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Written, Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2003 at around: 4:25 PM

My eyes are glued to the screen of this monitor


I haven't updated today.

That's mostly because I haven't really had much of anything to say, to be quite honest. I've been happily trudging through my pile of work, and getting busy, as it were.

Turns out that Kim F as in Frank A B as in Boy I A N as in Nancy O has mono. She's been coughing, and wretching for weeks now. I sit maybe 15 feet away from someone with a contageous disease. This sucks, I don't want to catch the Kim B as in Bug U as in Ugly G. That'd suck.

My laptop has been acting like quite the little shit today-- freezing in internet explorer and such. That's cool, because I leave in a few minutes, and I'll abandon the laptop for my apartment with Knights of the Old Republic and the comfy couch. Actually, I'm kind of excited about reading more of this book-- A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin. Doesn't his name just have the intentional rhythm of J R R Tolkien?

Well, the book is fun to read, and I wish I had more time to devote to reading it. I've been trying desperatly to read it at lunchtime here, but I haven't really been taking lunches lately. Not really so much of a complaint as a fact. When I have work to do, and basically goof off more than usual, there's no reason for me to completly stop working and read. That's kind of rude, and it'd weigh on my concious.

I have been intentionally taking the bus home from work since I got the book, because it takes more time. The story is really good, and I'm hardly 1/4th of the way into the book, but I'm already involved with the characters, and have plenty of opinions about their behavior. OH, and did I mention that this fantasy-style novel about a non-existant world with kings, queens and mystic creatures has smut? I was really surprised to read a couple of chapters here and there where they discribed some pretty erotic scenes, which was completly unexpected.

I've never bothered picking up a romance novel, because, well, the stories are garbage, and the cover art alone makes me gag. Plus, I'm not one for Chick Flicks, and I'm certinally not going to devote time out of my day to reading Whorey Stories. To be completly honest, I've never really read anything I'd consider smutty that wasn't in a Playboy magizine, and that stuff isn't so much smutty as it is discriptive of the chicks in the pictures, next to the article. Anyway, this story is excelent so far, and the fact that the scene discription got me wet is a big honkin' plus.

I'm hardly even finished the damn book, but I think it's great.

I'll let you know how it ends, lol. Maybe not. I'm trying not to spoil things like books and movies for people, because *Sigh* apperently people don't appreciate it.

Oh, kim, shut up. She's all tired and sick. Fuck her. When I was here, and sick, I didn't complain. I only complained when I went home, lol.

Anyway, I'm going to go home, it's late.

Love and adoration,


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