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Written, Friday, Feb. 22, 2002 at around: 4:42 PM

A pee story.

Here's a quick snippet of a diary to fill the day.

I know I have been kind of aloof for a while. Deal with it okay?

I'm having a damn mood swing, and I'm not afraid to use the Prospector hack to stab you! Okay... now that I have that out of my system... new current obsession!

Buy and Sell. It really has nothing to do with it's title, which baffles the hell out of me. Whatever. Anyway, buy and sell is all about people's relationships, and how they met. I just added one about glenn and myself. Maybe you should go read it:


I really have to pee, and I'm swinging around in my little office chair trying to keep myself from urniating on myself.

Oh! Want to hear a really disgusting story, that is very embarrasing to me? Here: Well, a couple of weeks ago, I left work and had to pee. It didn't really dawn on me how badly I had to go until I made it to the Chester Transportation Center. I figured I could hold it for an hour and got on the bus. I went to sleep like I usually do on my way home, and boy, did I have to go when I woke up. I slept past my stop, which is rare for me. I usally wake right up when my stop is coming up. I'm psychic, I tell you.

Anyway, I pretty much ran-- it's cold as hell outside, by the way-- to my apartment, however, I didn't make it. I honestly couldn't hold it, and I peed myself. There is nothing more embarrasing, or disgusting than urinating yourself after the age of 20 months. I felt horrible, and smelled worse.

I eventually got back to my apartment, and my boyfriend was there. I just played it off like nothing happened, and hit the shower. My sneakers still smell a little funky. I felt so shitty. God, you think I had just gotten my ass kicked or something. But well, I never mentioned it to him. One of these days I will... but it will probabally be a while. It's something that I really don't want to talk about.

Yes those things really do exsist. *sigh* Ah well. I guess I'd better remember to go pee, before I ruin another pair of sneakers.


Love and adoration,


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