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Written, Tuesday, Jul. 02, 2002 at around: 1:23 AM

Wow, yet another entery from me today

Good morning,

Well, to those of you in my time zone anyway. I've had this overwhelming urge to be diaryland-intensive latley. No real reason, just plain old boredome for the most part. I've tweaked my diary here and there, making my layout more eye pleasing. I've even started on the layout for my review site, review this. I'm really excited about that.

After a year worth of reading diaries, I think I know how I'd like to reviw them. Not to mention the fact that I've paid for another year's worth.

Well, I'm having one of those anti-social days. It's not that I am avoiding people... Well, yeah I am. Goddamn people, breathing my air. Um, sorry. Well-- I have been around so many people for so many weeks. They all want something, and it all comes down to the fact that they need my help. Either directly, or on some higher level, everyone who befriends Pam needs her help. I took a day off, and didn't call out.

I took a break from reality today, and spent most of my not-at-work-time at home, working on websites, and watching dvds. Ah, what a life. But what this terribly exciting day has come down to is the following:

  1. I need to start having sex before I croak

  2. I need Pam/Me/Leave me the fuck alone time

  3. I'm completley over my ex

  4. I'm not doing a good job of "not falling for frank"

Okay, number four might not be that obvious. You know, only if you never read my diary. The facts remain that I'm attracted to him, and the counter-factness that he likes me back is just a swift kick in the arse. Even though I was alone, and made no efforts to contact the outside world, I still thought about him.

I don't know if he thinks about me like this when we're apart. Just having seen What Women Want on dvd, I'm kind of in that whole "What do guys think about" mode. I mean, this isn't your usual can of peas. Frank is involved with a chick he's been seeing for forever and a day. Well, a few months, but whatever. How does that effect his feelings for me? Well, perhaps I shouldn't be dwelling on this, because it just makes me think about him more.

I think too much. Perhaps I should listen to crazian john and listen to my emotions. Nahh, that'd be too emotional. Can't act irrationally. Especially with this situation.

Well, I'm going to sit here and tell myself that it's time for bed. I have a paycheck to collect tommorow, and some bills to pay. -joy-

Love and adoration


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