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Written, Saturday, Nov. 01, 2003 at around: 10:45 PM

I got your absent minded girlfriend right.... oh shit, where'd I put her?


I'm gonna use the word fuck a lot in this entry. Just wanted to let you know.

I'm still in a good mood, but my fucking stomach hurts, and I'm HUNGRY. That's the worst combination, because I want to force some food down, but I'm not sure if it's gonna stay there, and even if it does, I'm not sure if I'm really all about it staying there, and causing me stomach pains like I had a couple of weeks ago. Fuck.

I lost my wallet this morning. Fuck!! All my important shit was in it. My drivers licence. My medical insurance cards (Dental and my regular health card). My motherfucking monthly transpass. Thats the bus credit card that was going to get my black ass to and fro around the city of phliadelphia for the next 29 days. Fuck, man, fuck. I used it TWICE and lost it. Fuck. Oh, and one hundred and four dollars. $104, man. Yeah, I lost a lot of shit. I didn't cry once today, although I was mighty close. I did say "Fuck" and "shit" about 30 times in the span of like, two minutes. There was a goddamnit in there every now and again too.

I'm so upset man. You've got no idea how fucking much this sucks. But, I was calm, level headed, and tried to just stay positive about it. I've lost shit before, so I know the deal. I still have my expired licence. No big deal. I'm not going to get my phone cut off, or anything crazy.

Fuck these stomach pains, man. Fuck 'em.

I had a nice day out with frank, which I'll probabally go into detail about later but I just wanted to get this all in really quick before I laid down to make my belly-achin' go away. (I still owe you guys more detail on the table of nine stuff, I rerember. Give me time.) In regards to my day, all I can say is that I have the best boyfriend ever, and shopping is soooo therapudic.

And I'll be giving a lot of head for the next few months.

[sarcasam]Oooh, that's such a punishment.[/sarcasam]


I spent a lot of money today. I spent more than I had intended when I left the house this morning, but guess what? It was good for my sanity. My sanity has been in question a lot this week. I'd like that to not happen again. I bought myself presents, and some presents for other people too. Yay! I love my hello kitty hat like ... a woman should love a hello kitty hat. Wait... ah fuck it. I love my damn hat.

The next two weeks will be even more brutal than I had imagined. I'm not looking forward to it, but hell, what can I do? Oh yeah. Nothing. Oh fuck, that's not true. I have it all under controll. I can apply for a new fucking Drivers Licence, call for a new health insuracne card and buy tokens. Fucking tokens.

Oh whatver. I'll walk a little more, and maybe lose some weight, and I've wanted to have my picture retaken on my dl for a while, plus I had a damn underage card. Now I won't be "Under 21 until January 31rst 2002" for the next 4 years. That's a plus.

You know what else? It's times like this when you realize who really cares about you.

Yay for frank, man, cause he was my total knight in shining armor riding through the thicket on his white horse today. Well, he was more like my kinght in an old navy teeshirt, driving through the New Jersey suburbs in a SUV. Still, though man, he made a really shitty day an excelent day.

We had fun, and laughed. He is so genuine sometimes it's painful. Maybe that's why my stomach hurts. I got a little bit of him in my intestines right now. LOL, okay, that's disgusting.

Anyway, my boyfriend is awesome, and all other boyfriends should aspire to be like him. Not that they should aspire to fuck me, but they should all aspire to be so trustworthy, kind, giving, loving, sense-of-humor-having, and most of all: Tolerant, as my boyfriend is. Yay.

Like a fat kid loves cake.

okay, I'm gonna go lay down. I'm a little exausted, and I'm in a small amount of pain... Goodnight!

love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Nov. 01, 2003 at around: 8:58 PM

Best. Hat. Ever.

I'm in an uber-good mood.


It's hello kitty. Hello kitty on my head. I have a pussy hat!!!! Fucking a! It's so cool, hot, dope, fresh, and so forth.

Frank is all about doing the lord of the rings at the moment. I'm typing and he's talking... it's all lines from lotr. He has a great memory.


So, I'm gonna go. This was a really random entry.

love and adoration,


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