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Written, Thursday, May. 29, 2003 at around: 2:18 PM

Rants, and stuff!

Ah the humor and irony...

I am not the only jackass. There's a guy sitting a computer away from me who is also updating his diaryland entry for the day. That made me laugh.

Anyway, how are you? Well, wait, that's a really stupid question to ask on the internet... at least outside of real-time chat. Seriously, I do care about how you (whoever you are) are doing, but what is the point of me writing it here?

Why am I still talking??

So yeah, I have the job, and that makes me very, very happy. I got all the paperwork and stuff that will make me a full-time employee today. It's going to be weird being in an office for eight and a half hours every day again. I'm looking forward to it.

Okay, time for an ironic observation... *que cheesey theme music!* Yesterday was a fairly nice day out. After I went home, pestered my boyfriend, and watched tv, I got the urge to leave the house. I didn't have any money (read: 2 dollars and an extra token) so I just took a walk. I walked around south philly for a while, and saw some neighborhoods that I've only been through on the bus. Not too bad. I also walked up south street, and over to Penns landing. It was kind of weird looking over at New Jersey. I've been to Jersey more times in the past year than I ever had before in my life. I'm also the girlfriend of a guy who lives there. It's a weird feeling to know that my boyfriend lives in another state.

Ironically, he lives closer to me than previous boyfriends who lived in the same city.


The real ironic observation is that when I was growing tired of walking, I was on 3rd and Chestnut-- which is kinda like Olde City (near the liberty bell). There are lots of old homes which have been lovingly restored by doctors, lawyers, and other professionals who have to pay thousands of dollars a month to maintain their household.

My allergies were acting up while I was down there, because there were way too many flowers, freshly cut grass, and trees that bloom some kind of flower that smells really good, but has a lot of pollen. That, and there were a lot of old bald guys driving around in convertiables, trying to relive their youth, or at least trying to pick up girls.

So, I was on third street, and over to my right, I saw a beautiful building with freshly trimmed hedges. There were iron gates with lavish designs on them, and the words, "Episicipal Community Services" carved delicately on the front of the building, above the solid wood double doors.

I saw that, and said aloud, "Why is the community services building in a neigborhood that doesn't really need any servicing?" It really upset me, and I considered the fact that the church really digs deep into the pockets of believers, and spends it on pointless things, such as a gardner, iron workers, and such, so that they can have a beautiful building in old city philadelphia. Then, I looked to my left, and there was a Salvation Army Day Care Center.

In comparison, the day care looked like a jail. Chain-linked fences painted white surrounded everything, including the obvious play areas. The building, which I remember had a plaque on it saying it was erected in 1977, seemed really run down, and needed a new front door, as the wood was chipping away from the area near the handle, which had an additional, newer looking lock on it. There were so many locks, and guarded places, it made me kind of sad. The kids go out to play in the chained-in-yard, and look out to the pretty garden accross the street that they can't touch.

Okay, that's all my imagination, and I honestly don't know what the episicpal community services building does. They could have put money into the salvation army day care center for all I know. It just seemed like a bunch of rich people donated money to a building that doesn't really need to look pretty, and the children play in a cement yard walled in by white bricks and fences, like puppies.

That really makes me sad.

Do people really care more about keeping a church-run yard beautiful than they do about the development of a 6 year old, who may turn out to have clostrophobia because they had to play in a yard like that?

Ah, what am I complaining about? The school yards in south philly, west philly, and north philly are no different. It just seems like nobody cares about the little kids. All this money in the city goes to making center city beautiful, and it keeps going there. We're making tons of revenue (trust me, I read that shit), but it doesn't go anywhere else. The excess funds that we've made from the emphisis we place on tourisim go right into making more money, every time. What happened to Mayor Street's plan to get kids reading? What happened to Janie Blackwell's plans for equality in the classroom, all over philadelphia?? What happened to making the school safety plan a reality? What happened to people giving a damn about a six year old little girl who walks past 11th and Diamond to get to school every day?

I'm really pissed off now, lol!

Damnit, now I'm going to look up how I can voulnteer for the salvation army child care center. Help me.

Anyway, ranting here isn't going to make a difference. I'm going to write some passionate emails, and wait for them to be ignored.

*takes a deep breath*

Ah, well... otherwise, life is okay. The past few days have had me feeling passionate about life in general. I'm telling you, that whole humanitarian-aquarius thing has never felt more accurate. Well, I'm sure you could tell by my rant up there, but dude, there's just so much injustice, and so few people want to do anything about it. The reality is that deep down inside, we're all lazy. There are a good number of Americans who do give a damn, but very few of us give enough of a damn to do anything about it. I wonder what could inspire people who aren't me to write letters, or at least prove that they care. I hope, for the hope of some little kid, that someone figures it out.

Ooooh, dramatic!

Well, I'm going take my dramatic ass on and check my email. Have a great day, and an even better tomorrow.

Love and adoraiton,


Written, Wednesday, May. 28, 2003 at around: 12:42 PM

How tranquil...

Damnit, I just can't resist....

You are Peace
You are Peace.

You are at peace with your self and the world
around you. You have balance in your life and
exude tranquility from every pore of your body.
People are constantly asking you "what is
your secret?"

What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I'll tell you my secret. I was a hyperactive child, and now I seek some depth in my life... that and everyone tells me I'm all down to earth. Peace out.


Written, Wednesday, May. 28, 2003 at around: 12:26 PM

I have ten fingers and ten toes... That means I'm in a good mood... or something.

You know what the most annoying thing about using public computers is? No cookies. I don't have my login information saved anywhere, which means I have to remember my damn passwords.


*insert girly shriek*

I got the job! *self high five* Wow, that didn't go over well with the librarians. I don't think they apreciate making loud clapping noises... Anyway, yeah, I got the promotion. I'm so damn happy. I've only told like two human beings so far, so you should feel special, because as you read this you can imagine that you're the third person I told. :-D

It's not quite as much money as I had hoped for, and in fact it's a damn pay cut from edu (Yes, I said pay cut from edu) but that's okay. I'm happy with getting a full-time paycheck. I'm quite sure that I'll be able to kiss enough ass and work hard enough to earn a substansial payraise at the end of the year.


Otherwise, I'm just in a really good mood. Like, really. I called Frank in the middle of the night last night, because I was having trouble sleeping, and I talked at him for a couple of hours, and it was quite the fruitful conversation. I love those deep, psychologically taxing conversations. They can be a pain in the ass, but I really enjoy them. Poor Frank, he has to put up with me. He's a very patient man, lol.

I don't have a segway for patience, nor am I going to attempt one. I love these indirect lead-in's to the next paragraph, it's so anti-english. It's almost like I'm rebeling against society through words or something radical like that. Well, maybe not anything that intense... I am just writing in my web journal...

Okay, so anyway, yeah-- I ramble. The point of today's entry is that I'm happy. I'll be a little happier when I get a full-time paycheck. Dude, it's been almost 7 months since I've recieved a full-time paycheck. That's crazy.


Well, it is now 12:34, so I'm gonna go. I have a feeling I'm gonna get kicked out soon. The library is "Busy" today. What the fuck does that mean? *laughs* I'm not even going to think about it. Have a great remainder to your day, and a terriffic tomorrow! :-)

Love and adoraiton,


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