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Written, Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at around: 1:34 am

Lord of the Rings: 2 Towers, 2 Frodo (can't get enough of it)

1. I'm really happy.
2. I don't know if it's just the whole LOTR Sisters thing, but it really feels like more girls obsess over the Lord of the Rings films than guys.
3. Vanilla pepsi is the most delicous, satisfying beverage ever created by man
4. If you've seen the two towers, this... this right here.... is fucking hilarious.
5. Lord of the Rings, 2 Towers 2 Frodo is still every bit of awesome as it was eight months ago.
6. Did I mention I was happy?

Meh, no karaoke update. To hell with consistancy.

Maybe I'll change my mind tomorrow afternoon. No bother. I'll write something more interesting at a later time.

Love and adoration,


Written, Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at around: 4:46 PM

Movies, job, like totally.

Two Towers,

I mean, �Hi!�

Yeah, Lord of the Rings, Two Towers, Too Frodo came out on dvd yesterday. The bastards who do the marketing for �Offical� LOTR merchandise are trixy, I tells you. Inside of the dvd case, there�s a little LOTR Card for, where you can buy merchandise a-plenty and get discounts or something. Ther is also a tiny booklet with pages upon pages of random movie-prop quality wares. The jewlery is testing my �I�m not going to buy things,� stick-to-itivness.

I�m sure I�m not the only sucker who�s thinkin� about buying some elvish earings in a week or two. I�m really digging the elven leaf earrings that look like the elven brooch from Fellowship. Lady Gaidrel�s ring- Neya... I think it�s the �Water� ring of power, is beautiful. I really like Arwen�s necklace, even though the pendant is like two inches long... gaudy, but still pretty. Hell, I should get it purely for it�s high geek/snark value. I�d wear it somewhere really nice-- the type of place you�d wear a black evening gown (Yeah, like I�m gonna go somewhere like that anytime soon) so that everyone can wonder �Is that pretty girl really wearing the fucking necklace from the lord of the fucking rings? Ugh, GEEK!� It�s no Spiegel charm bracelet watch (ala headspace) but it�s got my own personal flavor. Like wearing my sailor mercury shirt... out of the house, at 22 years old. Heh.

The lord of the rings collectors items are pretty awesome. It�s all nice stuff, but fucking expensive stuff. Who else saw the 500 dollar chess set?? I like chess (and suck at it). I love the Lord of the Rings films. I don�t like that a combination of the two costs a good five hundred bucks. The chess set, like the necklace, is also a little gaudy. The actual chess board is enclosed within a fort or a castle, which has little window spots where you can stick the peices. Gaudy, but it�s still a cool product. The board is glass, which seems very fancy to me. They also had swords for sale. Lots of swords. If I was a sword buyer, I�d get one of them. I�d display it proudly, and only for a good three hundred dollars. That�s a bargian!

Oh... hey... This is the part where you laugh at the idea of buying a three hundred dollar sword from a movie based on a fantasy novel.

Two Towers Too Frodo itself is still breathtaking. I�ve already watched it many more times than I really need to admit, because, well... geek(me) + fantasy movie(LOTR: Two towers Too frodo) = much viewage. Darrell, Frank, and I have all had the film on dvd since Febuary. *puts finger to her lips* Shhhh, don�t tell anyone. I must say that it looks a lot better on a real, authorized dvd than it does on a ghetto burnt dvd. The quality was nicer, and the Return of the King preview on the �extras� disk toyed with my mind like a child awaiting christmas... In August.

Isn�t that crummy? You know that something cool is going to happen in four months but you can�t really do much to prepare, except wait. Last night, I was plotting the plan of attack for all of my friends to attend a viewing of Back to the Future Part III.. I mean... Return of the King the day it comes out (or maybe snag some tickets to a preview, which�d be way cooler.) I�d like to reserve tickets in advance. Knowing geeks inside and out, I�m sure there�ll be a bunch of motherfuckers (many in costume) waiting in line for advance ticket sales the day before the movie is released. Fuck that. I did that whole, �stay outside two weeks prior to the film�s release date for tickets to the 12am showing� shit for star wars Episode one, and plot-wise, that film was a fucking disapointment for all the trouble I went through.

Yes, I�m a little jaded.

There�s no need to stay outside in the middle of the night--in the winter-- amongst a bunch of funky fanboys for tickets to a movie I know I�m gonna watch at least three times in the theater.... provided I�m unable to obtain a bootleg copy before my birthday. Hint, hint to my illegal movie obtaining friends, easy �Ohmigod,� eyes-light-up and deep breath of happiness gift for Pam�s birthday! :-D

I want to see Return of the Jedi... I mean... King... it the day it comes out, but uh, I�m not losing any sleep over it. I�ll get my tickets online. That�s why god invented the internet, sillies.

It�d be nice if the majority of my friends went to go see The Last Crusade... I mean, The Return of the King... at the same time, preferablly when it premeirs. That�d be fun. I love movie outings... especially the post-film commentary from the group. That can transform a horrible movie (see: The Hulk, 2003) into a worthwhile $8.50 expense.

Okay, I seriously just wrote a whole bunch of entry about movies. Woa.

I'll update about karaoke later on tonight. It wasn't really particularly exciting or anything, but I always update about karaoke and my weekends, so I'd like to try and be consistant.

Speaking of being consistant, my work ethic has doubled or something. What the fuck. I like being busy, but I actually went out of my way to do it today. Very exciting. I would rather just be at home in bed right now, though. I'm tired, and it's been a long fucking day.

My email at work is still down, so I'm kind of blind to everything e-related in this office... I'm way hungry man, I've gotta go home soon. Maybe I'll buy myself a cookie on my way out of the building as a treat for doing more work than usual today. Yay! I get a gold star.


I've decided that I'm going to do my best not to complain about my job (the job, not the pay) for the next two weeks. I'm gonna try, and I'm not making any prommises that it'll actually happen, either. But I should apreciate what I have more, because a couple of months ago I couldn't afford to pay my rent on my own, let alone afford to buy myself a cookie for a job well done. I'm going to apreciate what I have, and work at getting better for myself, instead of being a prick.

Ah, love that optimistic streak.

Alright, that's gonna be it, then.

Love and adoration,

Pammie :-D

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