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Written, Saturday, Jul. 20, 2002 at around: 12:07 AM

masturbating prior to boston


So I'm leaving for boston, and I'm actually excited. I'm going to say my final few goodbyes tommorow. I told Leighann that I'm leaving for boston. I told some other people too. Everyone seems to think that i really need this vacation. I agree with each, and every one of those wise, wise souls.

I need sex.

It needed to be said, sorry. So, anyway, yeah, I have nothing really new to say, because I didn't go out of my way for social interaction since the last time I updated. I am pretty horny, if that makes any difference. It's some of that post-period afterwash. Ew, afterwash is NOT a pretty image right now.

Well, I'm not very prepared for my trip. I need to get stuff together, finish packing up my PS2, and pick out the clothes I'm going to wash tommorow mornin'. Yes, I decided that I wasn't going to do my laundry tonight (mostly because I am NOT carrying bags of clothes around the corner in the middle of the night... well that and my crazy mad lazyness) so I'm going to wake up like I'm going to work, and do my laundry. Crazy.

I left my return ticket to philly in my mom's car, so she has to stop by here tommorow morning. I probabally wont be in the house, seeing as how I'll be doing my fucking laundry. I wish I had some nice person who would willingly do my errands for free. Not a slave, a voulnteer. That'd be lovely. I'd be the person's friend, if nessasary, and even buy them things in exchange for their kindness. Maybe even give them a place to stay. Oh, those are called children. They take time to harvest... and they argue with you. Nah, that won't be a good solution.

So, in the morning, I'll wake up, shower again, and I'll have breakfast at dunkin' doughnuts, and hang at the store for all of maybe an hour. Anyhoo, I really have to go. I'm tired anyway, and I need my rest, because I'm spending about 6 hours on the road tommorow. Oh, I do hope my mom gets here early.

Well, I'm off to shower, masturbate and sleep. Wish me luck! --pam laughs--

Love and adoration,


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