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Written, Saturday, Dec. 14, 2002 at around: 2:17 AM

sleepytired thoughts


Sometimes it's amazing how people shine through to you when you're not expecting it. People can be perfect, and you'll forget. Then something occurs that makes a person shine.

Today, I remembered why I really like Frank.

There hasn't been much updating, but in all honesty, the relationship between The Not-boyfriend and I has not changed. That's not a bad thing at all. Just being his friend is amazing in itself. But today, in a terribly geeky moment, all the things that attracted me to him in the first place shined through like a rainbow.

He's really smart, and he's a geek. As cool as he usually comes off as, the boy is a geek. Like, if there was a geek meter, I'd be a 9 and he'd be a 9.75. Yes, I'm serious. He and I went with Rob to see Star Trek: Nemisis, which I must add is a REALLY fucking good movie. I'm going to ruin it for everyone: Picard dies. Heh heh, yeah, I am an asshole for more reasons than you know. Anyway, after the movie was over, Frank drove me home. He told me all of these great stories of when he was little. Frank is a great story-teller... it's cool just to listen to him talk.

I never stopped smiling. He kicks ass.

Anyway, on to non-not-boyfriend-related-news.

I'm still working for game stop. I kinda like it. It's oddly enjoyable sometimes. It's a very easy job, and I (on and off, mind you) toy with the idea of a 'game stop career.' I don't know how serious I am about that-- Game Stop is a lovely stepping stone into god knows what.

That, and I think I'm done trying to take over the world using Cristina's plan. Cristina's plan sucks, and I think I have a few more effective world-taking-over plans. Plus she ain't payin' me. I'm going to try taking over the world with Darryll, his plan seems much more entertaining. Plusm, it's a for=profit venture.

Ah, well, I'm sleepy tired.


Love and adoration,


Written, Friday, Dec. 13, 2002 at around: 2:02 AM

Mmm, tasty

Heh, Heh, Heh:

(I'm the same as Ali)

""Which cocktail are you?""

brought to you by Quizilla

Written, Friday, Dec. 13, 2002 at around: 1:30 AM

I'm back in full effect, fool!

Oh my.

Stolen gabi quizzes!!

So practical:

What Character From Practical Magic Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

It's officially Friday the 13th. My mom always told me that today is the day that the Ugly people come out to play. Crrrrrazy!

No, I haven't updated lately, and you can all kiss my arse. Well, not all of you. Most of the people who still visit this website are okay by me.

Well, my love life is still a huge gaping void. That's cool, though, because I have a ton of really great friends to help heal the wounds of single life. I really don't mind being single anymore. Committment (or however it's spelled) should only have four letters, because it's an evil word.

I was committed for a long time, and thought I liked it. No, no, no. I like not having a boyfriend for the simple fact that I don't have to worry about having to deal with petty bullshit. See, I get lotsa petty bullshit, because I have the problem of having a water-rising sign. Damn me. This means that I'm easily attracted to water signs. I love them, I live for them. They're facinating people (Hi gabi!).

The problem is, that they're emotional people, and I'm not usually too emotional. I've been pretty goddamn emotional lately. I cried a couple of days ago after hearing that terribly sad Christmas song-- cristmas shoes, or whatever. That song had me in tears. Maybe it had something to do with my peroid being on.

I would really get into what's going on in my life, but honestly, I'm tired, and I'm looking forward to masturbating and hitting the sack.

Oh!!! I have furniture!!! I got two end tables from my grandma, and two candlestick lamps. It's all homey in here. Yes I'm at home (minus the dsl... I'm using aol for free right now). Anyway, I'm going to roll on outta here, and give some more interesting details tomorrow afer work. Ew, I refer to game stop as work now. I'm going to go shower with my clothes on.

Love and adoration,


Written, Friday, Nov. 29, 2002 at around: 10:47 AM

Give thanks for my friends

Hiya folks,

Yes, it's been quite a while, again. I really do miss updating my online journal. It isn't like I don't keep several paper, electronic, and other varieties of journals, but this one is special.

It's fun to know that people read this from time to time. Even the not-boyfriend. (insert my giggling here)

Speaking of him, it's been a rather Frank-focused week for me. Oddly I have seen him about every single day, excluding thanksgiving. He's not feeling well. If only he'd eat some hot soup or if he so happened to drink tea. He doesn't like to eat a lot of foods that don't taste so hot. Honestly ya' can't blame the guy. Chicken soup isn't a really yummy meal, and hot tea with lemon is exactaly that. Mmm mmm.

The other day, Frank was on the phone with me for a really long time. I miss those conversations. He's such a funny dude-- he talks about everything, and once he gets going, there's no sense in asking him to stop, because he makes for good conversation.

Speaking of good conversation, I actually had one of those with this dude who isn't in my glossary (or not that I remember) Dante. Dante is one of those people who's really cool sometimes, and other times you just want to kick his black ass. He and I had a long conversation about game stop the other day, and oddly enough, I was able to give him some good subjective advice. I don't know if he'll take it or not, but we shall see.

Crazian John is all about game stop right now. Good for him. He has something to focus on. If he wasn't focusing on work, he'd probabally be all weird, like he is sometimes.

Today I'll be working for game stop. Yes, it's black friday, and I am willingly working in a retail position. It should be fun. I love working with people, and I'm not a manager, but when I'm at whitman plaza, I act like one. I don't know why I can't do that at frank's store. I think it's because I don't want to step on his toes. I feel free acting like I'm important at whitman because if I hurt sean's feelings, it won't matter the next day, because I won't be on the phone with him at 2 am.

Well, I'm getting outta here (yes I'm at my mom's house... I have to get *Groans* dialup service at home)

Love and adoration,


Written, Saturday, Nov. 23, 2002 at around: 1:14 AM

I can't shut up...

I'm bummed out! Why (damn this no question mark dealy at my mom's house) Because gabi wrote an entry about me being unemployed, and I was all excited to read it, but it wasn't there. Her quiz entry wasn't there either. I'm seriously bummed. I was looking forward to finding out if Gabi has a tasty nipple or not.

Well, I'm going to get offline, because It's rather late, and I want to go home. Plus I have to teach modeling tomorrow. Ugh, I'd much rather just hang out with frank and darrell at game stop all day. Ah, what an exciting life I lead...

Oh yeah, that reminds me I have to add cristina to my glossary. Gabi made reference to glossaries in her journal. Go read her journal, I got her linked below. Why do I link people in my journal now> (Damn ghetto no-question mark havin' buh-bitt) Because diaryland deleted all of my favorite diaries a month or so ago. So if you were on my favorites before, I'm sorry. I just haven't had time to research out all of my favorites.

Plus, I don't work for EDU anymore. I don't have access to a T-1 connection for playing around on 8 hours a day. I really don't miss working there.

Okay, I'm going to shut the fuck up and leave. I'm tired.

Love and *yawn* adoration,


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