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Written, Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2002 at around: 2:25 PM

another test instead of an entry


Instead of writing an entry, I'll be lazy and write this test that I stole from Akward chick who stole it from another girl, who stole it from another girl, and so on. You can get to know me. This is a long fucking test.

Love and adoration,



- hair: Umm, it's kind of brownish at the moment, however that's from over a year of me dying it red. It's naturally black, and well, it's naturally wavy (and fuzzy, I'm black) so my hair isn't natural at all. My hair is straight (usually, if I blow dry it) and it just barely touches my shoulders.

- height: 5'10" I've always been a tall person. Don't call me shorty.

- weight: One hundred and *cough*

- figure: Um, I'm good looking enough to make people think I'm sexy. Poor saps.


- clothing: I wear casual clothing. Most of it is clean... Honest. I like cute clothes, but I don't really feel comfortable being cute at work. I look like crap on purpose when I come to work. I've worn PJ's to work, and I'll do it again.

- music: At the moment: MP3 of Nine inch nails' Starfucker. *ahem* I listen to mostly pop, japanese pop, show tunes, hard alt. rock (such as nine inch nails and marylin manson), Jazz, and well, anything.

-Currently in my car stereo: Nothing, because my car isn't currently running. :-/

- makeup: I don't wear makeup unless totally nessasary. I don't hate makeup, nor do I love it. We have a very fickle relationship, makeup and I.

- body art: If I wasn't such a prude, wuss, and otherwise afraid of infection, allergic reactions, and me not liking what's drawn on me, I'd get a tattoo of my astrological sign (aquarius) somewhere on me. I'm afraid though. :-/


- wearing: Sock feet, An adorable pair of kachis with flowers embroridered on them, a lavender and purple v-neck sweater, my hello kitty necklace, hello kitty watch and a blue beaded hair band. Kawaii, desu ne?

- music: Um... Now it's a Nelly Furtado song: Legend.

- thinking of: How much work I ought to be doing

- feeling: A bit cold. Perhaps I should put my sneakers on.


- bought: Um, lunch.

- did: Talked to dot and ran preventitive software on tiffany's computer.

- read: Um... Spellcraft: Magic for the modern witch.

- watched on tv: God, I don't remember the last time I watched tv. It was probabally like the news or the powerpuff girls. I did watch Atlantis on DVD a couple of days ago.


- club or house party: Depends on the options.... I mean, am I going to Will Smith's house party with the option of going to club Libations (a very shity center-city club) or is it Shampoo (a cool philly club) vs. A Temple U frat party (Fun parties). Maybe the Club. At least there, I wouldn't feel gulity if I left.

- tea or coffee: Tea. Coffee makes me nervous and sometimes sick.

- high achiever or easy-going: I'm an easy-going girl who often achives amazing things.

- cats or dogs: Go cats!

- single or taken: Um.... Both? (That's an honest answer... I'm not being smart)

- pen or pencil: Writing- Pen. Drawing- Pencil.

- gloves or mittens: Gloves-- How else can I pick my nose in the snow?

- food or candy: Food.

- cassette or cd: cd.

- snuff or cigarettes: Um, gross.

- coke or pepsi: I don't really drink soda anymore, but pepsi all the way.

- matches or a lighter: Um, matches are easier to use.

- sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: Fuck those shows, man, Models INC all the way. That and Angel. *nods*

- rickie lake or oprah winfrey: They're both fat. *laughs* Oh, that's not what you were asking... Um, oprah--- She's the queen mother.


- kill: President George W Bush.

Ten extra points:

What would you kill them with?: A big mallet filled with stem cells.

- hear from: Glenn.

- look like: Gwen Stefani, with the pink hair.

- be like: A scorpio. One of the uninhibited ones.


- food: Ugh, I'm not in the mood to think about eating.

- drink: Alabama Slammer.... Get me fucked up, and get me fucked up now.

- color: Blue---- perhaps terqoise.

- album: Oh god... All of them.

- shoes: Nike sneakers

- site: Any site that I created, or had some part in the creation of.

- song: I have a different one every day.

