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Written, Sunday, Dec. 23, 2001 at around: 10:16 PM

Junk food feast, and the marrige question... again.

Ugh... wisdom teeth bite the big one. My lower right wisdom tooth is swolen up, and hurts like hell. I can't even close my mouth. WHOLY SHIT!! This means that it's difficult to eat. That's why I'm currently eating a feast of junk-foods that are soft and mushy. This here auntie annies pretzel is only but so soft, but it kinda disolves in my mouth, so I suppose that makes it soft.

I know I've been complaing about this tooth for a while, and that's probabally a tad bit annoying. Well, shit, if YOU had a wisdom tooth growing in, it'd be the only thing on your mind for most of the day too. Have a little compassion, people.

Well, aside from the fact that I'll probabally lose weight in the next week or so because I won't be eating, there've been some interesting developments on the home front. Glenn was over last night! Yea! I just love it when he visits, it makes my little apartment seem like home. Well, it is home, but that's cool. So we played on the internet last night, and I introduced him to The where I encouraged him to take lots of tests. I sat there and watched him. It was like "A voyage into glenn's brain." I like to people-watch, and I believe this fell into that people-watching catagory. I watched him take personality tests, and whatnot, but the best was the love test on Emode. He's a cool dude, man. I also think that I finally got that this marrige thought that I've been having lately is mutual. *if I felt any better I'd get up and do a jig* yea for me, ne?

Well, my tooth is yet again attempting to kill me, so I'm going to go drink some fluids and act like I'm helping my body by drinking sugary gateorade.


Love and adoration,


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