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Written, Friday, Nov. 07, 2003 at around: 1:31 PM

rate this

I wish I had more time before I left for the dentist-- rate my, right? there should be a ratemyprofessor' That would RULE. Oh, and maybe a and the sister site, ratemysupervisor'


I'll have plenty to talk about after I get home this afternoon.

Have a bitchin' friday,


Written, Friday, Nov. 07, 2003 at around: 1:28 PM

my teeth!


It's 1 something pee em. LMAO that's really funny if you know what I know.

Anyway... 1. Allison and I have been chatting via email, and she's too awesome. 2. I'm leaving work EARLY today. 3. My replacment for the shitty job comes in tomorrow, her name is heather, and I really hope she's nice. I need more co-workers to be my friends, especially with sarah leaving. I'll be all alone. :-( 4. I'm coming into work LATE on monday, I have to get a filling. 5. The reason I'm leaving early today is because I'm having my teeth looked at. Fun.

Well, that's all I have to say, mostly because it's time to go.

hearts and butterflies


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