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Written, Wednesday, Jun. 04, 2003 at around: 4:17 PM

Glossary update!

Hey, I just updated the glossary-- finally.

Read it, you may be on it!

love and whatnot,


Written, Wednesday, Jun. 04, 2003 at around: 3:56 PM

Pugsley's only sister...

Happy Hump day,

WOW, as they once said.

So, what's the deal folks? I've had a really good day thus far, and it's only 4PM, eastern standard time.

The day started out terribly boring, but as things moved along, I came up with a ton of work to do, and got some things accomplished. That, and I got a bunch of free junk. I'd like to call it something else, but it's just junk. See, when you work for a magizine called Promotional Marketing, you end up with a lot of well... promos in the office. I resolved my lack of magnets at home, as well as gaining a cool cup, a blow-up pillow/bag, and some other junk that I'm keeping in my office for fun.

Well, there's plenty of stuff on my desk. There's a whole bunch of papers, which I shifted around a lot earlier. I had organized them into piles, and then after I did that, I read all the stuff in the folders, and envelopes. After doing that, I reorganized the piles, and ended up eliminating the pile structure alltogether, and just put 'em all in one big pile.

No shit, guys.

I've also been doing other stuff that you guys don't care about, like developing a database for Sarah and the PMDM folks in the back, which I think will make her life a lot easier, and learning how to use the high-end database here. I've actually spent every hour since I ate lunch (at my desk, because it's still really nasty outside here in philly) working. And not like, bullshit work either, I've been doing some good stuff here. I really am a geek, because I honestly enjoy that shit.

So, last night I went to karaoke. Ugh, what a mistake that was. It was pouring down last night with the fury of an irate philadelphia eagles fan after a loss due to a missed field goal. It was terrible. Although it was coming down pretty hard last night, I was determined to go enjoy some quality karaoke. Nobody wanted to go with me, and I totally understood-- I had orignial intentions of going at it alone anyway. Frank was like, "Ehh," John said, "Naw," and Leighann didn't answer the phone. Bastards. Seriously though, if someone had called me to go out somewhere last night, I would have tried to convince them to keep their ass in the house, and let me sleep.

I went anyway. The bar was pretty vacant, and the few people who were there obviously were not patronizing the resturaunt for the sheer joy of karaoke, or being forced to listen to people sing karaoke. They were there to get fucked up. Most of the familiar faces who are at that bar every evening from happy hour to 2am were there. The crazy short drunk guy, the fat drunk guy with the glasses, and the weird black guy with the lisp were all in attendance. None of my karaoke friends were there, though. That was a bummer.

So I sang a few songs, and by the time that I was singing "Everywhere," by Michelle Branch, I had this feeling come over me. I felt like-- yo, fuck this. That feeling was intensified by the fact that a guy, who's name I don't remember, and don't care to either, came in. He's one of those annoying mothefuckers who just want so badly to be everyone's friend, but has little/no traits that a friend should have. Get the fuck outta here. So in the middle of my second beverage, I just gave Teddy (The easy-on-the-eyes bartender who I strongly believe is homosexual) a nice tip, and left.

It was a little bit of a bummer, but I'm sure I'll be back in there on a night with no rain.

As for today, I don't know what's gonna happen. I have no plans yet, and not too much money either. I have to pay my phone bill. The money has been sitting with the bill for almost a week, and I really need to pay it before they cut me off, lol. I should bring it with me to work tomorrow, and pay it during my lunch break. Ah, that sounds good.

Oooh, I do have something to do-- I have to perm my hair. I bought the relaxer on sunday to ensure that I'd have the money for it, and I haven't put it in yet. Not because I have to do anything special to my hair or let it sit for a few days. I haven't permed my hair mostly out of pure lazyness. I could have done it yesterday, but, well... I didn't.


In the next couple of weeks, I'd like to get a small camera. I haven't taken any pictures of anything in a really long time, and I want some pictures for my desk. I like having pictures, but I rarely take any, because I know how I am about getting photos developed. I don't. Somewhere in my apartment, I have disposable cameras that I've been meaning to get developed since before I moved in there. I've lived in that apartment since the summer of 2001.

Well, I think I'm done for today. I'll write some more stuff tomorrow, but until then have a great remainder to your day, and an excelent tomorrow!

