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Written, Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at around: 1:05 PM

friendster, ebay and the balls of opportunity

Hey there,

I really should be doing my laundry, but I felt like writing instead. I should also probabally go to the set of love hurts, but I feel like not going, so that's just what I'm a gonna do.

I joined friendster, and it's all her fault. Actually, she almost convinced me that friendster was a good idea, but I was like, naw. Now I'm a member of the cult, and it's uncomfortable.

I wish there was a way to un-join friendster, because I feel like I joined only to validate people who I know, and make them feel like they have a ton of friends. I know for a fact that I have a ton of friends in real life. There's no need for an online validation of this. Plus, most of the people with whom I am aquainted would want nothing to do with friendster.

Then again, I wanted nothing to do with friendster a week ago, either.

My mild addiction to ebay has resurfaced. I spent almost a hundred bucks on stuff that I don't need. Somehow I am consistantly finding even more not-needable stuff everywhere. I found Stiflers' "East Falls" Staff shirt from American Wedding on ebay for like 10 bucks. I'm gonna watch that one, yo.

Last night I was told that I, an african american woman, who's about 5'10" and has carmel brown skin, closely resemble Alyson Hannigan. You know the girl-- very fair skin, red hair, smiles a lot? She played Willow and Michelle the Band Camp geek "This one time, at band camp..."

et cetra... from the American Pie franchise. Although I figured this is a compliment, as Willow is a pretty chick, and was always my favorite girl on Buffy, I was- needless to say- somewhat confused.

Aperently, I look like a freckled irish girl. Oh kaaay... I guess my facial expressions are similar when I get excited on occasion, but that's probabally just because I saw American Wedding twice last week, and I'm on a "Willow facial expression," kick.

It's still weird.

I'm always amused by people who compare me to white girls, especially blonde ones and really pale ones. I used to get told I looked like the black gwen stefani during ages 14 through 17... like, all the time. I think that had to do more with my attempts to copy her long pants/belly shirt/red lipstick look at the time. That, and I can do a good job if imitating her on the mike, yo.


I still get told that I look like Lark Vorhees - Lisa Turtle from saved by the bell. I have a picture where I *Really* look like her, and a couple of people asked if I was related to her. Hmm. Then on occasion, people will say stuff like, "Do I know you?" Because aperently black person looks like me, or black person I meet has a cousin who looks like me. Then there's, "You look like you could be a Jackson," to which I say, "Yeah, Michael is my father." I love how they think I'm kidding. That's fun.

I hope one day there'll be some girl who says that people say she looks like me. I'd like to be famous. At least rich, lol. I'll gladly be someone's co-star. But I have to work on that first, so on with the stupid modeling shows, back to being at karaoke on a regular basis, and starring in the independant films.

See, you really do have to grab opportunity by the balls, and... well, you know the rest.

Love and adoraiton,


Written, Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at around: 3:50 PM

The week is over!!


I'm updating, because I'm sure I won't tonight - I'm gonna be at a modeling show (more on that below), tomorrow I'm going to Illy's goin' away party, and sunday I'm crashing the love hurts movie shoot in the morning -- mostly in search of cash monies. Yay!

Thank god Space updated. Her entry from yesterday was just damn icky. Icky like, "Goddamn that is really fuckin' icky." This is coming out of me, the queen of ick. I once wrote an entire entry dedicated to Poop.

I like hedspace. She's so cool it puts people who say they're cool to shame.

Oh, and while I'm in a linkin' mood, I'm not very christian, per-se, but I'll be damned if This entry from girlssuck isn't funny as hell.

Ah, so the weekend begins.

It's going to be a busy one again. There hasn't been much relaxing over here in pam land lately. Between being very busy, and having a terribly patient boyfriend who has listened to me almost every day this week. Although I usually get in contact with him every day -like email, text messages or IM or something- we never really speak every single day. Talking to frank every day was almost weird. Usually I'd feel bad about calling him so often (mostly because it bugs me when people call me everyday, so it surely bothers other humans equally so) but it so nice to have someone else listen to me for a change.

I almost felt special! :-)

I don't think I was taking advangage, or being too selfish... for a change. It was really nice to have someone listen to how I really felt, and not hold back about it. Not everyone is capible of listening, and even fewer people care. Frank is an awesome man, and if you know him, you probabally owe him a thank you, because he's nice to almost everyone.

almost everyone, lol

I went to a fitting for a modeling show last night. I fit some of their outfits quite nicely, so I'll be in their big friday show. It's very exciting. I'm not getting paid for it, so meh. If I get any pictures, I'll post them up, accordingly.

Well, it's friday, so I'm leaving now.

