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Written, Friday, Oct. 10, 2003 at around: 12:33 AM

Uma kicks ass.

Fucking right, she does!

Written, Friday, Oct. 10, 2003 at around: 12:01 AM

kill bill! lotr! coffee!!!!

I am seriously way too excited about Kill Bill. Uma Thurman rocks my socks, and Lucy Liu is the first- serious- female action star of this generation who isn't six foot something. She's an asian woman with freckles. Tell me how awesome that is.


I'm also way excited about LOTR: Tuesday Trillogy. Holy shit.

My uber-awesome boyfriend, Frank went and got tickets for the LOTR trillogy this afternoon. Much sexual apreciation will be thrown his way. Kickass. Hopefully we'll be able to see Inapropriate Cellphone Man say "Mauled by a Tiger?!?!" three times in one day. Yay for that.

12 hours of movies. I'm really looking forward to this, and I'm not being at all sarcastic. I just about have my entire day (sort of) planned out for December 16th. Like I said, don't call me on that day, because I'm going to do something I -never- do. I'm going to turn my cell phone off. Whatever you're calling for will probabally not change before the 17th.

I'm really looking forward to spending a day with Frank, watching the lord of the rings. Yay and such. This isn't particularly surprising-- but our relationship is kind of surrounded by LOTR. It's wacky- Our first outing as a "couple" was to the movies... to see Too Towers Too Furious. We have both watched the films countless times, and I'm almost certian that he's seriously thought about perhaps one day reading the books.

I thought about it too.

Like I said before-- I read the hobbit, and it's a great story, but since I don't read sci-fi all like that, I doubt I'm gonna read 3 huge installments of lotr. Maybe one day, but not anytime soon.

Okay, it's like 12:30, and I need to go to sleep. Damn coffee.

Okay, more later.

love and adoration


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