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Written, Tuesday, May. 27, 2003 at around: 1:21 PM

One wish?


A pieces of you question that I can genuinely answer.

If you have the power to make one wish come true what would it be? Would you use this gift for yourself or for someone else?

I'd have to say that more than anything I'd want to give my wish to someone else. The way my brain works isn't all that normal, and often makes it seem like I'm a little crazy. Well... maybe I am.

The fact of the matter is that I really like people, no matter how much those fuckers piss me off, hurt my feelings, or annoy me. I like all of them in general, and a few of them I could actually go so far to say that my heart goes out to them. Ha! Having only one wish is kind of a pressing topic, and also, who would I give it to? Realistically, I know I'm kind of selfish, so I'd try to barder my way into two wishes, with the wish master person, but that's not answering the question at all, is it??

Well there are three people who I might want to give the wish to. First of all my mom. I love her so much, even if it doesn't seem like it most of the time. She's a difficult person to like sometimes, but even when I went through my teenage, "I HATE YOU" phase, I still loved her. All I want is for her to be happy, and not have so much sadness and darkness in her soul. She really makes me sad, because she's a nice person underneath all the bullshit, but so many bad things have happened in her life that she's angry, lonely, hurt, and sad. Knowing my mom, she wouldn't want to use the wish on anything for herself-- like fixing the house, bringing anyone back to life, or changing the past. I know my mom, and she's worse than me when it comes to that giving attitude. She'd use the wish on me. She'd want me to be a more stable human being, and be able to take care of myself. So, I guess if I truly want to be selfless, I couldn't give the wish to my mom... unless I had a really long conversation with her before she got the wish. I'd probabally have to make the wish for her, lol. I'd want to wish that she had better health, and that she was happier over all-- or maybe that she had one year where she had good luck for a change.

Then I might want to give the wish to my boyfriend, Frank. Again like I said for mom, which I think is really funny, all I really want is for him to be truly happy. I'm sure that if I gave the wish to him, he'd use it for something material... like a buncha money or something. And although that's something that would make his life easier, and maybe happier on the surface, I don't think that's an entirely effective use of just one wish, because money goes away, lol. If I was going to give him the wish, I'd make the wish for him too. I'd probabally wish for him to be happy, or to give him one full year of good luck. Wow, sometimes those two (Frank and my mom) kind of scare me with their inner similarities. And you people say astrology is meaningless!! I digress... Mainly I'd just want to give him inner peace or something Miss America like that... which I think would be enough for him to manipulate into success, he's already hard very working and smart, so I think he's got it in the bag...

Then there's John. I might wanna give the wish to john, and I think I know what he'd use the wish on too. He'd use the wish for his mom. John's mom is this sweet, sweet woman (At least from what I've heard) who works so hard to take care of people who take her for granted. I don't know her at all, nor am I sure what John would wish for her to have, but I doubt if he assured me that he'd wish something for his mom, that I'd end up making the wish for him. Then again, I'd feel really weird about giving my wish away to someone I really don't know. Sorry John, I don't think you get the wish, lol... maybe I'd have to wish for him too. I'd wish for john to have inner clarity. He's always walking through this haze, and he can't quite see through it. Maybe a bit of mental and emotional clarity would do the trick.

It would be hard to give a wish away, because I'm a really selfish person on the inside, but most of the time, even if I don't admit it, I love my mom and my closest friends more than I love myself sometimes. To give away my wish to one of these people would be the greatest thing that I could do, because there really isn't a way for me to express how I apreciate each of them. I mean, it's a little weird, but My mom my boyfriend and my best male friend are truly the most important people in my life. They may not know it, be able to handle it, or understand it, but they are. What a motely crew, lol.

I know I'd regret it a little bit, like, what human being doesn't want to have all of their dreams come true? I do, but some of my dreams are so far off and eccentric that it's not worthwile spending a magical wish on them. Everything else that I dream of doing are just dreams that I can accomplish on my own or with the help of some of those aforementioned crazy people. I don't think I need a wish to get the things in life that I really want. Plus, as I said in a journal entry not to long ago, I'm not sharing my dreams aloud to everyone, because I'm pretty guarded, no matter what you people think about the girl who gleeflully proclaims her pro-masturabtion stance.

I'd have to give the wish away. And maybe I'd have the three of them fight for it. Wait... no, that's a bad idea. I'd make them draw straws, and I'd have to be present to keep the peace. But hopefully whoever recieved the wish (and I wished for) would come out a much better person once the wishing was over.

Love and adoration,


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