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Written, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2002 at around: 2:54 PM

My lovely weekend

Wow... Okay. A lot has happened since I last bothered to update my diary.

Even if I don't give good update today *yes that -was- intentional* it will be enough to me to just have an entry covering the pee one before this. Man, that was driving mad traffic to my web page, huh?

go read my glossary so you'll understand all the shit I'm about to talk about. It will be very confusing to people who don't know me, or the people I'm talking about.

Well, hmm, where to start? I've been busy. Friday, I worked. I made plans to go out somewhere with Mike, Erica, and Dan (all co-workers) on Saturday. We didn't really know where we were going, but does that ever really matter?

Friday afternoon, I stopped past Game Stop (heh) and got a case for my metal gear solid, which I had bought on Thursday. One of the guys who works there, Eric, is pretty cute, but he doesn't have much in the way of brains. He's like the scarecrow in the wizard of oz. Really cool, but "If he only had a brain..." He's not the guy there that I like. I like Frank. He's this adorable Irish ball of New Jersy-ite sarcasm. I adore him. I think he has a girlfriend though. No matter. I'll be his friend, and that will make me happy. Maybe he likes me, ya never know. I didn't really spend any time at game stop on Friday, by the way. Frank wasn't there.

On Friday night I hung out with Keyman because Glenn was either at work or ignoring me, so I felt like going out. So out I went. He was late, as I waited for him at broad and south streets. Some homeless guy spoke to me for about twenty minutes about how he accidentally killed his stepfather, was sent to jail, and can no longer make a living. I felt bad for him, and would have given him some money if I had something other than a 100 dollar bill in my wallet.

I also saw a couple of people I used to wait on at Saint George's diner. They remembered me. I felt kind of special, like I'm a celebrity or something. I need to be famous, it'd be good for my mental health. Then Keyman finally showed up. We talked and stuff, and walked to Delaware avenue. I forgot that he was cool. We never hang out anymore, because he's busy trying to make a living for himself, and I don't blame him. I want to be famous too, so I guess I can't begrudge the guy.

We eventually got to this weak ass club- Chrome. There were lots of very pretty Asian people there. At first I was like: I'm so ugly. Then I was like, hey, this one guy is checking me out! Yea! Then a blonde haired Asian girl pulled the Asian guy who was checking me out away. Then I was sad. So I danced. *laughs*

We left the club once they started closing it down, and I went home. It was a fun day.


Then, here comes Saturday. I didn't have much to do, so I didn't do anything. Around 2, I went to game stop. Why? Because I could. It was really funny. I went in, and Eric, and some other dude were there. Eric spoke to me. It was odd. He was like: "Here, look at my art book." I was like... "um, okay." I had totally forgotten that I had asked him to see it. Oh well. I looked, and he's okay for a guy who traces. I could tell he traces. I didn't say anything to him though. I'm no art critic, and I have no room to talk, because I still trace from time to time. He's still in the very early stages of learning how to draw anime. He's got talent, and potential though. I'll bring some of my art, and let him frown upon it. Ha.

Eric grabs his shit and leaves, and I'm in the store with frank and a bunch of other guys. This was a lot more fun than it sounds like it was. We laughed and whatnot for quite a while. A while after Eric left, the phone rings in the store. This guy ... Dante, I think his name is, picked it up. He was like "No, I don't have her name yet... No, I don't think what's her name would appreciate it... Okay, yeah" I didn't know what was going on at first. I wasn't even paying the phone conversation that much attention. "No Eric, you aren't on speakerphone" (this was said because by this point, I understood what was going on, and started laughing really loud.) So Eric hung up. I laughed more.

Then, get this, Eric's boy who dimed him out on the phone was telling me about going to WWF SmackDown next month.

You know... I really don't feel like finishing this story. I feel like talking bout my hair. I need to wash my hair, it's getting gross., I bought shampoo on fat Tuesday, but my groceries have yet to be returned to me. Bah humbug. I guess my de ja vu was right, I should have stayed the hell away from south street.

Well, enough for one day. Be glad I updated, goddamnit.

Love and adoration,


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?