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Written, Monday, Dec. 29, 2003 at around: 9:51 AM

Santa Thank You Letter

Dear Santa,

Thank you very much for all of my nice things. Oh, and thanks a bunch for telling Mrs Claus that I wasn't saying that she was fat, and that I meant Phat. That was a really weird moment for me... and in front of all the elves too. You're a real lifesaver, because you and I both know the wrath of a woman with white hair who wears red, right?

Anyway, I wanted to say thank you so much for all the presents.

Thank you for telling my mom to buy me the microwave... even though it came a little early (and it wasn't MY microwave), I still apreciate it. Final Fantasy Tactics and the Love Hina figures from Jason, the stewie shirt from Peng, and the two pretty silver bracletts from both Noy and Mike L were a nice touch on Christmas eve. The Karaoke Party for PS2 from Jason and Darrell was a little much, but I like it anyway. Are you trying to say that I ignore my PS2? Because, I do. How do you know these things? I know you must have survalance set up in my apartment. You sick bastard.

Anyway, Santa- I don't know if you and my boyfriend had a long conversation, or what, but I'm pretty sure you two are in cahoots. I'm in love with watching Pulp Fiction, Resivoir Dogs and Lord of the Rings motherfucking Two Towers-- Extended Edition. I mean, did you like give him my list or what? How supprised was I that you told him to get Finding Nemo (which turned out to be a damned good movie for a story about a fish)?

Pretty damn supprised, my chubby beareded friend.

And to be complety honest I've been enjoyably wasting my days away, listening to the Kill Bill soundtrack (which totally has stuff I couldn't find when I was illegally downloading the soundtrack a few months back!!!). Speaking of wasting my time away into a vortex of amazingly entertaning nothingness, I've become completly addicted to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic-- That X-box game that I had no idea I'd be getting. You crafty, crafty elf!

I have to take my hat off to you, though. Many years you've given me the female-type-gift Shaft-- never a single necklace, bracelet, pair of panties, never a bra, not even so much as a damn bath and body works gift basket, but this year you took the goddamn cake.

Bracletts from Mike & Noy, a b&b gift basket from Frank's Family, the overly adored Arwen & Aragorn Barbie and Ken set (Which is just as terrible and as awesoem as it sounds) and the fucking motherload, a pair of beautiful and sparkling non-everyday earrings from frank. Well wholy shit.

This is the first christmas in a long time that I felt like I was both special, and actually female in the eyes of more than one person. A silly thing to note at christmas time-- everyone is special, and it's quite obvious I'm a girl, but it's what comes from the hearts of others that makes someone feel special. And nice presents make me feel girly. Honest.

So anyway, santa, it's nice to feel special, and I hope that everyone who you told me what to buy this year felt special too... even those who haven't even gotten their gifts yet.

Thanks Santa. Have a happy new year.

love and adoration,


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