- vegetables: Um, broccili.

- fruit: Oranges or maybe bananas--- strawberry flavored things are best.


- last movie you saw: Amelie. A french film that made me laugh, cry and see it twice. I might just pay to see it again.

- last movie you saw on the big screen: .Oh, that's not what you were asking up there? Oh, well the last movie I saw was Atlantis. The disney one. Yup.

- last phone number you called: My moms

- last thing you had to drink: Water.

- last thing you ate: An inside out from Double Decker Pizza. YUM.

- last time you showered: Last night before I purified myself. Wow, I purified myself... Deep.

- last time you cried: Yesterday, while writing a letter.

- last time you smiled: When I was talking to Dot, she makes me laugh.

- last time you laughed: Um, see above.

- last person you hugged: Leighann this weekend. I never get to see her anymore, man... :-/

- last person you kissed: Glenn. Who else would I be ABLE to kiss? I don't kiss anyone. I'm such a tard.

- last thing you said: Um... "Bye." Or, well, do sneezes count?

- last person you talked to online: Hodgson.

- last thing you smelled: Air....?


- smoke: Never, I'm severely allergic.

- do drugs: Never ever, I'd probabally die. *laughs*

- sleep with stuffed animals: Sometimes, only when the mood strikes.

- have a crush: I -always- have a crush on someone.

- have a boyfriend/girlfriend: I suppose.

- have a dream that keeps coming back: I have tons of them. I'm very psychic. No man, stop laughing... I really am.

- play an instrument: Yup, piano (poorly), drums (haven't played in over 3 years), recorder (haven't played in over 8 years). I can sing though.

- believe there is life on other planets: Yes. Yes I do. I hope they kill us before we kill them.

- read the newspaper: Only if it's free.

- have any gay or lesbian friends: Leigann is a lesbian. I go to lesbian & Gay clubs. You think about that.

- believe in miracles: I guess I do.

- believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: Ah, it worked for me for 5 years, the rest of my life couldn't be so hard.

- consider yourself tolerant of others: Hell yeah. I put up with shit for a living from my customers, so hey.

- consider police a friend or foe: Ah, I've never had a problem from them.

- like the taste of alcohol: Not like Tequila kind of taste.... Peach snhops kind of taste is good... :-) I suppose that's a no.

- have a favorite Stooge: Curly!


- believe in astrology: Very much so. That might as well be my main basis of spirituality.

- believe in magic: Did I not say I purified myself?

- pray: Depends on how you define prayer. I use energy to ask everyday. I thank everyday.

- go to church: No, I ain't no stinkin christian. LOL, no, I don't worship, meditate, have a circle with, or pray with anyone but me. All I need is a cat and I'll be a real solitary witch.

- have any secrets: No, why would I? *innocent stare*

- have any pets: No, but now that my boyfriend doesn't come around anymore, I want to get a cat, but that's only if he isn't going to visit anymore.

- go to or plan to go to college: I sort of am in college. All I have to do is finish.

- have a degree: Bah, it'll be years.

- talk to strangers who instant message you: Occasionaly.

- wear hats: Sometimes.

- have any piercings: Again with the fear of infection.

- have any tattoos: Perhaps one day, if I go into a tattoo that has a very sterile, hospital-like feeling to it.

- hate yourself: God, I'm such a dumbass! Oh, no I love me, I love me so much.... Shut up me! You're such a fool...

- wish on stars: I wish on anything I can get my eyes on. :-)

- like your handwriting: I prefer typing. Writing makes my hands hurt. It looks okay sometimes

- believe in witches: Um, okay, after reading this, you'd think this question was unnessasary.

- believe in Satan: Oh, you lazy ass, just read the rest.

- believe in ghosts: Sort of.

- trust others easily: Yeah, and that's why I'm so fucked up.

- like sarcasm: Me? Like sarcasam? Feh, naaaah.

- take walks in the rain: Not if I don't have to.

- kiss with your eyes closed: Depends on if I'm kissing an ugly person or not.

- sing in the shower: Every time.


-tired of this goddamn test: Hell yeah.

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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?