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Written, Tuesday, Sept. 02, 2003 at around: 4:51 PM


Frank just sent an email to me from work!!! Yay!!

I like saying that sentance, it makes me happy. (No I didn't say it out loud... yet) I'm so very happy for him.

See! Believe me when I say "never settle!!" Illy's playing ddr with cute shirt & tie boys in japan, Frank's got a work email address, and I'm still working on becoming famous and molding that entertaniment carreer.


Yeah, struggling sucks, but it's so totally worth it in the long run. 5 months of shit for years of glee. See! I told you all that everything would be okay by the fall. Okay, enough I told you so's. :-D

Big huge hugs and kisses,


Written, Tuesday, Sept. 02, 2003 at around: 2:08 PM

Work, school, play, it's all the same


Good day fellow humans. Work is back in full effect, and that�s not really a bad thing at all. I got here really fucking early this morning-- like 7:40. I don�t wake up until around 7:40 some mornings. It�s always pretty groovy when I�m capable of waking up before I�m supposed to. I usually only get up around 7:45 because in a lazy blur that has been the past couple weeks, my alarm has been set for quarter of seven, and it takes me a good hour to finally get annoyed by the alarm clock and crawl out of bed.

Anyway, I�m at work, and it feels like a little ray of sunshine is here in my office, guiding me to do lots and lots of work. It feels fantastic.

In awesomer news (yes, Awesomer) I got in touch with the department head of the Communications program at Temple university today. I�m sick and tired of not having a degree; it makes me feel like I�m half a person. It�s just a constant reminder that I dropped out of school. I didn�t complete something very important to me. What a disgusting feeling that is. The department head is going to help me search out some scholarships, figure the best way to schedule evening classes in the spring (if I get said scholarships) and otherwise assist me in getting off my lazy ass. I�m looking forward to getting back to gettin� my learn on soon.

In even awesomer news-- Today is Frank�s inaugural day at his new gig! Yay! This is his first office job, and I may very well be more excited about it than he is. So Frank has relinquished the chains of IQC membership (or role of sith master), and freed himself into the world of 45-hour-a-week-dilbert-quoting-office work.

The job he got is a pretty fucking great one too. He�s an editor for this company that writes sales training programs. He�ll be editing manuals for said programs. It�s actually loosely related to his degree (journalism), which kicks a ton of ass. In some weird way, I�m looking forward to hearing his opinions about office work. I�m so happy! I can call him later on tonight, and ask him, �How was work?� *insert random exclamation of glee* Judging from what I know about him, he�ll enjoy it to a certain extent.

Amusingly enough, as he�s viewing the first few days of his new joint, the folks I know from the Franklin Institute are all unemployed. Well... yeah, all of them. The majority of them quit, but a couple have been fired.

Oh-- dude,
I met the a very annoying person. His name is Matt, and I�m not putting him in the glossary. Hopefully last night is the last time I�ll see him, and won�t have to facilitate further references to him in my journal with a shout-out in the glossary. He�s this guy coming out of the closet of his not liking girls-sexuality. That�s not what makes him annoying. I use the term socially retarded in reference to myself a lot. I was so wrong. I�m just weird-- this kid matt, he�s socially retarded.

He�s one of those people who always has an inappropriate comment to direct toward someone that he doesn�t know very well. Someone who touches people who obviously don�t want to be touched, is this kid Matt. He didn�t fuck with me because I didn�t say anything to him. He�s good for getting on Latrice�s nerves though, which kinda half pissed me off and half made me laugh. Trice doesn�t put up with anyone�s shit, which I respect. Sometimes, though, when she�s getting really annoyed, she�ll start giving too much attention to annoying people.

Sometimes ya just gotta ride it out.

I ignored said annoying guy, and he left me the fuck alone. Yay for being left the fuck alone.

Yesterday, while hanging out with the misfits of the Franklin Institute, I saw why Latrice likes her Dan so much. He�s a cool guy, and I think that all her pissed-offedness toward him is all her own. He�s nice, but she knows where I stand with her sex life, yo. I won�t get into that, as it�s probably none of your business. She�s a little dramatic sometimes, but hey- she�s cool with me.

I�m eating saltines for lunch today, with a cup of vanilla coffee (Can�t waste precious dollars on 20 oz bottles of Pepsi Vanilla just now... way too poor.) I�m feeing quite destitute. If I really wanted, I could walk a couple blocks to the restaurant that takes credit cards and have a nice lunch, but then I wouldn�t be able to go buy cheese and two liter bottles of Pepsi Vanilla from seven eleven later in the week.

Thank god I get paid soon.

Speaking of god, I�ve been feeling rather religonless again lately. Yeah, yeah, I�ve got astrology to �Grasp,� however I�m always wondering if it�s as terrible as it seems to be so empty. Spiritually devoid, would probably be a more in-depth probe of the situation. It�s an awkward feeling to be around people who really believe something, and then say, �Uh, I don�t know what I am.� I don�t know if I�ve been around anyone who really believes something, but the facts remain that I�m too skeptical of a �God� to put any faith into someone else�s imaginary friend.

I had enough imaginary friends when I was six, I have real friends now (finally). I believe in most of them. I could be wrong, but it seriously would not be the last time. I don�t really feel like being all philosophical right now, so I�m going to avoid it. *avoids potential philosophy discussion*

How about them local sports teams?

It�s time for me to be getting back to work. Ja!

Love and adoration,


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