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Written, Saturday, Oct. 18, 2003 at around: 1:51 AM

killbill.... for the 3rd time in 7 days, lmao

I saw kill bill with myheadspace. She is awesome, and funny.

I bought a new walkman. Impulse buy. Sorry, it's what I do.

I hope none of you bought me a walkman between when I left work and now. That'd suck.

Better update later.

love and adoration

pamela jean

Written, Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at around: 4:49 PM

blargyblarg blah

I don't have enough clarity right now to really write an entry, but in the time honored tradition of being emmersed in the energy of the sign of libra, I'm gonna write anyway, even though I'm all fucked up in my little brain.


I had a very, very nice morning, and a fucked up afternoon. Being stressed out pisses me off, and I get stressed out because I'm pissed off. I tried to run a day's worth of errands in 45 minutes this afternoon and ended up getting stuck in traffic (WALKING) and finding out that the errands I wanted to run would either cost me more money to do today, or just couldn't get done. So I had a 1.25 hour lunch, aaaand, had a nasty oniony burrito from taco bell.

I'm afraid of meat. Well, I'm afraid of eating meat right now. My tummy hasn't hurt in a while, but I'm still scared that if I eat red meat, I'll get sick, or the gawdawful pains will return. So I've been (as I told me boyfriend earlier) an uninetntional vegitarian.

It's funny, because for years and years as a teenager, I tried to be a vegitarian. But I like bacon, and steak... and chicken. Oooh, and burgers with lettuce and tomato.... mmm... and turkey hoagies! So, as you've already figured it never seemed to work out for more than a few days, except when I was really poor and couldn't afford meat anyway.

Now, I'm just like, "I got pointy teeth, and my stomach handles chicken fat just fine, so I'm gonna eat the little (and not so little) animals!" GET IN MY BELLY.

Sorry, I'm going through a full caps thing.

Too many things are happening, and I have too much sugar in my bloodstream. Plus I haven't gotten responses to work related emails I sent hours ago, and that really freaks me out. If I get a work related email from someone inhouse I reply asap... and when other people don't do that to, I freak out, like they're ignoring what I'm asking them to do, or they think my needs are unimportant.


I'm so gawdafwful busy at work that it's insane... and I don't own a walkman anymore. I'm fully aware those two things are completley unrelated. I'm in random libra, heading to scorpio mood. That means I don't shut up until around the 22nd, and I wanna fuck from the 23rd of october until about the 23rd of november, when I start getting all philospohical again. Astrology is fun, even if it might just be psychological.

Anyway, I have no functional walkman. That's a fucking downer if I ever heard one. I love music... I guess most people love music. That's quite the retarded statment, eh?

Well, now all you people know what to buy me for christmas. I'll be all pissed off when I get 10 walkmans, lol.

Well, I'm still a little cloudy in my mind, and although I'm quite ranty at the moment, I'm going to submirge my thoughts getting the fuck out of this office. TGIF, motherfucker! Yay.


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