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Written, Thursday, Sept. 18, 2003 at around: 4:43 PM

Pregnant Cheerleaders are never on the top of the pyrmid!


As prommissed- Here are the "other" listings in the "What should Pam Dress As for Halloween?" poll as of right now.

  • POO (suggested 2 times)
  • STORM (suggested 2 times)
  • How about Cookie Puss, or Cookie O�Puss, or Nighty the Chocolate Ghost!!!
  • pregnant cheerleader. PREGNANT CHEERLEADER!

The Stewie Griffin costume got one vote.

Yes, for the record, you can only vote once, an' I'm keeping it that way. Suggestions from people who already voted are welcome in the guestbook.

Spacy, I'ma answer the miabogard question after I get home. It'll take me a minute to give you more than a one sentance answer, and you're worth more than that. Don't you think so?

In unrelated news: We're all gonna die!

Well, I doubt many philadelphians or southern new jersey residents are gonna die due to the storm. We'll be theroughly inconveinanced though! Boo-fucking-hoo, I know. I didn't get out of work earlier, although the city is in a flood warning and Tropical Storm warning.

I love storms, of all varieties. Thunderstorms, tropical storms, and snowstorms are all awesome to me. Watching the natural disasters happen rocks my socks. Nothing is cooler than snow up to your knees, and seeing a tree get hit by lightning is totally underrated. Better than tv.... but not better than Family Guy.

I haven't gone one day since Frank bought those fucking dvds for me without watching them. *drools at the thought of going home and watching family guy.

Wanna hear some lazy shit? I don't remember if I mentioned this online or not, so I may be repeating myself, but if I am, too bad. I like to watch tv in bed, but the tv in my room is a peice of hot steaming shit. So I tend not to watch dvd's on that tv. In a fit of laziness, and an overall lack of desire to move the TV, I did fun crazyness! I just turned the TV in the livingroom toward the door to my room, and watched from the bed.

Ah, life is good.

Okay, it's almost quittin' time. I'm getting the ache ee double hockey sticks outta here!

Love and adoration,


Written, Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2003 at around: 8:22 PM

Halloween Poll


I've been watching an obscene amount of Family Guy episodes. The second DVD set is way funnier than the first set, although there are far fewer episodes. There's also much more musical theater... and gay jokes.


So, a lot of people are being helpful with my quest to figure out what the hell I'm gonna dress as for Halloween. I apreciate it! I was on the phone earlier, and after a breif conversation, I decided to use this poll for real-life fun and perhaps comedy. I will dress as the majority votes. (I'm going to fucking regret this... remember, my friends are assholes?)

I'm not counting anything in the guestbook, although I'd still like to know your thoughts. I'm going only with the votes in the poll. Every day, until October 17th (last payday before Punkin' day) I'll post what the "other" selections are, so as you guys can know what other suggestions people have made and that you can vote along with.

Thus far the majority of in the guestbook is leaning for me dressing as storm. There's actually only one vote in the poll for Storm, so it's anybody's game, because I've really had a few interesting suggestions for other, more 'creative' costumes.

A suggestion for POO <--- (link not SFW... at all. Ever.) was made. I doubt I'll be able to hold the shape of excrement for more than one hour, especially if I'm drinking. Shit doesn't mix well with Bacardi O and Cranberry. I would also like to make a political statment. Although many african americans have skintones simliar to that of chocolate... and shit, I refuse to assist america in promoting those sterotypes.

I'm black and I'm proud!

Oh yeah. So, someone voted that I should dress as stewie. That's funny, 'cause that was the "joke" costume of the five I listed. A suggestion for me to dress as any one of a varietyCarvel Ice Cream Cakes was also made. Ohhhh, if only I could be a living Carvel Ice Cream Cake. Cold, creamy and filled with delicious chocolate carvel ice cream. Mmmm... That's hella kinky, I'd love to suck that off of... *ahem*

Oh yeah, I'm still somewhat randy, my bad.

More developments on the poll as Halloween draws closer. Wish me not having to dress up as a fucking ice cream cake, 'cause I don't know how I'd pull that off. I could happily carry spoons as props.

Love and adoration,


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