I'll talk to you later!

Love and adoration,


Written, Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at around: 2:00 PM


I have some time, so here we go:

Well, looks like it was meant to be. Going to work this morning, that is. Hopefully Ali and Illy make it to work okay this morning. Those two are totally awesome, awesome people. We laughed it up and had a fabulous time last night at Karaoke.

The fun began even before we got to the bar. Illy and I walked the 8 or so blocks from my apartment over to Ali, Gabi and Trice�s house. Illy talked a little bit about how she�s moving away to Japan, and we had a breif disucssion about Putero Rican hoochies. They are, in fact, the highest quality hoochies in the known universe. If you believe you can prove this argument wrong, you are so insane.

While we walked, Illy had me laughing about stupid japanese people, which is a pretty easy task. I�m so proud of illy, because two years ago she was a completly different person. She�s gotten much stronger, and is doing so much! Yay for her getting out of Camden! Now she�s following her dreams no matter what, and that�s so respectable. It�s a little nervewracking doing what you want with your life, but she�s doing it and damnit, she deserves it. You only live once, and sometimes you�ve gotta take opportunity by the balls and suck it�s dick good.


I can honestly say that I�m gonna miss her when she�s all the way on the other side of the planet. We have had some good times in the past couple of years.

So, IP (illy pam... get it? Oh nevermind) gets to Gabi�s house. Illy and I were sweaty, but we were happy, and ready to sing! When we got in the door, there�s Ali, sipping on a Yingling. That was first the sign that it was going to be an incredibly fun evening. The second sign that it was going to be an incredibly fun evening was that when Gabi and Illy were in a room together, they didn�t kill each other. That was good.

Oh, that reminds me-- this is more of a note for myself than for you guys... I have to go back to gabi�s house today to do Latrice�s hair. I don't wanna forget! :-D Okay... back to the update.

The third sign that it was going to be an awesome, kick ass, and otherwise brilliant *grin* evening, was that I wore my Aquarius shirt out last night, and Alison looks at it and says, �Should I change into my libra shirt?� And she totally did. That�s too fun. We�ve gotta find Illy a pisces shirt before she leaves for japan!

Suddenly Illy, Gabi, Ali and I (that�s a lot of use of the letter I and the sound, ��) were laughing it up in the kitchen about canolis, giving head, and Will and Grace-isms. In fact, we giggled and gafawed our way through a good 20 minutes of talking about head. Very fun. Somehow the topic of making mudslides came up. Knowing how to make a drink or two said, yo, there�s some Kahlua back at my apartment, let�s go get it from my house, and we can have a couple before we leave!

It was, indeed, that kinda party.

Prior to the festivities at the bar, Alison was a karaoke virgin. She wanted desprately to be deflowered, and oh holy hell, was she ever deflowered. Although she walked into the bar a tiny bit apprehensive, she totally let loose and had a great time with the wacky pair that is Ileana and myself. We make a good little threesome. Wait, I mean, we make a good group, there was no hot 3-way lesbian action last night, I assure you. *laugh* Ali asked me to sing with her the first time, and we sang Respect. That was fun. Then I saw she was gonna sing some no doubt, so she let me sing that with her. Then, after she was mighty toasted, she sang some David Bowe.

Alison rocks the big one.

In other cherry bustin� news, Illy got drunk for the first time last night! She seems pretty much the same when she�s drunk, cept perhaps, a little more upfront. Nothin� wrong with that. She can handle liquor pretty well, and most importantly she had a great time last night. We also found out that Ileana is a great preformer. Her piscesness was bustin out all over, and she rocked the mike. Well, she kind of growled at the mike occasionally, but she shook her ass and proved to us that she�s very, very, latin.

So, Ali got Illy drunk (well, she got us all drunk, seeing as how she bought drinks, but Alison and I getting drunk is nothing particularly special to celebrate), and I got to know Ali a little better. I�ve decided that I officially like ali. She�s the libra that I wish other libras would be more like, lol. It�s like she�s the ultimate package- an air sign that comes off like a water sign. Right on, home skillet.

Next week, drinks on me. Yay! There should be a good amount of drink-experimentation on everyone�s part. Apple Martini, fuzzy navel, white russian, sex on the beach, and redheaded sluts a plenty. I think Ali got frank to prommise that he�d come along next week. That should be quite fun. Next tuesday, I�ll have more money, so we�ll catch a cab down to the bar, so that frank doesn�t have to play grown-up and drive us home. We�ll get him drunk too, I assure you, lol. An inebriated Frank equates to a good time for everyone.

Fucking A.

Okay, no more.

L n' A


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