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Written, Thursday, Nov. 06, 2003 at around: 11:30 PM

All I want for christmaaaaaaaaas is yoooooou

Before I wrote this entry: this user's total entries: 669

I can't sleep. I had a lot of sugar, and some sparkiling grape juice. Yes, juice. Not wine. I drank that a few nights ago. Arbor mist. Mmmm. I could drink bottles of that stuff, it just tastes yummy. I haven't had any peach snhopps in a good while. I stopped drinking it, because it felt like I was rotting my wisdom tooth with it.

That stuff is like drinking pure sugar with liqor and flavoring added purely for fun.

so, uh christmas is coming. I'm trying to encourage myself to get in the fucking sprit. I'm listening to some of my favorite xmas songs. Alllll I want for chrismas is yooooou. And some jewlery toooooooo. lmao! Those aren't the like, for real lyrics but I heard a girl I worked with at a diner- Eleni- sing that once, and they've stayed with me forever. That, and every time I think of the song "Dancing queen" I remember working in the diner, and sticking quarters in the jukeboxes, and dancing behind the counter with Eleni. I'm not feeling it this year, man. By now, I'm usually like, freakin out all like, Yay! Christmas. This year I'm like, Whatever. My tummy hurts.

I'm afraid that I might not be able to do everything I want to get done between now and december 24th. I'm a procrastonater... like big time. Every year in my adult life (not many years, yeah, I know) I've bought a christmas present for someone on christmas eve. Not like I forgot about that person or anything, I just waited until the last minute.

I have to admit, there is a certian something about going to the mall on christmas eve. It's a physically urgent rush that makes you get your shit together, and do that whole "Survival of the fittest" shit. I like that, on a very sick and twisted level. I just like to compete, win, and leave with big bags filled with presents. Yay!

The prommise of buying presents for people is all awesome and stuff. That's making me look forward to christmas, like a whole lot. I like to make people happy with things they want to get. That's all fun and stuff. Yay!

Okay, now I feel sleepy. Goodnight!

hearts and butterflies,


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