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Written, Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2003 at around: 2:43 PM

My electricity was shut off last night


You know what? AIM has reached an all new low-- in that area on your buddy list where they show the advertisments, they now use moving images and sound. So atrocious. If I was goofing off at work at a place where I could actually downolad and/or use AIM, and the trailer for Elf came on while I was actually doing work, I'd be mighty pissed.

I'm sure my employer would be as well.

My employer might be a little pissed today anyway. I'm not at work. I'm trying that whole "Take a day off" thing again, at the reccomendation of one uber-awesome boyfriend, Frank. A well needed mental health day.

Hopefully none of my immediate family members will die today.

My hair is wet, and I don't have on pants. In the background, Another Postcard plays. The tiny hairs on my legs are starting to grow back. I'm smiling because I'm thinking thoughts that I don't want to share. Koi is being a bitch, sleeping on my monitor, legs draped over the screen. This apartment needs to be cleaned.

I'm gonna go.

Love and adoration,


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This is so fucking cute:

*HUGS* TOTAL! give miabogard more *HUGS*
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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?