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Written, Saturday, Dec. 01, 2001 at around: 10:32 PM

A whole bunch of stuff regarding fat and kids

What a treat! A weekend entry from yours truly. Who would have thought? I say that this is such a big deal because I usually write my entries at work (I'm at work now.) I have a 9-5 kind of job and that keeps me from leaving my thoughts for the tragically hip people who come to read my stuff. Well, not many people do. I've written over 30 entries, and my hit meter stills says a number <100. Boo hoo, right? Well I give a damn. This is ego crushing. Not really. I don't advertise my page, and I don't have a gold membership, so Life must go on, ne?

Ah, tragic life events...

I've gained weight really. and I'm not satisfied with this at all. I'm an Aquarius Monkey, damnit. I'm not supposed to be fat. The reality is that once we realize that we are gaining weight, we do something about it. That's what I'm doing now. I was okay with being like 150lbs. That was okay. I spent most of my teenage years being 130, and some people thought that was overweight. 150 actually isn't over weight for my height, but the fact that certain parts of my body jiggle when I walk just kind of grosses me out. So I'll be starting a diet plan. Today. I just did in fact. I walked over 30 blocks today, and I didn't have to. I have a transpass (read: Bus Credit Card) and I still passed up the opportunity to take the bus up broad street to catch the train into Chester. I'm also going to buy myself a bike for Christmas. Yea! Then I can go wherever I want, and not have to worry about riding SEPTA (read: Satan's Evil People's Transportation Association) or giving someone money or other bribes for a ride. So I'll ride my little bike, and be done with it.

I'm looking forward to taking a brief walk later on today. After I leave work I'm gonna go take a walk, and more than likely (or at least I hope so) spend some time with my boyfriend. I really do want to marry this guy. (don't know what I'm talking about? Read my freggin diary more often, or cheat and look at my older entries) He mentioned something subtle the other day, and I actually caught it! *standing ovation in Pamela's very eccentric mind* We were watching TV, with his brother. It was normal TV watching for us, crap, video games, channel surfing, football, and the WWF. Then this cute commercial came on with this family with the most adorable kids. This family was black, and that warmed my heart, because, well, ya know-- I'm black. So anyway, he's like, "Good parents would have kicked the kids off the bed!-- (imitating child) Ow dad! (speaking normally) Pam did it!" Then I smiled. Why you ask? Because I was the mom in that hypothetical little situation. Horary for me! Well, whatever. It's late, and I'm in Chester PA, so I'd better start heading for center city, because the last train outta here leaves in 36 minutes.

Love and adoration,


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?