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Written, Tuesday, May. 27, 2003 at around: 12:52 PM

Feels like monday... but it's not. Woa.

Well, here I am.

I know, it's been quite a few days since I've put forth the effort to update anything (Days since miabogard, weeks since pieces of you & Oreobarbie, and over a month since I've diarytagged). You've gotta remember that I don't have internet service at home, which is quite a pain in the ass.

Well... I had a terribly eventful weekend, hanging out with lots of different people, meaningful discussions, watching movies and so on. It's been really rainy and depressing weather wise here in philadelphia, so I haven't been too inspired to do anything other than sleep, especially if it means that I'd have to walk somewhere to get where I have to go. Screw that. I'm not really fond of the rain, and all that mess, so I'm not about to put myself outside in it. Ew.

There so much that I'd like to say, but honestly, I think that the majority of the people who read this fall under the, "It's none of your buisness catagory." If only I had one of those cool totally anynomous journals. Oh wait, that's my paper journal. It's kind of ironic that although I love to write about myself here, I refuse to write about what's really going on in my life. As I was once told, "You do a great job of making people think they really know you, but your secrets are so hidden from the majority of the world." Well, that's not exactly what was said, but... I think I worded it much nicer.

I've had a lot of friends like that over the years too. People who let you get to know them, but they keep a lot of stuff internalized. That's perfectly natural, but sometimes it's healthy to let it out. Sadly, I often make the mistake of teaching this lesson to people who fill my ears with problems they refuse to solve, and nothing is accomplished, while the people who really need to learn this lesson remain quiet and hold everything within their secret-emotion-hiding spot.

Oh yeah, I went there.

I'm dangerous. Grr! Anyway, I don't know if I got the job or not, because when I was leaving work around 12:30, I couldn't find my manager, and my Human Resources Director was in a meeting with some guy. I'll call the HR lady when I get home, and find out what the deal is. I don't know why-- probabally some of that patented self-doubt, but I really don't feel like I have the job right now. That's so silly of me, because from what I'm aware there were only two candidates-- myself and a woman who's terribly underqualified. It could just be that I'm on the rag, and I haven't wallowed in self pity so far this week.

Oh, and although I am on the rag, I haven't cried. Nor have I yelled at anyone, but I never yell anyway. No matter how much people piss me off.

Leighann and her wacky girlfriend came to visit me yesterday. (Yeah, I know I didn't make a segway, and I don't really care. Wanna fight? I'm bleeding from my vagina, I think I'll win.) She just recently graduated, and I'm so proud of her. She's the first person I know born in 81 who actually graduated college. Most of the rest of us are either still in school, or dropped out *Raises hand*. Anyway, it was good seeing her. Leigh is one of those people who, although I really like, I don't mind not seeing for a long time. Every time we talk we're just catching up anyway, so it's cool.

In other news, I went drinking on sunday. Guess who was in attendance of said drinking trip? Frank! That fills my soul with glee. My goal for the summer is to make him go out more often, and I think that should be easily accomplished. He's not really a club-goer --and to be honest, neither am I...I like to dance and whatnot, but dancing at a bar is more fun. Seriously-- once you've been to one club, they all start to meld together into one big smokey headache. Anyway, yeah, I've got plans for him. Mwahahahah.

Um, what else? Well, I'm sure there's plenty more that I could say-- Oh yeah, I haven't spoken to Crazian John in a few days, or in "a minute" as those urban hip-hop kids say. I don't know what's up with that, I'm gonna have to give him a call.

You know, I was just about to write a long segment about how I'm not a confused lesbian, but I'm not even going to bother, because I don't think it's nessacary to defend myself anymore. I know the truth! LOL I'm a confused person, but I'm quite sure I'm not a lesbian.

Anyway, I have other things to take care of while online, so I have to go. Have a great today and an even better tomorrow! (okay, maybe my new catch phrase is a little corny... I'm starting to rethink it, I sound like a damn morning talk show :-P)

Love and adoration,


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