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Written, Friday, Oct. 31, 2003 at around: 12:24 PM

Oh god! It's EVERYWHERE! It's in my Raccoon wounds!!!


I don't think I've ever bled this heavily during my period. I haven't bled this heavily... ever.

People having open-heart surgery don't bleed this profusely.

I've had some pretty serious gashes on my elbows, and one on my knee which was so bad that I saw chunks of flesh dangling off. I've had an infant hernia operation, fell face first onto a toilet- causing my eye to partially pop out of the socket and putting a permanant scar on my cheek, been hit in the face with a 30mph hairbrush, and the mother of them all: I have a 3 inch long gash on the inside of my left thigh from trying to climb over a chain-link fence which apperently thought I was nice enough to keep.

But none of them caused this much blood to leave my body. Oh god. This is insane. I'm not like, freaked out by blood or anything, but Good Goddamn, It's like I'm urinating blood from my vagina. I've soaked my maxi already, and it's bearly 12:30.

You guys are so right, I do get into too much detail about my menustration. Sorry.

Anyway, I'm a little lightheaded. Just had to share.

love and adoration,


Written, Friday, Oct. 31, 2003 at around: 9:29 AM

Protest Petco!


Pam, your friendly neighborhood Aquarian here.... I have a feeling this is going to be an entry intensive day. I'm feeling better, just check out the last entry. Anyhoo-- time for me to climb up on my Soap Box.

Okay... PeTA. I've been involved with PeTA since I was a very little girl, and there are many things that I don't see eye-to-eye with PeTA on. Veganism, I think is stupid. Not vegitarianism, Veganism. Personally, I have k-9 teeth, and I intend to use them for what they're meant to be used for. They're also a little intense about leather. I think if the rules for leather were streamlined to where the cows were also used to make delicious steak, it wouldn't be so bad (or a waste of an animal). I don't do fur. I don't support animal testing, however I (and you probabally do to) use certian products that still test on animals. If you're poor you do what you gotta do, right?


I've linked to the Petco sucks website. Petco is apperently doing terrible things to the little animals: not feeding them, not training their staff to take good care of them, so on and so forth. Poor little animals! So, yeah, it's cruel. There's gonna be a protest in Philadelphia tomorrow morning, and I intend on being there. If you'd like to join me, give me a call or email me. We can hook up and let people know what's happining to animals at petco.

It's all very sad, and shouldn't continue. How about petco just sells products for animals, and not the animals themselves. Zoos is pretty bad too-- everytime I go there there are fish stuck to the air filters in the tanks. I can't handle that. Eeeew.

Okay, that's all. Below, you can read the email I got this morning. If you want details on the protest location, email me. (I'm only doing that to deter stalkers)

Dear Pam,

We need your help at a local protest in pushing PETCO to stop selling animals. As you may know, PETA has kicked off a campaign against PETCO based on the countless complaints we�ve received from PETCO customers and employees on the inhumane treatment of animals at PETCO stores across the country. Employees at PETCO stores are so poorly trained that baby birds have starved to death, other animals have been cannibalized by cage mates as a result of stressful, overcrowded conditions, and managers have ordered employees to throw sick and injured animals into freezers to die.

Please join us from 11am to noon on Saturday, November 1

For the animals,

Christy Griffin

Campaign Coordinator

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

757-622-7382, extension 1650

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