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Written, Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2003 at around: 11:40 PM

My eyes are blue, on the internet.

But, black people don't normally have blue eyes....

What Color Eyes Should You Have?

brought to you by Quizilla


Written, Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2003 at around: 1:15 PM

It feels so empty without me!

Yes goddamnit,

I'm back. The sweet and innocent girl that your entire family told you to stay the fuck away from has returned to cyberspace. It's true.

It's damn true.

So, let's get started, shall we? I just got a cable modem installed. Everyone who thinks that DSL is the shit needs to get a cable modem, because cable kicks ass. The guy who installed my cable was pretty cute. He seemed like a pretty smart guy... he was latin... la bamba and all that.

Well my year has begun, and this means that my favorite day of the year is on it's way. My 'Birfday'! Yes, I'm going to turn 22. Aren't you excited? January 31rst is only 10 days away. Yay!

Well, I can't go on for a while writing about my birthday. I can, however, go on about how this year just started 21 days ago, and it already kind of sucks. In case you haven't figured it out, I haven't been online for forever and a day. I haven't been avoiding using a computer. I've been avoiding life! Well, okay, that sounded a lot cooler in my brain. I haven't been avoding live, and that's the problem.

I still don't have a good job, I didn't make it into the miss philadelphia contest, and oh-- did I mention that the frank saga is finally over? No, we aren't a couple. No, I'm not having sex with him, and yes, I cried.

Since I didn't update too much in december, you guys weren't totally aware that I fell in love with frank. OOOH! Juicy stuff! Yes, and I told the not-boyfriend that I had some feelings for him. He gently, kindly, and ever so sweetly told me to never mention this again. I had figured as much.

Oh well, life goes on. Frank and I are still really good friends, and I would like to keep it that way. So the search for Pam's next boyfriend continues.

I've been talking to Crazian John a lot lately. He's finally got a girlfriend who doesn't seem to be a bitch. I'm happy for him.

I'm still working at game stop.. *God help me* It's a fun job because it requires no thought at all, but at the same time, I know me, and I like to think.

So yes, the search continues for pam's Blonde Haired blue eyed aquarian boyfriend. I'll keep you guys posted. Expect to hear from me on a regular from now on.

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*HUGS* TOTAL! give miabogard more *HUGS*
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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?