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Written, Monday, Jul. 01, 2002 at around: 8:59 PM

what's a girl to do?

Today was one of those kick in the ass sort of days.

See, I - accidentally- stood Anita up for our little trip to buy embarrasing gifts for Mike D. She was a little more than peeved. Not to mention that after she left on Friday, Tiffany and I totally killed her desk.

Yeah, I spent a day at work with a pissed off anita. That isn't fun folks. She is this skinny black woman who works way too hard, is smarter than everyone, and has no qualms about informing you that she's better than you. When she gets quiet, and begins ignoring you, watch out.

I also decided this would be a me day. Meaning that I'd relax-- somewhat-- after leaving work. No game stop, no anime club, no bullshit. I did a good job. My mom came and picked me up to go get ice cream. She even paid. Rock on.

Now I'm at home in a big ol shirt and a pair of panties bored, and still a little tired. I don't know what is to become of the remainder of my day, but by golly, I'm taking a shower at some point. Yes, that's how exciting my days are lately.

I did a bunch of laundry yesterday. Like, a LOT. Well, it seemed like a lot because I had to walk it two or three blocks, in several trips. I still haven't finished it all, because I pretty much gave up on doing it yesterday afternoon. I usually do all of my laundry with Frank in the middle of the night. I would have prefered to do it all with him, but he hasn't done his laundry in a while. Not to mention that I was killing my laundry by not doing it. I won't be calling him today, because I think he usually spends Mondays with his girlfriend. I may reimind him that he has laundry to do.

Ah well, what's a girl to?

I've got a stockpile of love and adoration all for you, baby.


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?