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Written, Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2003 at around: 2:03 PM

Things you already knew, but just needed to be clarified on



Pepsi Vanilla can kick Vanilla Coke's bitch ass any day of the week. I'm drinking Vanilla pepsi at this very moment, and I had almost forgotten how orgasm-inducing a beverage can be. Oh, my pants are a mess.

Bring it on Vanilla Coke, you little pussay.

I'm no longer sick, but I do sound somewhat similar to what I imagine the raspy rattle of death's call sounds like on an eerie cold eve'. I'm bearly comprehensible, and for a chick who spends the majority of her day talking to (read: at) people, that's a serious problem. In the past few days, I was able to get off sounding similar to a pre-pubescent boy (singing rockin' around the christmas tree?) however, I am now without a speaking voice, or a singing voice. Any plans for karaoke tonight are officially dead, for my raspy, cloaked, sickel-weilding voice killed them. What's worse? I managed to get my cell phone turned back on. Looong story. Let's say that it's true what they say about only needing one kidney. So, my cell phone is back on, and for the first day in 2 days, I'm going to spend the next 24 hours of my life with cellular service in my possession.

What sucks about this, you ask?

Well hell, if I get phone calls, I gotta speak. That sucks ass, because I'm really struggling to speak. I want to talk, and speaking doesn't hurt me, it's just difficult. It's difficult to speak. I might as well just tie a noose around my neck, order a pizza, and leave the cash on the table-exact change-no tip. The pizza dude would come in..."No tip?? You miserable bitch!" I'd respond in my raspy incomprehensible voice, "that's why I'm up here." Yes, the simpsons is a funny, funny show.

No doubt is the kick-assenest band with a female lead singer to survive the 90s. If you've never seen them live, you're missing out. Gwen Stefani could also kick Vanilla Coke's ass any day of the week, including the fourth thursday of November, which is quickly approaching.

I don't know what I'm doing for Thanksgiving... again. I always have this problem. I don't want to spend time with my family, although I ought to... and my friends are a bunch of suckers who actually belly up to the bar and spend time with their families for the holidays. This leaves me with the ever pleasant task of choosing between spending a holiday alone, or spending it with my family. You, more than likely, do not know my family, as my family is by and large computer ignorant/illeterate. Yes, those people do still exist, and their last names are newman, small, and wade. I have several familiy members who just recently got the concept of email down and expressed that they have no idea which branch of the goverment HTML is associated with.

And you people wonder why I want nothing to do with them.

In other ass kickage, my boyfriend kicks your boyfriend's ass. Well, he might not actually do it (or have any desire to do so), but on paper, he totally kicks his ass, hands down. He's so awesome. A few days ago, I was talking to latrice, and she was like, "Do you want anyone to come visit you while you're all puffed up from your tooth surgery?" I explained to her that I'd love a few visits, because I'm sure I'll be lonely and a little cranky, and a few friendly visits would totally cheer me up. Then she asks if I'm allowing frank to come and visit me. In a moment of pure unadultrated love for the guy, I go, "Sure! Frank can come over, I'd love his company while I'm healing." Then Latrice says, "You sure about that?? He is your boyfriend, after all." That statment took a minute or two to sink in. Well, duh he's my boyfriend, and he's the awesomest, sweetest, nicest..... asshole who makes fun of people... and I not only find this behaviour entertaning, I often encourage this behavior... HEY! I know that motherfucker... he's gonna have plenty to say about my swolen face.


Random things: I have sparkly lipgloss that smells really fruity. I love it. I also have sparkly eyeshadow, which I'm really digging-- it's creamy, and is really easy to apply, even with my fingers. No applicator baby! I got some non-shitty green eyeliner. I need more non-shitty eyeliners. I have no clean underwear. I STILL haven't been able to find the letter P on any article of clothing. I saw a p on a netcklace, but it was one of those ugly, huge letters, the size of my mouth. Too tacky to buy. I still haven't decided if I'm buying a pair of winter boots. Might just be sneakers this year... again, lol. I have a pair of boots, but they're kinda small. I like sneakers, they're comfy. I hate shoes. The only thing I hate more than shoes is socks. My mom brought in some really cool shirts, and they were my grandfather's. I'm going to rock them with pride and love. Yay! I've had gas today. Been farting a lot. A LOT.

Starbucks hot cocoa kicks a new brand of ass. Especially with the whipped cream in it. YUM. I think I'm going to walk over and buy some again today. I think at one point I was boycotting Starbucks for one reason or another, but I forget what it was, so I suppose it wasn't a meaningful enough reason.

Products I have at one point or another boycotted (either in silence, or because they did rotten stuff)

  1. Loreal. They used to test on animals, and didn't stop until recently. I now buy certian loreal products.
  2. KFC. I'm currently boycotting them because they don't have the sense to not abuse the animals that I'm gonna eat. Come on man, if mcdonalds and wendys can humanely kill my lunch, I'm sure KFC can too.
  3. Cocacola. They supported cockfighting in the latin americas, donated money to the south african olympic team when Nelson Mandella was still in jail, and also donated money to some charity (name excapes me) that abused kids. Fuck coke. I still won't drink it.
  4. Petco. That's one of my current boycots. Check out why by my link.

Okay, there's other stuff I've boycotted, but I'm going the fuck home.

Later suckers!

hearts and butterflies,


Written, Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2003 at around: 10:20 AM

you know you wanna

Tons better than

Hearts and butterflies,


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