Love and adoration,


Written, Tuesday, Jun. 03, 2003 at around: 4:00 PM

Today isn't yesterday


It's tuesday, and I'm not completly broke yet, so guess what I'm doing tonight!!!! KARY FUCKING OKEY. It's been far too long. I'm going, and hopefully I can find someone else to drag along with me. I doubt it though. Most of my friends are anti-karaoke, totally broke, or both.

It's a little sad, my karaoke absence. I've been to another bar that has karaoke on saturdays a few times this year, but even though it's really close to home, and cheaper that my usual karaoke spot, it's not as much fun. There's a lot of old people at the south philly bar. The neigborhood drunks drastically outnumber the folks there just trying to get their karaoke on. My main karaoke joint has been servicing my inner karaokeaholic for at least 4 years, and I've only been over 21 for one and a half of those years. Good people, and the gay bartender dude is both nice and easy on the eyes.

I've been to my main nook a ton of times in the past few months (Well, like 6 or so) but each time I went for karaoke, Linda (the karaoke bitch, and yes, she's officially a bitch now) wasn't there. She's kind of a drunk, and was always late anyway. I don't even know if she still does this other resturant/bar place, John's on south street, because I stopped going there all toghether, because it's a really expensive place when you don't have a job.

So tonight I'ma try and get my karaoke on... somewhere. I've been pratcing my singing and everything. I think I'm starting to sound a little better. Better even than when I was actually taking lessons. Cristna was trying to make me sing a lot lower than I naturally sound in my singing voice. I guess I have a decent amount of range, but she kind of kept me within a lower tone. She had me singing toni braxton. :-P I had a difficult time getting out of singing through my throat after the lessons, now I can use my head-voice a bit better.

I know that made no sense to anyone but me and perhaps cristina. Damnit Cris! The woman pushed me toward quitting my job, and singing incorrectly. Well, not incorrectly, but not using my full voice. I feel like I only got half a lesson each time I went. Nevermind. I'd really like to take singing lessons again, but I'd rather learn from someone I can trust. Wish me luck.

Ah... well it could just be meant that I'm not supposed to sing. Who knows. Well fuck that, I like singing, lol! You know, the worst part of karaoke is that drinking can ruin your singing voice, but most of the drinking in my life has occured while at a karaoke bar. That doesn't matter, I still have fun, and it's not like I'm making a living off of my voice... yet?

As far as what I am doing to make a living these days, I have no work to do at all. This isn't so horrible, because I get to do stuff like write this, lol.

I need to bring a candy dish here. I like to have candy at my desk, not so much because I eat it, but because I like to have snacks for visitors. I'd get those yummy Japanese gummies, and chocolate kisses or something and stick them in a bowl or jar or something.

Today the ladies of the Promotional Marketing Editing Department took me out to lunch. That was fun. I can already tell who I like, who I don't trust, and who I won't be putting forth effort to be friends with. One of the ladies who works above me is a nice girl. Her name is Sarah (Damnit, I have to update my glossary, like for real) and she's such a nice person-- very hard working, and nice. Not like, scary stabbin you in the back kinda nice, but genuinely nice.

I don't know when her birthday is yet, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that she's a Pisces. It figures, there's a bunch of them in my life these days.

Speaking of people with a major Piscean influlence, I spent some time with Frank yesterday. *insert random, "yay!"* He's just great, man. I really love spending time with him. He's so funny. Never before have I known anyone who made me laugh so much. I'm not saying that making me laugh is difficult or anything, I'll laugh at almost anything sometimes, but when Frank makes me laugh, it's so real, dude. Somehow he can make anything seriously funny.

Between his awesome sense of humor and his crazy fucking voices, he kicks a lot of ass. Oh yeah, I went there.

We watched TV yesterday, the Monster Hours of programming on the Discovery channel. You guys should know by now that I dig Monster Garage... well aperently the discovery channel intends to continue expanding their audiance (read: to males 16 - 35) and they created another show called, Monster House.

To be completly honest, when I first heard about this concept, I really thought it was gonna suck. I mean, they're just gonna remodel homes. Get the fuck out of here man, I didn't like those home improvment shows when they were all the hype fad in the eighties. Somehow, though, the modifyer, "Monster" made it cool.

I really liked it, and the guy who runs/hosts the show is awesome. He reminds me alot of the guy who's on the other show, Jesse James. Aggressive when neeeded, pretty smart, and doesn't take no shit...

It was entertaning. I'm gonna seek out more work... Have a great today, and an even better tomorrow. :-D

Love and adoration,


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