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Written, Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003 at around: 2:32 PM

Too much pepsi does this to you


It�s weird... last night I wrote that I wanted to stop complaining about work-- This morning, work seemed so awesome. I got a lot of work done, and even had enough work to say that maybe I was a little stressed (read: motivated)

That�s particularly awesome.

I don�t quite remember if I mentioned it anywhere in the content of yesterdays entry, but this week feels good. That statement is brought to you by various feelings within me. It�d be difficult to take the time to rationalize why this week feels good, but it simply does. Don�t get it twisted, yo- this week I�m fucking broke, and will be scrounging to buy groceries (d�oh!) but it�s all for the greater good.


On a related front, the boyfriend of choice is having what seems to be a pretty good week. He had an uber-positive interview experience yesterday. Said experience will be discussed here as developments unfold. Hopefully this means that we�ll be having �nooners� at some point in the near future.

A girl can only hope.

It�d be nice to eat lunch with another human being for a change. I don�t know how feasible that�d be. Like was stated above, more on this story as it develops. Now, back to pam being a bitch, live at our Center City studio- Pam?

I�m having hot dogs for lunch. Guess what I�m drinking with these unhealthy little cylinders of beef injected filth? Pepsi Motherfucking Vanilla. Seriously, this really is the best soft drink that isn�t some form of juice. If you haven�t tried it yet, you are really only living an empty life which is aching to be fulfilled by the wondrous, smooth and refreshing taste of Pepsi Vanilla.

I should do freelance commercial work for Pepsi Vanilla, and send Pepsi a bill for their implying the services rendered. Pepsi does kind of owe me something, though. Over the years I�ve stayed a loyal Pepsi consumer, promoted their product verbally and I think I owned a Pepsi tee-shirt at one point. I�m still thinking about buying this awesome Pepsi Cola racing jacket I saw once in Atlantic City. My loyalty is really all about taste, as coke hasn�t really ever done it for me-- particularly vanilla coke. Vanilla Coke is a travesty to the beverage industry- an abomination which tastes like acid flavored vanilla cola. That�s not something I�m willing to subject my taste buds to ever again.

Don�t get me wrong, we have a rock and roll relationship, Pepsi and I. Sometimes it�s almost abusive. Some of the products that I�ve subjected myself to from the Pepsi camp have been orally and gastroentorally unsatisfactory... and that�s being really fucking nice. They�ve gone so far as to tease me with a quality product, promising me more, and destroying all my hopes.

Through all that, I stayed true. Even after Pepsico decided not to produce Crystal Clear Pepsi anymore, I still remained a faithful member of the Pepsi generation. Even through the worst days of horrid and freakish experiments such as Pepsi Blue and Pepsi Kona (Do you remember that nasty shit?) I stayed true to my beverage. Well, that�s not entirely true-- I stopped drinking pepsi for a while during my teenage years, because I think I was consuming too much caffeine and products with a lot of sugar... I was getting a little sick. Mmmm, potential juvenile diabetes.

Now they�ve made up for some of their wrong doing by providing my mouth with the delight that is Pepsi Vanilla, and proving, yet again- that pepsi is superior to coke. Yay!

I need help, I just wrote much more about pepsi than I ever imagined possible. :-P

On to our next story, brought to you by our Girl on da street- Pam.

Yeah, this morning as I was walking to work, I had a revelation. I am officially a woman- and this has nothing to do with my slightly changed sense of responsibility, the new job, or anything. I am now an adult, because as I walked from my house to the bus stop I thought, �Wow, this breeze is so awesome... hmm wearing a thong is pretty nice.�

Thongs have usually been underwear worn for panty line prevention, because I was out of other underwear, or for the pleasure of the individual catching a glimpse of me pant/skirt free. For ages, I�ve referred to thongs as �wedgie panties.� Well, at least in my own mind. Wearing thongs has never really been for pleasure, and mostly I�d only put �em on for any of the above reasons. Today, I�m not wearing tight pants, I�m not out of clean briefs, nor am I expecting to engage in any nude romping... although now that you mention it... but anyway-- I put on a thong willingly, and *insert dramatic spiritual soda epiphany music* I liked it. No attempts to pick my ass have occurred today, and until writing this just now, I completely forgot I had it on.

I suddenly feel very sexy.

Okay, I�m gonna get back to work, finish this bottle of Pepsi Vanilla, and think very naughty thoughts.

Love and adoration,


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