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Written, Monday, Jun. 02, 2003 at around: 3:18 PM

A good start to the week! (Long entry alert!!)

So okay, here�s the deal--

Today is my first day at a full time gig so far this year. It�s been nearly eight months since I had a full-time position that actually paid any money. Right now I�m on break (I just worked through lunch, so I suppose a 15 minute break this afternoon isn�t gonna kill me) and that feels really good.

When I started my day off this morning, I was a little nervous. In fact, I was embarrassingly nervous last night. The evening before, I had a bad dream that made me even more nervous. It�s so silly, because this job is so easy, and I honestly knew that, but for whatever reason, I felt that I wouldn�t be prepared for my duties here.

The title of �editor� is quite an ambiguous one, man. Where I sit now, there are 4 or 5 girls with the word �Editor� plastered somewhere in their title somewhere. When they say �editor� in this office, they really mean, �You do everything.� That�s not me overexerting either, guys. When I was working at EDU, everyone was a slave in the cornfield, but most of them had a specific duty. Managers managed, salespeople sold things, and the administrative people input data of various sorts. At EDU I was pretty much the only slave in the cornfield who had about six different hats everyday. Here at NAPCO, that�s the standard.

A bunch of slaves with crazy hats.

Seriously though, I haven�t been working here long enough to have any valid complaints. I honestly like it. Well, I haven�t really had too much work to do, which is mostly due to the absence of my manager for the remainder of the week. I have stuff to do, but no concrete deadlines. Everything that I had a deadline for (like, next monday or something) I�ve already finished. I like that. I can tell them it�ll take me a week to do something, get it done in a day, and amaze everyone two days later when it�s done. Ha!


Well, how about an actual update? I haven�t written since thursday or something. I�m sorry.

I have met Frank�s little brother. No, he doesn�t have a biological male sibling, unless there�s something he hasn�t told me. This guy we know, Mike, has to be Frank�s little brother. Mike seems to be best friends with Jay, a dude who works at the whitman game stop (Go read the glossary or something)-- I think I�ve mentioned Jay a few times here and there-- and he�s like a younger Frank. They�re both really funny people, intelligent, and they seem to hate everyone. Like-- they hate people in general. That�s about right. It�s terribly funny watching the two of them interact, because they even use some of the same phrases.

We (we consisted of Frank, Jay, Mike, and myself) were riding in frank�s car, and jokes were flying everywhere out of the boys, and I played my usual role of Robin from the Howard Stern show (I rarely say too much, laugh at their jokes, and add a serious comment here and there) while they kept the entertainment going. Then Mike looks over at some guy, I forget what he looked like, and says �Look at this fuckin� guy!� I laughed at that for about two minutes, because Frank is always saying that when someone who�s a little... let�s say, �odd� is walking around, when they know good and well that they�re too damn funny looking to leave the house. After Mike said that, I pretty much decided that he was officially frank�s little brother. They�re really similar, and sometimes they even sound the same. ...That could just be because they�re both from South Philly, but I�m going to stick with the �they�re brothers� angle, because I like it better.

That was fun.

Then, the other day while frank was over, I spoke to Liza. I�ve decided that I really like her a lot. Perhaps I�ll find a normal female friend in her. See, people, none of you understand! I have a really difficult time making friends with girls, mostly because I don�t care much for fashion unless it involves denim, or at least comfort. I like looking sexy, but goddamn, I�m not paying a lot to look good. I already look good anyway-- I digress. Anyway, I�ve always wanted to have a group of female friends, or at least one really good female friend. See, Leighann and I have known each other for a long time, but she�s like, an uber-tomboy, and she hasn�t grown out of that much. I started dressing a little more girly, and decided that I�m not a lesbian. She�s sticking to women, and playing basketball. Then there�s Samantha. I haven�t spoken directly to samantha in over a year, so she doesn�t count. Plus she�s not very normal-- the girl�s a stripper... Then there�s Sharee. Damnit. I tried really hard with her, but she�s crazy!

So here�s hoping that I can find a normal female friend in Liza. She�s pretty cool, and I see a lot of the positives in myself in her, and a lot of things that I can learn from her are just waiting to pop out. Heh. It�s almost like we share a portion of our brains... and she got all the boobs. LOL. We spend a lot of time during conversation saying, �Oh my god, me too!� or �I�m totally the same way.� It�s scary. Seriously though, she�s really cool, and I enjoy talking to her. I haven�t shared conversations of the variety that I have with Liza since I was 7 and I was chatting on the phone with my first best friend, Nicky (she was pretty crazy too...). It�s interesting, because she and Nicky have birthdays near each other. Liza is near the gemini cancer cusp. Nicky was a gemini. Oooh, spooky.

Wow, I�m close to a lot of cusp-y people these days. One of the higher-ups in this office is a Scorpio-libra, my cousin bridgett is a scorpio-libra, frank�s an aquarius-pisces, so is my mom, and Liza is a gemini-cancer. It almost makes me a little bummed that I was born smack-dab in the middle of aquarius. Well, not really. I have enough water and fire influence in me to make me more emotional, and not an air-sign robot. I guess that�s why all those water signs like me so much.

It always kills me that picean people aren�t terribly annoyed by me. Like, Illy, Bobby Peoples, Cristina, Frank, my mom and a bunch of other people born in late February or early march all seem to really enjoy my company. I simply don�t understand it. Seriously, this is so bewildering to me. People so deep, and meaningful enjoy spending time with me. Why? I might have a deep thought every quarter, and they embody their depth day to day. Sometimes I feel a little shallow being surrounded by Scorpios and Piceans, and the occasional cancer-gemini cuspy girl. The good thing about being around people with true poetic depth is that they challenge my little mind. Their passion and true levels of want and desire in their lives makes me wanna work harder at everything I do.

I think that pisses some of them off a little. What do you want from emotional signs anyway? They get upset quite often, and that�s why I love �em all. Well, no, I don�t love every emotional signed person I meet. A lot of them are just plain dicks-- talking dicks?? I�m pretty sure if a dick could talk, it�d say �Fuck� a lot... LMAO... oh boy... anyway-- I do care about them as people, though. I do love the fact that they get ruffled every now and again. I like seeing people experience their feelings in outward projections. It�s sick, I know, but it makes me feel good to know that other people are strong enough to let their emotions out in the open.

I don�t do that shit too often. Go water and fire sign people!

Well, I�ve been writing this on and off in-between looking up these crazy advertiser people for about 45 minutes now, so I�m gonna spell check it, and post it. Have a great today, and an even better tomorrow!

Love and adoration,


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