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Written, Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at around: 8:55 PM

Food shopping!!! And other important update-like things


What an interesting friday this has turned out to be!

Well, not really, but I guess I should clarify. I re-read that last entry, and I was like, OH shit, this sounds like I'm making a bunch of subtle refrences-- but I so wasn't.

I havent' been subtle in days- quite the contrary, I've been very, very, direct, and a little hurtfully blunt. At least I imagine I have. My pop-pop is in the hospital, and my grandma is being a bitch about things. I was required to reason with her, which was such a stupid idea. Here's a word to the wise-- if anyone in your family ever asks you to "reason" with someone over the age of 65, turn around and go home, or hang up on them. It's not worth your time.

Anyway, the point is that I haven't made an entry in a minute, because I was ready to tell everyone off, and no one but my mom is really pissing me off. Sorry if I've been a bitch, but you know, that happens sometimes, okay?

Aside from the way I've been feeling, and having to deal directly with family members, I've come home really, really exausted in the past week. Coming home to a 3 hour nap every day isn't great, but that's what I've been up to. You really haven't missed much.

Frank is drawing a terribly shitty week to a close as well. I feel so bad for him. It's one of those situations where there isn't much I can do, except be here if he wants me. That frustrates me, because I like to put my fingers directly into people's lives. I'm a hands-on kind of emotional person, lol. Well it seems like maybe he just needs to chill by himself for a couple of days- collect his thoughts and whatnot. Maybe it'll help him? And I'm all about that help stuff.

Plus, I really think I've been a little overbearing to him lately. Yeah, that happens sometimes. He's not a particuarly verbal person, so I always kinda think I'm getting on his motherfucking nerves. LOL, that's something I've perfected over the years-- uninetentionally getting on people's nerves. Anyhow, it's time to step back for a minute and chill it all out.

Space is good, si?

LMAO-- See, I'm not doing this subtle thing too well, lately. Give it a month, and I'll be back on track.

So, we'll see. Poor Frank.

Looking around my apartment, the whole, "Throwing papers and shit that I don't need away" traning, really isn't working. It seems to be a better effort at work, because I can easily see what is, and what isn't worth keeping. Here at home, there's a buncha.... stuff. My livingroom closet is still full of a bunch of papers, and random whatnots. I haven't even figured out what some of this shit under my computer monitor is. I'll probabally have some time to clean this evening, but that's not before an important shopping trip.

Well, I already took a quick shopping trip, where I spent a little more than I had originally intended. I bought myself a pretty dress and a bunch of kitchen stuff.


Oh shit, I am turning into a fucking girl!! Ahem. Anyway, because I've had a lingering desire to cook again (partially because I feel like a rotten host when Frank comes over (my boyfriend, sillies), and I have no food to offer him. That's just a little smidge of rude, ain't it? Well, I bought cooking utensils, a few pans, and some glass baking dishes among other kitchen-friendly items. Yay! This was all accomplished within the confines of a K-mart, and for a somewhat decent price. All of these items were purchased with minimal Martha Stuartizim touching my pre-sanitized hands. Let's hear it for Pyrex. :-)

So in a little bit, I'm going to do something I haven't done in ages. I'm going to go motherfucking food shopping at a place without "Save" or "7" in the store name. OH yeah. It'll be fun, and I'll buy stuff that I haven't eaten at home in months. Well, scratch that, I've eaten plenty at home in the past few months, but most of it was from a styrophoam box taken home from a casual dining resturant.

This should be fun.

My exciting friday night, folks. Watch out! I'm on fire! *singes page with hot flames* Grrr! I'm a gangsta. LOL

So, it's like nine thirty now. I'm going to go off and buy some food made for cooking. Yay! Please have a good night, and an even better tomorrow.

Love and adoration,


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