Meiou: you are so damn funny drew

Drew 20010: I learned it by watching you, alright!

Mia Meiou: I would have invited mark so he'd give me a raise after he saw my meger accomidations

Mia Meiou: lol

Drew 20010: he probably has his own blog going

Mia Meiou: that'd be great

Drew 20010: sponsored by big poppa underpants

Mia Meiou: LOL

Mia Meiou: Yo, he was so pissed off when antia showed him the draws

Mia Meiou: he was fumin'

Drew 20010: Because if you aint got big poppa in your pants, you aint playin with the big boys.

Mia Meiou: damn right

Mia Meiou: big poppa landon

Drew 20010: he got pissed?

Mia Meiou: a little bit, yeah

Drew 20010: Wait, ML on the underpants, pissed

Drew 20010: now thats just plain funny

Mia Meiou: ML's draws
Mia Meiou: he was in a bad mood that day, though
Drew 20010: Who wouldn't want to be on some underwear?
Mia Meiou: I'd love to be near someone's crotch all day
Mia Meiou: I could snuggle up to some balls every mornin'
Mia Meiou: LOL
Drew 20010: LOL
Drew 20010: Pam Pants
Drew 20010: Get em while they're hot
Mia Meiou: and they're ALWAYS hot
Drew 20010: lol
Mia Meiou: pam pants, they SIZZLE when you wear 'em
Mia Meiou: yo, you gotta let me post this conversation
Drew 20010: I'd be honored.
Drew 20010: I'd have to give a shout out to all my homies in Oak town though
Drew 20010: I heard that somewhere.
Mia Meiou: *dances the drew kicks ass*
Mia Meiou: LOL
Mia Meiou: drew = the man
Drew 20010: I was very touched by your glossary entry re: me...Ok now im gonna cry....i promised myself i wouldn''re my special pam
Mia Meiou: LOL

I'll post more me & drew conversations later. These are too great not to post!

Love and adoration,


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This is so fucking cute:

*HUGS* TOTAL! give miabogard more *HUGS*
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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?