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Written, Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at around: 4:01 PM

Cookin' up some fun


I'm still really frustrated, but at least I don't feel like I have a peptic ulcer brewing inside me.

Oooh, here's a fun story for the "Isn't my boyfriend so fucking awesome," pile.

Last night, I was so fucking bored. I took a nap. I woke up. I got online. I decided to go to the supermarket that's about a good 20 blocks from where I live. So I get my walk on. As I walked, there was a lot of thinking- (as I often do as I walk somewhere...). Mostly the thinking surrouded my boyfriend, my mom, and how upset I've been.

Around broad street, I decided that I wasn't really upset at all, nor was I depressed. Just a little pissed off combined with a delightful side order of frustrated. Mmm.

As I realized this, I recived a text-message from my nicer-than-yours boyfriend. We went back and forth in messaging for a while. He was like, "Are you going to the convention with turnpike boy?" That'd be Jim, for those of you unfamiliar with the joke... the ongoing joke, lol. After I explained to him that I'd much rather be shot in the foot than attend a furries convention, the conversation turned normal again. Jealous boyfriends have a weird, yet sweet way of letting you know they care, lol. Hell, if some bitch asked him to go somewhere for the weekend, I don't think I (or any sane woman dating a guy they wanna keep) would be able to turn off the jealous switch either. In fact, I'd probabally find a way to talk to her, and explain that, "it don't work that way, sister." LMAO

Anyway, as we continued our non-verbal conversation, Frank found out I was walking my black ass to the supermarket. Then, he offered to drive all the way from New Jersey (um, 15 minutes away, lol) in the middle of the night (uh, it was like 10) to come pick me up from the supermarket in south philly.

*insert Awwww*

How awesome is he? Of course I took him up on the offer, and I proceded to buy a good fifty bucks worth of groceries. Yay. Then he came and got me when I was done. Awesomeness. Then when we got home, I put all the groceries away as he chatted it up with his little brother (well, not by blood-- Mike L... he's in the glossary) and I cooked dinner... Wait-- let me repeat that, for those who may be confused.

I pre�pared din�ner for us.

LOL I haven't cooked a meal for someone of the angry/horny gender (as opposed to the PMS'n/horny gender, lol) in almost two years. It's a good feeling. Cooking is actually rather therapudic, especially if the results are yummy. The results were, in fact, quite yummy. Frank thought the food was pretty good. Yay! He was all like, "I'm supprised." Asshole, lol. He did say it was good, which rocked. He ate everything off his plate, which supprised me. Skinny white boys gotta eat too!

Yes, we're assholes together, lol.

Otherwise, hanging out with him was, as usual, very, very nice. *hip hop track starts, ~He got da magic stick... LMAO*

I'll be cooking more from here on in. I think I might buy a new cookbook today if I see a nice one. *_* LOL, jesus, I do sound like a girl.

Anyway, in more tomboyish-me news, I'm really fucking frustrated with my new cable modem. My router is configured perfectly with my PC, but I can't seem to find out why the cable modem (which obviously works) won't talk to it. I want to play x-box live! I paid for it, and I want my fifty bucks worth. Yes, I'm fully aware that if I remove the ethernet cable from my pc that I'd be able to plug it into my x-box, and get online.

I don't want to do that, though. I have a router for that, and I'm not playing X-box live until I can have my PC and X-box hooked up to this fantastic internet simoutaneously. I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong, but I'm not gonna check. Blech.

Well, I owe latrice a feeding, lol. She and I will be hanging out today, for a little while. When we went to go see T3, we ate at the bar thingy, and she sported me, so since I can kinda afford a bit of food, off we go to grab some eats. Mmmm.

Speaking of latrice- She's moving into gabi's house soon. Gabi's house-- the house for people who've nowhere else to go, lol. I can't talk shit about it, because it's a nice house, comfy, and even fun. I just find it a little funny that Gabi's house really is the flop-house for that section of my friends.

It'll be fun to have latrice around the corner, basically. Maybe she and ali and gabi will come visit me. That'd be fun. Since I've had this apartment, Gabi hasn't come to visit me once-- that's two years. This pretty much puts me under the impression that she isn't gonna... which I kinda understand, but I wish she'd just say she doesn't wanna come by. Scorpios. LOL Gabi and I have a quality internet-based relationship. If I were to spend too much time with her in person, I'd really start to hate her again. I like gabi right now, and I have enough people to hate right now, anyway! LOL

Interestingly, I've willingly spoken to Ali more than gabi in the past year. Interesting. LOL

As for my male friends (other than my boyfriend, who of course is my friend too, but a different kind of friend entirely, leveling him above the modifier, "Friend", in conversation thereby, he is not counted as a "Male Friend"... um...), a few of the younger ones are off at a Metallica concert today. Yup, Metallica. Wow. John lives in his own little world these days, therefore, I haven't seen him in weeks. That's a pisser. Maybe I'll try to get everyone to hang out tomorrow, that'd be fun. I miss the boys!

I'm really fucking pissed off at a lot of things right now. I don't feel like writing about them, because they piss me off, so I'm going to end this entry, because it's kinda happy. Okay, I'm gonna go now. :-D

Love and adoration,


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