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Written, Thursday, Feb. 14, 2002 at around: 2:35 PM

another quiz rather than entry (damn, I'm getting lazy)

Yeah, since I'm at work, you don't get a real entery for a few hours. Oh, by the way, Happy v day to all you celebraters out there.

I sent this one around my office. I got some pretty interesting responces. Here's mine....

Name: Pamela Newman

Preferred Name: Pam, Pammie (a name reserved for certain people... grr)

Describe yourself honestly in four words: intelligent, friendly, adorable, original

If you had been born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name have been?: Well, if you're speaking about what my mother would have named me, I'd be another Michael. If I could choose: Justin. Then Justin Timberlake and I would not only share a birthday, but our first names as well. Cool.

If you would switch names with anyone dead or alive who's would it

be?: Della stole my choice, so I guess I'd want to be namedMichael/Michelle Jordan, because it'd be fun to tell people that I was like his illegitimate child. Or maybe Michiru Kaiou. Then I'd be Japanese. Fun!

What's one thing about you that makes you unique?:I am unique. I

live my life in such a way that I often get odd looks from people. I say what I see as fitting for the situation, and often that's not really what's deemed as "normal." Normality is boring, and I'm far from boring. I'm a nutcase, really. A loveable nutcase, though.

What's your room like?: It's lovely! I finally have a soft bed to sleep in at night. It's queen sized, and appropriately so. You know.

Is your room clean right now?: Cleaner than it was last week, which

still equates to a mess.

Do you fall in love easily?: Well, it depends on what sort of "love" you're referring to. I'm -in- love with my boyfriend. I love most of my close friends, and I actually have this deep love for humans in general. If you're talking about romance, love is very important to me, and not something I take lightly. My middle name ought to be monogamy.

And why?: Well, I think I explained that already, what the hell doyou want, an essay??

Do you have a b/f or g/f?: I do believe that I mentioned that above.

If so what's their name, if not what's your crush's name: His name is Glenn. He's not Japanese, and don't let him tell you otherwise.

When was your last relationship, if you're not in one currently?: Well, I -always- talk about my current relationship, so let's talk bout my previous one. It was all in spite, really. I was pissed off because my boyfriend broke up with me (yeah the current guy) and I don't like being the girl who isn't in a relationship (note my issues with monogamy) so I started flirting with this guy. He was kinda cute, and he talked a lot. The thing is, that he was dating someone else. What did I care? He should be my boyfriend. I'm cute, I'm smart, and hell, I was cooler than the girl he was with at the time. We dated for like 2 months. I just recently was able to speak to him without being an ass to him.

Is it better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all?: I wouldn't know, I've been in and out of love since I was 12. I don't know what it's like not to love someone as an adult.

What's your idea of a perfect date?: Theater!! I adore the theater. My perfect date would consist of the following: Me getting dressed up and whatnot, my date picks me up, we take a walk through New York City, and spend some time in central park (in the daylight) and have a picnic or something. Then, we go to the theater on Broadway that evening and we have a delicious meal at somewhere that I can't currently afford. Afterwards we go back to a hotel and have great sex. -nods- Perfect.

How many people have you met off the net?: A lot more people than I thought I would. In fact, I got my current job thanks to the internet.

What person makes you laugh the most?: My coworkers. Often they

What words make you laugh or at least smile?: Um, "I love you" works. "Here's 20 bucks" is a nice phrase too. Laugh? Perhaps "Ew, that smells like poo!" I miss my friend Jason. :-(

What's the nastiest thing you have ever done?: If you really want to know, you can ask me directly, because I don't think everyone receiving this email would care to know.

-the end-

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