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Written, Friday, Sept. 19, 2003 at around: 4:49 PM

Eleven Minutes

I am so totally ready to get the fuck out of this office, dude.

I was pretty bummed earlier, beccause I was dwelling on the increasing pain in my mouth (from the bottom right wisdom tooth, that little bitch!!) and the fact that I don't really like doing this job.

Then after remembering I got paid for these efforts, I got an email from Frank, which cheered me up. It made me smile, 'cause he's a funny dude, and the email was... well... kinda funny.

I had thought about writing an interesting entry about how I'm making concious choices to change myself for the better. Then I thought about how boring that would be to read if I wasn't me. After that thought, I said to myself, "Self?" and I said, "What? I'm busy." And I told myself, "Who gives a fuck what people think, this is your oultet, right? Fuck them!"

"Yeah!" I responded. "Fuck them!"

Then I remembered that other people can hear me talking out loud, because these aren't offices... they're cubifices: The psudo office.

I was not speaking out loud, I'm just lazy (replace the l with a cr and we're right on par). Eventually I may write about my self actualization process, and how I'm conciously making efforts to become a better person. Maybe I won't. Maybe you don't give a fuck at all. Well, if you don't-- fuck you, this is my outlet, lol.

So today is friday. Fucking A. Later this evening I'll post a mini-update (or an entire journal entry) Containing the "other" selections in the poll thus far. I don't really feel like making that list into a nice neat unordered html list right now. It's only 5 minutes till peace out, and I intend to use those 5 minutes to shut down my computer, collect my things and perhaps pee.

That exciting life I lead, boy.

Well, tonight, Frank and I are going out to dinner at a resutrant that isn't a diner or a casual dining chain. Ooooh. I'm kinda excited. I like this kinda shit every now and again. I'll write more abou this later, and the other events of my weekend, like I usually do after things happen.

I like to write about, you know... things.... that happened.

Okay... 3 minutes. I'm leaving.



Written, Thursday, Sept. 18, 2003 at around: 11:07 PM

Why miabogard?

Cause I said so.


My birth controll patch is itchy, and my wisdom tooth hurts like ever lovin' hell.

I've written this a couple of times, and I'ma write it again...

While dating ex-boyfriend guy, I used to roleplay. All. the. time. Even roleplayed during sex... which would have been more fun if the sex was consistantally better, but I'm not writing this to badmouth ex boyfriends. I roleplayed to the extent that I now dispise table-top roleplaying systems now. If I'm not acting, I don't want to have any "in character" discussion.

Anyway-- Mia bogard is the name of one of my old characters. I used the name miabogard for my email address quite a few years ago, because I didn't want the world knowing who I was. Now, I really don't give a fuck who knows my full name. I mean, the internet is big, and I'm seriously not important enough for anyone to want to stalk me. So now, I'm [email protected] and such.

Plus, if anyone is foolish enough to steal my identity to use my credit card, they'd be really fucking sad to find out that they're in a depressing amount of debt now. Ha ha ha! Steal my identity, neo-hackers. I dare you.

Ah, well, in crazy my-life-is-not-yours news, my wisdom tooth decided to start acting like an asshole again, and is causing me a tremendous amount of pain.

Okay, I'm going to wash my hair.

Love and adoration,


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copyright pam newman, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 goddamnit. ... You over reacted?