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Written, Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at around: 11:34 PM

end of halloween poll


Tomorrow is the end of the poll. Get your fucking votes in now if you haven't yet...

If you have the gall to ask me "What poll" I will gladly smack you via the internet.

as of right now, I'll be dressing up as a catholic schoolgirl for halloween. Kinky, fun, sexy... NAUGHTY.

ha ha ha, okay... I really am very, very tired. I need to get in my bed and say goodbye to my computer and the kickass music.

love and adoration. Pam.

Written, Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at around: 11:03 PM


Okay, today was a weird day. I did a lot of things, found out some stuff, and had some odd realizations.

Work was kinda fun.

I saw the most awesome movie ever (Kill Bill [again]) and will see it (again!) tomorrow!

I had an unintentionally awesome kissing expereince in Frank's car.

I found out that I can get upset with frank, and stay upset with him for more than five minutes.

I love that asshole anyway.

I wrote that sentance... out loud. Wait... um... well you get it.

I discovered that I have a strong desire to have sex with the Kill Bill soundtrack, but realized that there's no where on my body to insert mp3 quality data.

I also imagined that if there was a place for me to insert mp3 quality data on my person, I'd be an iPod, and I'm not sure if Franky Five Fingers would be comfortable with having sex with an iPod.

You never know. If I was an MP3 player manufactured by Dell, I might still get some nookie.

I realized I like being quiet.

I then realized that I wanted to tell someone that I like being quiet.

Ha ha ha.

That made me laugh.

Latrice summed up why people are always talking to me: "I can tell her close to anything and she will not judge me." as said on her site.

Oh, that's what that is.

But you know what? Once someone does something that goes against morals they've claimed to adhere to, once they stop doing what they believe in, or they become the bad guy and swear they're not, then I'll start judging. I did that to one of my ex-bestfriends, and I don't think I'll ever see him in the same light. It's not my fault he's a hyporcrite.

Anyway... tomorrow I'm gonna go see this movie again, and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to talk about it or not, 'cause the chick I'm seein' it with is all about this "anonmity" crap.

No I am not gonna spell check this entry. I'm tired & laxy. Ha ha ha.

Me 'n this chick... We're like totally the female version of tv zero and fadein, only with jobs and without penises, not on the west coast, and we don't live near each other, let alone being roomates. And we don't get the same kind of web traffic. And you know what... okay, we're not the female versions of tv zero and fadein.

Oh, and Bill (Fadein) didn't have his life changed by viewing Kill bill. What. Ever. Every american is entitled to their opinon. I'm a fan of kill bill, so I'm happy right now. Fadein is a fan of the Cubs, so,

"HA HA." -Nelson.


Ah well, I'm an eagles fan, and they suck. I'm not like a phillies "Fan" but you know, I'd give a damn if their shitty slow-bro asses got the fucking pennant. That hasn't happened in far too long. Fuck baseball anyway. It's october, dude. Time for football and motherfucking hockey.

Okay, I really am very tired. I'm bummed because we didn't have sex today, it looks like we're not gonna have an opportunity tomorrow, and well... shit. EVERY week, I aim for 3 times... EVERY week my plans are shot to shit. I try, man, I try.

Okay, I'm gonna go to bed before I find a way to put my foot in my mouth even farther.

love and adoration

pamela jean <--- don't I sound like I'm gonna be a brown headded 16 year-old debutante covered in zits forever? Oh. Maybe I'm the only one who sees that in this name.

OH and the kill bill soundtrack is fucking awesome. I love this movie more than I love taffy-- and I'm a girl who loves her taffy.... mmm... mmmm... mmmmmmmm.

I can't go to sleep because I'm too busy getting excited over listeining to the goddamn music. I love cheesey disco/anime soundtrack shit. This is great. It insipred me to listen to my cowboy beebop soundtrack. HOW AWESOME IS THAT SOUNDTRACK?


okay, I'm really gonna go now. I'm just rambilng. This makes up for not writing a decent entry in days, right? Right?? RIGHT?

goodnight my precious


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