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Written, Wednesday, Jul. 23, 2003 at around: 1:02 PM

Woohoo! :-)

LUNCH! (oh, hi!)

I'm eating a very yummy dip that I made from scratch a couple of days ago (it's spicy and good, and creeeeeeam cheese... mmmm), baby carrots, and cheese fries that I made from whole potatos (read: Scratch) with cheddar and mozzerella cheese on them. I love cooking, and eating good stuff at lunchtime. Y to the u to the mother-fuckin' m.


Aperently Amy is not a myth any longer-- simply a figment of my imagination and frequent resident of, "I know a girl who..." stories. Crazy libras. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em, lol.

Too many people I know are moving away to Japan. More Power to 'em 'cause I couldn't live there. Japanese people are worse than a hybrid of financially secure/control freaked out republicans and KKK members from Alabama. They scare me, but their entertaniment and snacks kick ass.

Okay, now for some fun!

Blogathon news!

Blogathon 2003: Only a couple of days away! July 26th is on it's way, and there's no stopping it!! *_*

I�ve come up with my Blogathon Theme for this year, and it�s not going to be quite as easy as last year. Last year, I kinda fudged the whole, theme thing, by just writing about the people who came to visit me. This year, I think I�m going to go with something a little more concrete- (Since I couldn�t afford to buy a digital camera, and I still don�t have a webcam). My theme for the 2003 blogathon shall be... *drumroll*

To watch a bunch of family guy.




That�s it.

Isn�t it awesome? That�s seriously going to be my theme, scheme, and my entire scene. I�m going to watch every one of the 28 episodes, over 24 hours. That makes for a couple more than one episode per hour. Each episode is only about 25 minutes long, so I can space them out, and watch a couple extra during the 23rd hour stretch. Expect another layout change before Thursday begins.

Plus when Latrice comes by, she�s bringing the Jeffersons. Yay! I haven�t seen the Jeffersons in ages. I love that show! Gabi should come by when we�re watching it, half because I think she�d enjoy it and 1/4th because she said she�s never seen the show. Blasphmey! Then again, she grew up in a pretty racist household... well, at least her mom and stepfather are pretty racist, her biological dad is awesome. That reminds me, I haven�t seen Gabi�s mom in a while. *laughs* The other 1/4th is because she�s never been in my apartment!

So it�ll be 24 hours of tv, hopefully with interjections of visitors, lots of -junk- food and caffinated beverages (provided I drag my ass to the supermarket early friday night), and a good time for all.

After the Blogathon is over, my internal ache for traveling will only be intensified, as I�ll REALLY want to get out of the city. Maybe I�ll go to new york on sunday afternoon if I�m not totally dead, and broke. I�ll be broke, so maybe I�ll just go to the shore for the evening, or take a ride up to king of prussia and buy some expensive ice cream. I haven�t done that in a while.... I�m too broke, but I need some out of the usual fun!

Comcast still sucks!

In other developments, I called Comcast the other day. See, I have digital cable now-- (did I mention this? Oh well, you all know now.) But it hasn�t been too fucking digital, if you ask me.

I really dislike dealing with this company. Well, the people are always really nice to me, but the service itself always finds a way to be shitty. Where was General Akbar when I needed him-- �It�s a Trap!� See, okay-- I got my Comcast bill in the mail yesterday, right? Well, on the bill, they�ve charged the amounts that I thought they would for the digital cable, installation, and the internet... but there�s a kicker. According to this bill, I�m supposed to be getting 14 channels of Showtime and Stars or TMC or something (read: not hbo). Well I�ll be wholy fucked if I ever had any of the aformentioned premium channels!

When I signed up, I thought that�s what I was getting- digital cable with starz and showtime. I wasn�t too disapointed when they didn�t show up, because I thought they just didn�t process the premium channels, and I wouldn�t be charged for them when the bill came. And not getting them was hardly a huge �Pam�s all pissed off� deal, because I initally intended on losing the digital cable after a month in favor of getting basic cable and HBO anyhow. From what I understood, Basic Cable and HBO was only like 50 bucks, as opposed to the 74 for digital. I found out yesterday that basic cable with a few hbo channels is only about seven or eight dollars less than what I�d pay for the whole enchilada of digital + Premiums! I might as well just keep the digital then, actually get my premium channels, and keep the fun music channels.

So if I�m going to keep it, I want the product to preform the way it was meant to.

It�s so not.

If you�re not familiar with Digital Cable, let me bring you up to speed. At both Frank�s house and at Darrells apartment, I�ve seen digital cable function properly. You get this big-ass remote, and these fun on-screen menus. The on screen menus allow you to do awesome things. You can scroll through what�s on tv without changing the channel. You can get certian tv shows �on demand.� Like, there�s episodes of the Power Puff Girls from a couple of days ago using this stuff. You can play the episode like a dvd, free of charge on your digital cable whenever you want.

I can�t.

I don�t get no on screen menu. I did get the menu when the dude came to install the cable... that lasted for like an hour. Then... after that, my sound didn�t work on my tv! My T motherfucking V. Well, it was obviously the cable, because when I disconnected comcast from my television, everything was cool, sound wise. Anyway, I had to unplug everything-- because the mute button wasn�t working. It was crazy.

So on saturday afternoon, a comcast representitive is going to come out between 12 and 2 to fix my gital cable. (It's not 100% Digital, duh, with the gital, lol)

In random news, I didn't fall asleep until like, 4 last night. I don't know why... I tried going to sleep around 12, but no go.

I chatted with my moyfriend (Frank., silly.. you know what, if you ask me again, I'm totally not going to answer you) last night. That was interesting. We had a two or three hour long text-message conversation. It was cool, yet strange.

Conducting a text-message conversation past 5 or 6 messages sent, can be fun... LOL- we did this for a couple of hours. Seems as though Frank needs a Karma hug. Jesus, I sound like the bitch from Dharma and Greg.... Dharma. That show is so -not- good, and I so don't enjoy it.

Anyway, lunch is over. I'll update again later.

Love and adoration,


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