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Written, Tuesday, Jul. 16, 2002 at around: 1:05 PM'... yeah!

Okay, so it's Tuesday.

My broke ass got paid today. Yes, outsiders, in my world, money arrives in my pocket every-other-Tuesday. Not only do I get paid bi-weekly, but I get paid at the beginning of the week. Ah, what a life I lead.

So let me bitch about work for a moment.

First of all, let the record state that I hate computers. I hate PC's I hate Macs, I hate them all. Yes, I do work with computers for a living, and that's why I hate them. There's no reasoning with a computer. It just does as it pleases, and ignores your frustrations. When you yell at a computer, it simply stares back at you with it's glassy eyes and taunts you. They're taunting me! Especially the iMacs, they taunt me!!!

*ahem* Anyway, yeah, I'm starting to lose my mind, but it's alright, because I didn't have much of one to begin with.

I'm a little tired today. It's because of the pre-periodness. I've decided that I'm going to start taking better care of myself. I'm going to start drinking water all the time again. It's cheaper, and better for me than all the other urine dying-things I've been drinking lately. It's never good when your pee is a color similar to green or purple. Damn you Kool-Aid man, damn you straight to your icy-cool and refreshing hell.

Speaking of hell, I'm still trying to get into the entertainment industry. This is a rough business, I tells you. I've only made a part-time endeavor into this, but it's pretty rough trying to change careers with no training, man. Being an actress is very far down the road, because I haven't trained too much. I'm at a much better point than I was a couple of years ago, but I want to take formal training.

So along with learning Japanese, I want to take Acting lessons, Singing lessons, and I'm self-studying SQL for our IBM databases *cough*hate computers*cough.* I'm getting my learn on. Why can't I be a drama major and minor in computers? That way I'm learning what I want, and still learning what I need to continue making money. Word. Hopefully if EDU dies, I'll be able to take my vast knowledge of Macs and IBM servers to a school somewhere, and have an okay job working for a private school. Whatever.

Wish me luck, I suppose,

Love and adoration,


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