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Written, Sunday, Sept. 07, 2003 at around: 9:56 AM

I see dead people!!

It's morning time.

I don't know if this is gonna get too deep for this page, but I'll see where this takes me.

It's before 1 on a sunday and I'm planning on leaving my apartment. *insert gasps of frequent readers* Yeah, I'm going out. Don't get all scared, I'm not doing anything crazy like going to church. My mom asked me to do her a big favor, which seems to be this weekend's theme. Several people have started conversations with me that start, "Can you do me a favor?" I always feel kind of scared when I hear that, because I don't like to say yes right off the bat. What if it's something I can't do, and I've already said yes? Then I look like a bitch when I'm like, "Naw."

My friend Samantha once asked me, "How come you always say, 'what's the favor' when someone asks you 'can you do me a favor?'" Well, shit, if someone's gonna ask me to get them a record deal, I ain't tryin to break no hearts. I dislike disapointing people. Especially if I'm a close enough friend to be asked a favor of.

Anyway, that's totally diverting from the point. I'm doing a favor for my mom. We're going to West Laurel Hill today. That's the cemetary where my Stepfather and Pop-Pop are spending eternity. Well, at least where they'll spend eternity until someone builds a high class gated community over it in 2132.

Cemetaries seem like such a waste of space. I mean, I understand the need for a funeral. I understand that putting people in the ground gives death a little more closure, and an opportuntiy to visit your loved ones again. But that's space that living people could be taking up. You didn't see those guys in conneticut complaning when they built homes over the american indian burial grounds. Nobody'll know.

Fuck that.

Well, I have to get ready to go. I'll talk more about how I don't like cemetaries later. Oooh, that's an exciting thing to look forward to.

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Sept. 06, 2003 at around: 11:45 PM

When did SNL Get all funny?

Quick insertion of entry-

When the hell did Saturday Night Live get funny? I find it oh-so very crazy as hell that after Will Farrell moved on from SNL and realized he's funnier in movies that I just saw a bit on SNL that made me laugh out loud.

Or it could just be because I'm stupid tired.

Then again, anything on tv that has Harry Belafonte saying that Pikachu is the "Slave master" is fucking hilarious.

I know good and well that Pickachu is the slave. I mean, hello? You don't see ash doing the bidding of any fucking pokemon. He tells them when to jump. He tells them how to flip his panckaes. He tells them when to use water sport.

I think I'm going to order some take out, and have myself a nice little meal that I don't have to cook. Yay.

llll an' aaaaaaaa


Written, Saturday, Sept. 06, 2003 at around: 9:48 PM

List and stuff

Interesting things (to me... you might just not give a shit): 1. My boyfriend is glad that I'm bisexual and I think he finally believes that I'm not really gay. *insert applause?* 2. I remember what love feels like, and it's totally this. Ah, ambiguity. 3. After Monday I will have lent/given money to more people in a four day period then I have ever before in my life. 4. Last night there was excelent sex in this apartment. 5. I need to start buying new video games again, because excluding Game Boy Advance, I've just stopped playing videogames altogehter. 6. Pepsi Vanilla can still kick Vanilla Coke's ass, any day, any time, anywhere. I'll book the fight. 7. I have an untapped fancying of creating lists. 8. When I start getting tired, I don't give a shit, and will just start saying anything, and most of it really amuses me. 8. Latrice is an awesome friend. 9. And aperently I'm not shallow... or at least not that shallow. 10. Frank is obcenely happy. He used the word optimistic the other day. That's very kickass.

I'm not really in the mood to write an entire entry, but I like that list so much that I'm going to write some kinda shit to make up for the lack of entry that it would be if I didn't actually add anything to the entry.

That sentance was pure filler.

And so was that one.

And that one.

*ad infinate*

So, friday afternoon I walked down to frank's job and we had lunch together around the corner from where he works. That was very, very nice. Him? It was great for him. Free food, got to see girlfriend in the middle of the day, laughs, talking about work, and such. Me? Great for me too. A nice meal for lunch, got to see boyfriend in the middle of the day, laughs, listening to boyfriend talk about work, and a nice trip away from the office. It was very nice. Something that we will surely do again on a very irregular basis.

This afternoon I remembered that I needed to clean my apartment, because it's a huge mess. So I dyed my hair.

Ha ha ha. See, I'm stupid tired (but so totally not gonna go sleep) so that's really fucking funny to me right now.

Anyway, I dyed my hair burgandy. It looked a lot more purple on the package, so I was a tad disapointed when my hair actually came out burgandy, rather than purpleish. I like it though, it's a nice fall color for my hair. I don't want to go around looking like a fucking strawberry anyway. There is no need for me to attract more unwanted hands to my hair. If you're not me, or my boyfriend, don't touch my hair unless you ask first. :-/

... on a related note... I want some McDonalds Soft Serve ice cream. I wanted some yesterday, because of that fucking commercial-- "This is how much work a bikini waxer has to do to get A fudge sundae from the McDonalds dollar menu: *RRRRRIIIIP!!*" When I heard my own skin peel off the leather seats of my mom's truck it gave me a pavalovian reminder of the delicious not-so-natural flavor of mcdonalds ice cream. Yum.

Ha ha ha!

The dumbest part of this desire for McDonalds ice cream is that I have chocolate ice cream and the heavenly Bryers Oreo ice cream in my fridge. *drool* Mmmm, oryeoh.... chokolate.... mmm.

Ha ha!!

Yeah, I'm stupid-sleepy. I woke up this morning around 7, again at 9 and lastly at 11. I didn't sleep so well at that last 7, 9, 11 leg of rest. I've kind of been meandering around through my day in a dreamlike haze. Frank came into the city carless this afternoon. His car didn't like, die or anything. He was trying out the jersey to philly transit, and came past my joint. That was very fun.

He noticed that I dyed my hair.

Well, I'm not sure if the first thing noticed was the hair, or the red spotted towel and ambiant smell of amonia in the bathroom... Either way he made mention of the color change and said he liked it. Bake one extra brownie point for Frank.

We went back to Jersey, scoped out some Public Transit, adjecent parking lots, and went to the mall. We were gonna watch football, but it was just too late in the day, and finances are tighter than Hillary Duff, so no trip to Lincon Finacial field yet. There will be a trip before the 2003-2004 season is over, if I have anything to do with it though. I want to see the inside of the stadium, even if it is just for a temple game.

I should see if anyone from the old job can snag me some free temple tickes from the former-ceo. That would be uber-phat. Score for me if I get 'em.

Okay, I'm going to eat something sugary now, because I really want to. Maybe I'll go walk to an open McDonalds. ...Maybe I'll just stay my lazy ass in the house and eat oreo ice cream.

Love and adoraiton,


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