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Written, Thursday, Nov. 06, 2003 at around: 7:44 PM

Open Invitation

Hey everyone,

Frank (my uber-erotic totally kickass boyfriend who no, I don't want to break up with, and you can't have him... I don't want to break up with him now, either) doesn't want to see The Cat in the Hat. I have every intention of seeing this movie in the theater. Does anyone want to join me on a Sunday matanee trip to see The Cat in the Hat?

Everyone who reads and can make it to Philadelphia on their own is invited. Oh yeah... and you have to want to see The Cat in the Hat.

Damn, I loved the Cat in the Hat.

hearts & butterflies


Written, Thursday, Nov. 06, 2003 at around: 4:58 PM

Gifted/Borderline Genius: 126 - 135... oh, and trinity died.


I was about to sit here and use the last few minutes here at work to write about my experience watching the matrix last night. ('cause I'm excited about going home, and I've spent up all my concentration points for the day) It was good, the matrix was... more ass kicking that the second movie (which I refer to as the filler/lets bring up several pointless additions to the plot movie) but no, I'm a smidge POed.

I just took an Internet IQ test.

I usually don't have the patience for them, because I doubt that 30 questions on a form exam would really have worthwhile results. I can invest very little value in an IQ test presented by the same company which lets me find out what my sexual zodiac sign is, and which character on Friends I'm most like. Well, I took the IQ test, because the advertisement on looked really appealing, and although I still put little worth into the actual test I took, I was upset by my result. I'll be goddamned if the quiz didn't tell me my IQ was 129.

129??? Are you fucking serious,

The last time I took a for-real IQ test, my IQ was like 145. I was also like, 17 or something, and now I'm older... 22... and haven't taken a formal class that wasn't directly job related since 2000. I had gotten 145.... One motherfucking forty five. So, I finally understand. After 21, all that happens is you get older, and your weight rises, and your IQ lowers. I feel dirty. Granted, the average IQ is supposed to be within the range of 85 to 115, but that really isn't making me feel one bit better. -- I could never imagine having an iq less than 100, I think I'd be depressed over that--

It makes sense though, because when I was a child, I had an IQ of something like 155 or something, and that was on the "adult" scale... whatever that means. Plus, I'm quite sure I've gotten much dumber as I've gotten older. I don't read as much, I use a lot more slang in my everyday vocabulary, and like I said, I haven't really been in a learning environment.

But 129? Goddamn... I didn't even make it to the 130 mark. That's like getting a C+. (No, 129 is NOT good enough to equate to a B+, I'm nowhere near an A) One out of every 96 people in America have my IQ or higher. That many people in America have breast cancer, or herpes. Feh to that! I want some odds like, west Nile river odds, or getting hit by lightning odds to be associated with the percentile of my IQ. I have to start reading some big thick books on mathematical theory, because I'm sure that's what's holding my IQ back-- I'm a mathematical retard, and this retardation has seriously intensified over the years.

The quiz didn't really surprise me by telling me that I'm more language oriented than visually. Although I can draw, I'm not artistically oriented. As you and I both know, dear reader- I'm verbally aggressive. I know I'm a mathematical retard (Well, I wouldn't say retard, but someone else might, 'cause I still count on my fingers sometimes... and I admittedly have always had difficulty doing math involving the interaction of numbers with double digits or more in my head).

Here's what the site said in regards to my testing results:

"We also compared your answers with others who have taken the test. According to the sorts of questions you got correct, we can tell your Intellectual Type is a Word Warrior.

This means you have exceptional verbal skills. You can easily make sense of complex issues and take an unusually creative approach to solving problems. Your strengths also make you a visionary. Even without trying you're able to come up with lots of new and creative ideas. And that's just a small part of what we know about you from your test results."

129. I've gotta go read a book or something. Goddamnit, man.

I saw the Matrix last night.

The movie was good, and I'll get into that in a wee bit. I went with Frank, Peng, Jason (who turned 20 yesterday), Noy, Noy's plaything- Dante, Dante's don't ask- don't tell buddy kahlil, and an attractive pair of breasts attached to long brown hair.

Mark my words: I am no longer the attractive game stop girl.

Well, I still think I'm the prettiest girl among the gamestoppers. It's true. I mean, really she's not that pretty (She's not pretty enough, nor is her rack ample enough [and it's pretty damn ample] to make up for her stupidity-- or smoking habit. I don't like how smokers taste-- and you can take that however you like), and I have the long legs/tall chick thing going for me. But, well she's got the biggest boobs and dresses like a whore, so I'm quite sure she'll be admired for ages and ages, provided she doesn't suddenly turn into a bitch.

I don't want to be admired by this group of boys so much as I just want them to respect me, and feel like I'm one of them. I've got the one I want out of the collective, so I'm chillin'. In the gross opinion of guys other than the one that's had his penis inside me, I'm quite sure she ranks much higher on the "sexi mami" scale than I do. Hell, I'd fuck her too-- regardless of her taking my title. Plus, just by hearing her speak (god, if these women would just shut the fuck up, we'd have so many more options) her prettiness is tamed quite a bit.

I am so superficial sometimes, I'm ashamed.

But not today.

The, "But not today," refers to the being ashamed part, not the being superficial part. I've been a huge bitch lately, and I've really been enjoying it.

Anyway, I can't say too much about this girl, because I only said like four words to her, and I'm inspired mostly by jealousy, as I have comparatively small breasts, and if we were to hug, she'd win. Then again, if we were to hug, I'm 95% sure I'd enjoy it more than she would. And if I'm wrong, that's 100% okay.


So yeah. In other news, the matrix was pretty good. I'm not going to sit here and review it, because I honestly don't feel like it. There was a lot of violence, and like I said the last time I saw a matrix movie, Trinity died.

Oh come on, you knew she had it coming.

Okay I'm leaving this office now.

Hearts and butterflies,


Written, Thursday, Nov. 06, 2003 at around: 2:19 PM

Friday Five: Halloween

It's funny, 'cause I'm just gonna write another one next week... friday five!!

Oct 31, 2003

Answer the following five questions in your weblog or journal. Make sure you leave a comment here with a link to your post (or just leave your answers in the comments section here).

1. What was your first Halloween costume?

I remember a lot of my halloween costumes, however I can't quite remember what I wore on my first halloween. I mean, I was like, 9 months old, people. I think my first halloween costume was a pumkin. I don't remember, I wasn't even a whole year old yet.

2. What was your best costume and why?

Well, depends on what you mean by "Best." The pumkin one was really cute. I dressed up as a mouse, and had an awesome rat tail that I found in the street. I was homey the clown one year, which was totally fun. I got to hit kids with a sock filled with socks. it was FUN.

This year I was an angel, and didn't put much effort into it. Everyone still knew I was supposed to be an angel though. I love halloween!

3. Did you ever play a trick on someone who didn't give you a treat?

It might just be me, but that sounds really dirty.

4. Do you have any Halloween traditions? (ie: Family pumpkin carving, special dinner before trick or treating, etc.)

Well, I always get dressed up. there's not much that I do with my family because honestly, I don't care much for those fucking people... but I dress up every year, no matter what. I'll be 84 and dress up as something.

5. Share your favorite scary story...real or legend!

go watch the ring, or 28 days later. I've no time for spooky stories at the moment. Sorry.

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