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Written, Saturday, Aug. 30, 2003 at around: 2:57 AM

*insert yawning noise here* I've archived stuff...

I can't sleep, so I just archived some of my anchient entries.

I decided that I should own up to what I've written. It's embarrasing, but all that stuff I wrote is part of who I am. I can't go saying, "That's so not me," because at some point or another it was.

I'm not pleased that my life in 2001 was so damn petty, but hey, whatcha gonna do?

Post older entries online.

I forgot how much I despised a whole lotta people until I red those entries. I must sound like a horrible person when I say stuff like that, because there's always someone saying I'm evil. You wanna hear evil? Listen to me talk about abortion one day, then you'll know evil.

So just for those of you who gave a crap, yes there are a bunch of entries that were written before the summer of 2002. They are now listed for your pleasure. Enjoy.

Wow, 2001... that's such a long time ago. To reflect on how I saw life then and compare it to how I see life now is like comparing lisa marie presely to britney spears. It reminds me of how long I've known a lot of my friends, and how long I've known some not-so-friends. Yep. Okay, nothing else interesting. I'm gonna try to sleep now.

Love and adoration,


Written, Friday, Aug. 29, 2003 at around: 2:21 PM

Why ayh why exclimation point


Life is good. The weekend is going to start, really soon. I have an awesome cat. I may or may not work on another movie set. I have a good job in center city (which I don�t have to return to until tuesday--- Fact-- not complaint!) I have a boyfriend I love and here�s Pepsi Vanilla in my apartment. Life is good. There are many declaritive sentances in this paragraph.

Yesterday I was watching the MTV Video Music Awards. Oh yeah, okay, madonna and brittney spears kissed. Then Madonna kissed Xtina... Christina Aguleriaiaiaiaiaiaiaia or however you spell her name. The Young Dirty Broad. Heh. Yeah, that was interesting. I don�t know if I found it stimulating, because Madonna is old enough to be their mom, my mom, and the mom of all my friends. I think she�s had enough sex in her lifetime to facilitate that many kids, as well.


I wrote an entry earlier, which those of you familiar with my other journal can go read. I liked it, and it was a little too meaningful, so I had to stick it somewhere safe. I wrote it for here, so it�ll seem weird on the other page. Sorry, no link. I�m allowed to be a stinker.

Frank came to visit me last night, and brought the Clerks cartoons with him- we watched them, and the Sperm Brother episode of family guy. Hilarity ensued. Okay, when I say hilarity ensued, I mean some motherfucking hilarity ensued. I don�t usually laugh out loud like that at TV programs. Rarely do I find anything as funny as Frank�s jokes (especially the tasteless ones, which always catch me off-guard), but the clerks cartoon where Dante and Randall (ala Clerks) got sued by Jay (Jay & Silent Bob from well... all the View Askew flicks thus far) for a million dollars or something.

It was so funny! See, a day or two ago, Frank explained what happened in the sued episode. Again, frank(great storyteller) + Me(colorful imagination)= Motherfucking hilarity ensuin�. So I have this vivid idea of what�s going on, and I�m all like, �Fraaaaank! Please bring the dvd�s over! Puh-leeese?� Well, I wasn�t that desperate, but you get the drift. The show was every bit as funny as frank�s discription-- especially the end -- drawn by korean animators. Robot Dancing! Midgets in a car?

You had to be there.

Well it was nice having Frank come visit. It�s all good. And I love showering. It�s interesting, really-- (no I�m not about to talk about the eroticsism of oral sex in a shower, Geez, get your head outta the gutter!!) showering... it�s interesting. But on the real *snort* I love it when frank comes to visit. It�s awesome. I�m not like gloating, but he�s such a nice man. I feel lucky to be his girlfriend, and more than anything I�m really happy to be his friend.

Aren�t I all apreciateve and living the positive outlook.

I�m happy... like seriously. No undertones, other than how I usually am.

I don�t have time to write anything else, because I have to get some stuff done right now. I may update later too. Yay, and whatnot.

Love and adoration,


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?