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Written, Monday, Feb. 11, 2002 at around: 5:23 PM

My playstation 2 (and other things regarding my weekend)

Young man, sai suru tiee,

Sosa, why emm see ay!

*ahem* Um, see, Amanda gave me this MP3 of these Japanese guys singing YMCA. It's funny. They call it Young Man. Ha ha ha.

Damn it's 5. I really should be on my way to the Transportation Center (bus station) right now. I can't leave because the logs need to be done. Ah, the tragic life of Mia Bogard... Oh yeah, My name is Pam. I forgot there for a moment. Well, maybe not.

So okay, here's my weekend in a nutshell.

I went shopping for a Playstation 2. Oh dear god, I'm in love. This piece of hardware is going to be the reason for my lack of sleep, lack of social interaction, as well as weight gain. But, erm, it's a ton of fun. The cute guy who works at the Game Stop in the mall around the corner, Frank (who isn't in my glossary but should be) is so awesome. He got this silly haircut, but hey, it's hair.

He helped me spend a little over 500 dollars on a playstation 2, games, and accessories. I knew that's about how much it would cost me, so I'm not pissed, nor do I feel used. Besides, Frankie likes me. He's a cute guy, plus he's very nerdy, so that's a plus. He doesn't wear glasses, but you know, we aren't all perfect. He's pretty funny and whatnot, but I doubt he'd peruse a relationship with the chick that comes to hang out with him at Game Stop. He's a journalism major. *grin* He communicates. I'll be damned. He just graduated from Temple this past month, and he's all excited about it. Lucky him, el graduoso. Word.

Yeah, he's another guy who I'd be all about if I wasn't still coming out of this shy shell. I'm not feeling anti-social or anything, but I just don't want to spend a lot of time with people every day. I'm starting not to like them. *laughs*

Plus, do I want to act like I'm boyfriendless when I don't know the validity of the meaning of the aforementioned word that I just made up??

Speaking of French words like Fini, I saw this AWESOME (yes, I typed awesome in all caps, I am officially a teeny bopper.) French film this weekend. I saw it twice. How lame is that? Well-- it's called Amelie. This movie is about Amelie, and her do-gooder ness. She reminded me a lot of myself. She was home schooled, didn't have but so many outside interactions, and lives alone. Hmm... Sounds like me. It was terribly funny, and well worth paying for myself to attend full price once, student discount once, and paying for Leighann to go. I love the name Amelie (pronounced: am-ah-lee). I think I want to name my first daughter Amelie. It's pretty, not easily confused with much else, and she'll get to correct people on the proper pronunciation of her name until the day she dies. I wish I could do that more often.

Anyway, it's 5:21, time to go home.

Audios! Ja! and Peace out.

Love and adoration,


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