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Written, Sunday, Nov. 09, 2003 at around: 1:28 PM

Return of the Sickly Elf King


I feel sick. This sucks man.

I've had this headache since last night, and it hasn't calmed down yet. Well-- it's calmed down a little bit, but it's still there. It was on the left half of my brain last night, and it's shimmied it's way over to the right half of my brain this morning.

Yeah, so elf was really funny. Go watch it. Will Ferrel is a damn genius. SANTA!!!

I'm watching the Lord of the Rings: Two Towers again today. I'm suprrised I haven't gotten tired of lotr yet. I've watched this damn movie so many times. I haven't watched fellowship in forever, but it's still really good too.

I've been trying not to think about how there's so much time between now and when Frank and I hit up Trillogy Tuesday, but I just can't help it. That, and Frank keeps quoting the goddamn trailer (he knows every single word- I kid you not), which makes me get all giddy and excited and say shit like, "OOOOOH! RETURN OF THE KING IS COMING OUT SOON!" Then I'm all bummed out 'cause we won't be seeing ROTK untill december 16th. That's so far away, dude.

hearts & butterflies


Written, Sunday, Nov. 09, 2003 at around: 9:49 AM

If your first name begins with the following letters:

A, C, D, J, K, L, M, R, S, or T, I don't like you anymore.

Well, okay, just the women.

It's not your fault that I hate you. No no no. It's the fashion industry's fault I hate you.

I'm a fan of the "initial on your shirt, pants, necklace, purse" trend. I think it's really cute, and I actually want to take part in this trend.

Sadly, My mom named me after herself, instead of the obvious alternitive, Michelle. I would have been giddy to be named Michelle- I wouldn't share the exact same name as my mother, -and- I wouldn't have much difficulty finding the letter P for a pair of sweatpants, shirt, or necklace.

I've never seen a P. I'm not sure if they even manufacture letters like B, F, P, W, etc. I've found more vowels than I've seen of those letters.


I have yet to find my own intial, and I've been looking for months. Since the fucking summer, man. The summer. I haven't even been able to find them online. It's kind of a bummer, dude. I couldn't even find a necklace. Damn britney spears has a couple different "B" necklaces, but she's fucking britney spears, man. She's worth more than I can count.


hearts and butterflies,


Written, Sunday, Nov. 09, 2003 at around: 12:22 AM


my head hurts really badly. I have a migrane.

I think I'm getting sick.

but frank and I saw Elf. It's really funny, you should watch it.

hearts and butterflies,


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